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  1. zeroFantasy

    Favorite WDW Scents

    I'd have to say Soarin'
  2. zeroFantasy

    Obnoxious Park Visitor Stories

    most obnoxious people are the ones who think that cast members are somehow below them and can be treated as badly as you can imagine.
  3. zeroFantasy

    Motion sickness

    I thought I was going to be sick when I first rode it in 2004... But I just followed directions and did not get sick one bit. My dad, who did not follow directions, got really dizzy... go figure ;)
  4. zeroFantasy

    I am a cast member and here is where you can find me.

    101? 101??? Test Track goes 101 when someone sneezes... sooooooo TT? :D Taryn, have fun tomorrow!! And be sure you're wearing comfy walking shoes. I wore horrible shoes on that day and they killed my feet!
  5. zeroFantasy

    I am a cast member and here is where you can find me.

    haha!! You will make me happy in about 1 hour!!! :D
  6. zeroFantasy

    Question about a non-wellness apt

    It's fine to visit your friends in a non wellness apartment *makes an innocent face* but yeah, like everyone else has said, you can't drink or touch the drink.
  7. zeroFantasy

    I'm finally HOME :-)

    LMAO you sure it's across the parking lot? Which building LOL :D PM me with it if you want!! :D Taryn, aww my Traditions class was at 7 too! You will get your Disney ID along with your nametag. When is your discovery day? On thursday?
  8. zeroFantasy

    The Silver Pass

    Any CM who talks about any Disney secrets risks termination.... :p
  9. zeroFantasy

    I'm finally HOME :-)

    Taryn, come and say Hi if you can at Future World East!! Mission Space! :) I'm in Attractions and I'd love to meet as many CPs as possible!!! :) I'm at Chatham though but it doesn't mean we can't meet up!! :D
  10. zeroFantasy

    Ride you'd most like to go on?

    There is no single rider line in Mission Space :)
  11. zeroFantasy

    What is "Your Spot" in WDW?

    My spot?......Mission Space ;)
  12. zeroFantasy

    Ride you'd most like to go on?

    Mission: Space ;) TinLizzie, don't be afraid to ride Mission Space! :D Like someone else mentioned, the nerves is what makes you sick. Just relax, it's nothing to be afraid of ;). Just make sure that you don't close your eyes and you should be fine! :)
  13. zeroFantasy

    Those dang kids with those Heelez!!!

    I feel your pain! Exactly, a kid smashes into something and gets hurt and the next thing you know the parents are sueing Disney... Everything is Disney's fault!
  14. zeroFantasy

    Waiting Lines

    Yes fastpasses are your friends because the wait times at any "cool rides" are crazy!
  15. zeroFantasy

    Should the South American Tour Groups Be Allowed Through the Fastpass Line?

    They clog any line... and I agree with the poster that said they're loud and rude. They also have no respect for other people's property, like the ride. I've heard that they're not allowed to stay on Disney Property because back in the day they used to destroy everything! They think they're...
  16. zeroFantasy

    New Epcot maps?

    Really? New maps today? Well, they better have Mission Space green/orange discription and no "single riders" option...
  17. zeroFantasy

    Best Attraction Facade/Building

    Mission Space is so pretty! :D
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