Disney Mediterranea Resort


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Ok.... I am going to make a resort. I will do it through all four phases and then anyone that would like to make a suggestion can tell me.

From Disney Represenitives:
Today we have embarked on a totally different Disney experience ever before. We have tenitively reached a deal with Mediterranean contractoing company to build the highly rumored Disney Mediterranea Resort. This resort will be like no other. The MCC has said that it will be funding the project and will pour 10 billion dollars into it. The land has been cleared and further announcements will come soon. This new Disney concept was designed by head engineer Bill Howard. The man in charge of this operation is Jake Bloom. He is highly credited with with helping in the consturction and design of many Disney parks. This project will be done in four phases. Phase 1 has begun and will open on June 10, 2012. This is 1 year before the highly anticipated Down Under Resort in Austrailia. The first park to be built will be called Imagination Station. It will be like no other Disney Park with new technology and many other new features. The estimated cost for this new park is 2.5 billion dollars. Also in the plans for phase 1 are the bustling entertainment district of Downtown Disney. This district will include some Disney favorites as well as never before seen features. Three resrot hotels are also planned for this first park. Each hotel will be themed differently with a special surprise at each hotel. This surprise is not being revelaed at this time but Jake Bloom has said it will be like nothing ever experienced at a Disney Resort. You wonder how people will get around the resort? It is not being revelaed at this time but Bill Howard has said that it is brand new and never been used at a Disney Resort. This resort promises to be a truly unique Disney experience never experienced before. This will be highly anticipated and expect further plans to form soon. Another press release will be issued very shortly describing the park in more detail.


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Okay here comes the special secret for the hotels and the location of the resort.

From Disney Represenitives:
Today we have announced the location for the Disney Mediterranea Resort. It will be outside of Madrid near the small town of Toledo. We have purchased 10 million acres for this resort at a disclosed price. Jake Bloom today released the special surprise about the hotels that everyone is talking about. This quote is directly from Bloom himself " Each hotel will have a special surprise waiting for its guests and only guests of that particular hotel will be able to experience it. I cannot completely reveal the surprise for security issues but can guarantee all of you that this will be something that has never been done by a Disney Resort and will take luxury and fun to a whole new level." Disney has not yet released details on the Mediterranea Resort's first park Imagination Station. Expect further details on the 1st park to emerge shortly. We have been informed that this park will have new technology and rides never experienced before at a Disney Park. A press release regarding the rest of the resort will be coming very shortly.
First off let me say that just realisitcally this resort would be too close to DIsneyland Paris to work, they pull heavily form all of Europe and even the Middle East.

Putting that aside, my only other coment would be to not make anything exclusive form resort to resort but let all resort guests be able to expereince the "surprieses" at the other resorts. If the price teiering is an issue there is no better way to get people to move up the tier on their next visit then to give them a taste. The only reason why I could see to do it they way you have it now is if the price of the expereince is some how incorperated into the tierd price of each seperate hotel cluster, if so I would recmend to not do that and price it as a flat additional charge to expereicne a "surprise" in a different cluster, againg the ides is to get people to move up in tier. OF course I am assuming alot here so maybe I shoudl just keep quite until you post more, too late thought, oh well......


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Would it work for that particular hotel to experience for free but any1 else wanting to experience would have to pay an extra surcharge for it?
That would work and is what I was alluding to by etra charge per cluster, but really I would need to know more about it, as the reason for the extra charge is important, ie teired charge ect.


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Well after a long hiatus I have returned to continue the resort. I now have some details on the first park Imagination Station.

From MCC and Disney Executives:
We now have details on our first park here in Toledo, Imagination Station. This Disney resort is different in the fact that Disney has never started a resort without the first park being the famous Magic Kingdom. This park will focus on the Imagination of the mind and body. The guets will be able to see inside the rides, see spectacular shows, and learn information that will fascinate you. Shops for those of you who like the hustle and bustle of the mall and the brand new transportation system to connect you the finanical district of Downtown Disney and the three resort hotels of the Disney Resort. News on the transportation system is steadily leaking out. Some believe the monorail, lightrail, or even a railroad. Disney denies all of these rumors. The one that most believe is a subway. An underground railroad to connect all Disney resorts and not showing the ugliniess of the buses. Disney denies this strongly but many onlookers have said they have seen large tunnels being dug throughout the resort. Disney soon will release more surprises that will soon to excite its future guests. Disney's newest resort is set to open in 2012, one year before the highly expected Down Under Resort with its new style of Tomorrowland. Stay tuned for future releases.

Well, Disney is at work once again. I guess construction wasn't halted. Comments/suggestions? Hit me, I'm open to anything.


I just dont see this being realistic. I mean,first of all,as FigmentDream said,it is WAY to close to Disneyland Paris,only hours actually. I dont think Disney would also be willing to cut into Universal's territory in Spain. Like it has been said,if another international resort is built after Hong Kong,it needs to be in Australia.


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I did figure out the location is bad so just let me think about that for a while. Otherwise any other comments/suggestions would be nice besides the location.

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