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  1. F

    The New 21 Question WDW Detective Game!!

    "Alex I'll take question 7 for 100" Is it something to do with a resturant?
  2. F

    Construction pics

    They aren't so much consturction pictures but they do show what the inside of the building looks like. should do the trick for you. You might have to do a little looking but their there. Hope that helps!
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    Disney Mediterranea Resort

    Would it work for that particular hotel to experience for free but any1 else wanting to experience would have to pay an extra surcharge for it?
  4. F

    Disney Mediterranea Resort

    Okay here comes the special secret for the hotels and the location of the resort. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Disney Represenitives: Today we have announced the location for the Disney Mediterranea Resort. It will be outside...
  5. F

    Project Gemini Revealed

    Can anyone confirm those are really the real plans for gemini? Everyone is arguing over it including myself, but do we know how truthful they are? I just think we should know how real they are before we start specualting about everything. Thanks
  6. F

    Disney Mediterranea Resort

    Ok.... I am going to make a resort. I will do it through all four phases and then anyone that would like to make a suggestion can tell me. ____________________________________________________ From Disney Represenitives: Today we have embarked on a totally different Disney...
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    Project Gemini Revealed

    Your coment you just made is totally in necessary. You did need to be that rude to me but you are entiteld to your opinion. I would like to hear what you think about the hole thing as everyone's opinion is equally as important. That was just my opinion and you don't have to listen to one bit...
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    Project Gemini Revealed

    Ok I'm sorry if anyone finds this offensive but Goofster and some other people have this totally wrong. Ok, just think about this. The year is 2006: You walk into Epcot and look at all of the neat rides and attractions and think about everything that you will learn while still having fun...
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    Project Gemini Revealed

    Well here is my two cents to this whole topic. For starters I do not believe any of this will happen by 2006. I heard it was suppose to happen in 2007 for Epcot's 25th Anniversary. I do not believe that a Jr. Autotopida will be coming because it is tacky and does not belong in Epcot. I also...
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    The New 21 Question WDW Detective Game!!

    bump.... I'll tell why later.
  11. F

    New rides at USF

    From my understanding each island at IoA has room for one attraction with Jurassic Park having the most room. Some islands even have room for two. Marvel Super Hero Island is the tightest space wise so do not look for anything new to come there for a while. Lost Continent has room but it also...
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    New Park

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    Plans for the Future

    Well Disney has a little problem with the busses. Last time I was there I asked a driver and they said that Disney currently owns has many busses as the law permits them. From my understanding I guess Disney is only allowed to own so many busses and they are already at there limit. Has anyone...
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    Hey! I have never been to IoA but would like to sometme. Am I missing out on much or is WDW much better? Can someone please give me a tour of IoA with pictures or a link where i can see the rides and maybe even watch a video of one. I do not want or
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    The New 21 Question WDW Detective Game!!

    Can I play or is it too late?
  16. F

    Jurassic Park Attraction

    Is Universal considering the idea of putting a Dinosaur type ride in Jurrasic Park. I believe it was going to be with the jeeps from the 1st movie. Please confirm or tell of new plans for Jurassic Park. Thanks
  17. F

    Plans for the Future

    Reading these fourms it seems that Disney World has a ton of options. This is a lot but I hope you all can answer the questions. I would like to know what you think Disney will do in the next 10 years to Magic Kingdom, Epcot, MGM, & Animal Kingdom. I would also like to know if you think they...
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