I'm finally HOME :-)


It's not so bad anymore, it just makes it really hard to wake up, and I get drowsy occasionally. Like right now. Walt Disney World is in my backyard (well, the resorts and Down Town Disney, since I don't have my cast ID yet) but I really just want to take a nap. But I can't, because then I won't go to sleep on time tonight and then I'll sleep in tomorrow and miss Traditions and get fired, lol.

Congrats Taryn!!! It's great to hear your positive attitude. I am also a fellow Northwestener. I went to the University of Oregon and did the CP a few years ago. I had a blast. I am now a fulltime Cast Member in Entertainment and still love it. Just remember to keep that posisitve attitude. Unfortunatly you will meet some bitter cast members and fellow CP's who don't like what their doing. But just remember it is all WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT. I was on the CP for a year (originally at Test Track but then I extended in order to do entertainment) and I new a lot of poeple who didn't like it. But just remember to surround yourself with good friends and have the TIME OF YOUR LIFE down here. It's a experience that WILL CHANGE YOU. Have fun!!!:wave:


Conrgatulations! I hoped you'd like it. Keep us posted on how you get settled and what the new job is like. We roll out of New York on Sept. 8th for an all night drive and a new chapter in WDW. Come by AK and say hello :wave: after "Nemo" opens in November!

Hey congratulations on getting Nemo!!!:sohappy: I have a few friends who also got contracts there as well. In fact one of them is also coming down from New York City. It sounds like it will be a great show. Maybe I'll see you around DAK. I'm usually performing over at Lion King myself. Take care and have a safe trip down next month.:wave:


On a lighter note, one of my days off is Sunday, which is one of the two days you can volunteer at Give Kids the World, so I'm working over there from 5-9. Give Kids the World, if you haven't heard of it, is a non-profit resort where kids with terminal illnesses and their families can stay at while on their vacation. I'm pretty sure it works with Make a Wish Foundation. At first I wasn't going to because it would cut into my park time, but it kind of puts it in perspective when you think about the fact that some of these kids are going to die within a month. So I'm going to try to volunteer at least a few times a month. So that's pretty much how my day has gone.

hey that's awesome! I'm actually a volunteer for the Make A Wish foundation and we try to send all of our kids that do Disney World wishes to stay at GKTW!!! I think that they work with a bunch of different organizations that are similar to Make A Wish as well though.... anyways, I'm planning on spending as much time there as possible so I'll keep an eye out for ya!!! I leave a week from today!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Tayrn said:
On a lighter note, one of my days off is Sunday, which is one of the two days you can volunteer at Give Kids the World, so I'm working over there from 5-9. Give Kids the World, if you haven't heard of it, is a non-profit resort where kids with terminal illnesses and their families can stay at while on their vacation. I'm pretty sure it works with Make a Wish Foundation. At first I wasn't going to because it would cut into my park time, but it kind of puts it in perspective when you think about the fact that some of these kids are going to die within a month. So I'm going to try to volunteer at least a few times a month. So that's pretty much how my day has gone.

That's great! Tell me how it goes, because I want to do that as well.


Original Poster
Wow, it's been forever since I've been on here! Life has been so hectic, I just haven't had time. And unfortunately, I still don't really have time...However, I promise that as soon as I DO have time, I'll give you guys a nice long update.

Now, the reason I'm posting is because I'm having a bit of a roommate issue that I'm hoping you all can help me with. Yesterday marked our one week mark, and my roomie has already decided to go home. Already! She says she loves it during the day, but at night she just gets too homesick. I told her to at least give it two more weeks to see if she can get used to it, but she's pretty reluctant. And she loves Disney almost as much as I do, so it's not like she isn't the Walt Disney World type. I love this girl to death, and I think I'm going to be incredibly depressed stuck in a bedroom by myself. Anyways, if any of you can help me think of something to say to her to at LEAST get her to give it a chance (And no, one week without even real work is NOT giving it a chance...) let me know!

Also, on a different note, shout out to...well, the guy I met on the bus last night, you know who you are! For the sake of anoniminity (is that even a word), I'll keep his username confidential, but let me tell you what a surprise it was to get into a conversation with someone only to have him go "Wait, your name is Taryn? I know you! From WDWmagic! I'm _____________"

So that was cool.

Except for the fact that he's going to work on THE JUNGLE CRUISE while I'm still sweeping up Protein Spills at Epcot! Luckily, he has agreed to introduce me to his managers once he knows them himself, so I can convince them that I am definately Skipper material, lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear that your roomie may be leaving. One of mine already left. She was havin legal issues back home and had to leave, but they let her go seasonal. I hope she decides to stay. Tell her to give it a little bit more time before she decides.


Active Member
Congrats Taryn! Enjoy Future World at EPCOT. I think that would really be awesome [although I can imagine how you feel about POTC/HM/JC.] Maybe I will run into you next week!
Did she live away from home at school or is this her first time away from home? I know when I went to college it was hard at first, but frequent calls home helped...plus once I got to know some of my good friends it was a lot easier to be away. Tell her to hang in there and lean on her new friends for help.

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