New rides at USF


New Member
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I love IoA but I havent really ever been a fan of USF, and I dont understand if IoA has smaller attendance why doesnt Universal pay to put rides in there rather than USF?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that I understand the point that you're trying to make.
USF is larger and has larger attendances - therefore the new attractions will go there to keep the public visiting.
I'm not sure, but perhaps theres no room left to develop IOA further


Well-Known Member
Well, the short version of the story is that IOA's attendance is increasing by leaps and bounds, while at the same the Studio's attendance is falling. The Studio's fall is not as hard as Epcot's, but it is sharp enough to warrant boosting the park substantially, especially in light of the fact that IOA's attendance is increasing. The fact that IOA is a better park than USF currently is also has a lot to do with it.


New Member
From my understanding each island at IoA has room for one attraction with Jurassic Park having the most room. Some islands even have room for two. Marvel Super Hero Island is the tightest space wise so do not look for anything new to come there for a while. Lost Continent has room but it also is kind of tight. Suess has room but it would have to be worked just right for a huge ride to come there. Toon Lagoon is the island with the second most amount of room. Any new attraction coming here would have to do with water. I believe they are looking into a water coaster but am not sure on that. Finally, Jurassic Park. This being the island for the most expansion at the park and least rides expect the new attraction to most likely come to this island. Many rumors have been floating around of what the attraction could be. Two of which that are talked about in description on this forum are a wooden roller coaster themed to dinosaurs chasing you and a jeep ride with a dinosaur chasing you. The jeep ride would obviously be based off the first movie. From what I hear there are many more possibilities but these are just two widely known ones. And since IoA already has so many great attractions don't expect anything new there till around 2006 or after. The reason USF is getting a transformation and new rides is because the attendence is falling there and the rides are old and USF did not have that many rides to begin with. After the three new rides at USF open ( Jimmy Neutron, Shrek, & Mummy) expect talks to flare up about possibly a new attraction at IoA. Also there is always the possibilty of insted of opening a huge attraction at IoA that they might be trying to open the Driving Machines which were orginally suppose to open with the rest of the park. I'm glad I could answer your question and if you have any other comments or questions just post them and I'll be glad to answer them for you.

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