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  1. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    They have the best spaghetti!! Although McSpaghetti is pretty tasty too!
  2. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I apologize, but I think a lot of this got lost as you do not know much about me. I am Asian, Filipino to be exact. I was dead serious when I stated that Asian culture is all about respecting your elders. This was not sarcasm or meant to be facetious. I was brought up to basically never...
  3. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    The question is at what point do you make that decision. Given this is a completely novel virus that we have never encountered, we have no idea the clinical course. We can read journal articles all we want and read case reports, but a lot of medicine is still an art. In order for us to...
  4. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Asian culture is ALL about respecting your elders and authority. This was best exhibited by the Korean Air Culture and their track record with crashes. Also anecdotally, as an Asian, you are genetically engineered to never question your Parents. Ever.
  5. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    There is zero chance I would have made that diagnosis. If a baby came in at DOL 7 or something, I would have assumed late onset sepsis, HSV, RSV or flu. After that all comes back negative and they showed ground glass opacifies consistent with RDS on the CXR I would maybe have started thinking...
  6. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    They were admitted, just not considered a “ corona case”. They were likely diagnosed something like “culture negative sepsis” or “Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome”. In medicine common things are common. We don’t look for zebras in a crowd of horses. It takes a LOT of abnormal cases for a...
  7. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Our hospital system has cancelled all well visits as well and are encouraging providers to either do tele visits or just a quick conversation and just put in for the refills. Relaxed all refill requirements on scheduled drugs. Stopped elective procedures and have converted them to ICUs...
  8. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    My brother is a med/peds doc in Covington(across the river from Cinci, and also where the cinci airport is for those not familiar with the geography of northern KY, and OH)for St E. He has the same restrictions as I have regarding covid testing. If they are flu and RSV negative send home and...
  9. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    You may think 6-7 percent of those infected is a low number, but it’s not always about just the percentage of people who required admission that is important. There are many parts to this puzzle. I will attempt to explain how hospitals operate (I work in healthcare, and only in an ICU...
  10. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    We’ve had the discussion about this on here before I think and it comes down to the fact that if uncontrolled this will interfere with aspects of daily life on all fronts. I know you are tired of how we need to “flatten the curve” so I will not reiterate that. The other thing is that the fact...
  11. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    It will be interesting. My cousins husband has lost 3 relatives thus far. He is from Bergamo. They are getting slaughtered there right now. Like I have said previously, it is hard to gauge loss of life vs economic disaster in this situation as we just don’t know how Many could potentially...
  12. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    They will say we did they right thing. If this ends up being an overreaction it means our social distancing worked. If it is an under reaction that means we failed. This is a binary event. We either succeed (South Korea and arguably China) or fail (Iran and Italy... soon to be the rest of...
  13. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    You can in theory stick a Vent anywhere in the hospital as long as you have power, medical air, oxygen, and suction. You also need a monitor and space for that bed. You also need an RN as an LPN cannot take care of vents. Keep in mind any license restrictions may go out the window in the...
  14. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Makati Med is very good. That’s where most of my family goes. Many are in the med field primarily graduating from UST (including my father) for med school and they all like Makati Med. However, the Philippines is a country that has a massive divide between the haves and have nots...
  15. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I am going to have to respectfully disagree. I am Filipino and the majority of my extended family still Lives there and I visit semi regularly. While Makati is nice and and there are some good hospitals in Makati in Metro Manila, the Philippines is not even remotely close to being a first...
  16. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    The Philippines is an all out disaster right now. I am Filipino and most of my extended family still lives there. My cousin is a neurologist and another cousin a radiologist. They state it is much worse than the media reports, and only those that can afford are being tested. State the...
  17. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    “Everything we do before seems like an overreaction, yet when we look back everything we did just wasn’t enough.” I am paraphrasing a quote I heard from somewhere, but this is the one case where you will only ever know if it’s wasn’t enough. Sadly any over preparation will be billed as an...
  18. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I assumed you did your research. Was referencing the other amateurs who hadn’t done previous rope drops. :)
  19. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Clearly they have not been reading the blogs like Toilet Tourist Blog, Inside the Toilet, Toilet Magic, Toilet Touring Plans, or Toilet Explorer. No self respected TP blogger would recommend using a shopping cart. It just slows you down.
  20. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I think Walmart might need to move to a Boarding Group type system prior to opening regarding the TP situation. Given the apparent unreliability of this attraction, I don’t think FP and standby are viable options.
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