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  1. G

    Planning around the exchange rate

    That is truly a great deal! WDW, here I come!:D
  2. G

    Planning around the exchange rate

    Not to you at all, Wilt - but my question sure seemed to go off in some weird directions, and get some odd answers. I rather liked your post, actually. C'est la vie.
  3. G

    Planning around the exchange rate

    Know what - I asked a question, I got an answer. I don't expect a US citizen to understand, which is why I asked if any Canadians on the board had any ideas - they did. I'm happy. Go on if you like, I'm for letting this drop.
  4. G

    Planning around the exchange rate

    Thanks, Maureen, I think I'll look at those and also at the general threads on how to save at Disney. This will be very useful. It's interesting to see how the whole economics thing has panned out! For 2much2do, I guess the problem we run into is this - An average income is 35,000.00 a...
  5. G

    Planning around the exchange rate

    My husband and I are hoping to head to Disneyworld at some point in the next year or so, and were wondering if any of the Canadian members had tips on how to save on that almighty exchange rate. For the US members to understand what I mean, imagine your dollar is worth about .65 cents. That...
  6. G

    Drowning at AK Lodge?

    Um. Lifeguard 1020 - speaking as a former paramedic it is actually possible to regain a heartbeat without defib. If it is a situation where the heart stops because of hypoxia caused by lack of respiration, as opposed to something like a heart attack, the heart itself is basically healthy. A...
  7. G


    Loved Sixth Sense, loathed Unbreakable. Have to say, though, with only a couple of exceptions, I have loved Mel Gibson no matter what he's in. From the trailers, though, Signs looks truly neat. I believe in the paranormal to some extent, chiefly in powers of the mind and such.
  8. G

    Misnomers and Misconceptions

    But then, doesn't everyone find that? I mean, wherever you live, if there's a tourist attraction nearby, don't you find the same thing happening? I can't tell you how many times I've heard people refer to the CNN Tower (it's CN), or the Saddledome - which sure isn't in Toronto, here it's...
  9. G

    How do i make the most out of Disneyland in 2days?

    Darn - hit the button too soon. We did the couple rides we were interested in in CA on the second day and then shopped. To be honest I still like the original park better - the CA theming is OK but it just doesn't have the Disney "sparkle" for me. In fact it reminds me of Canada's Wonderland...
  10. G

    How do i make the most out of Disneyland in 2days?

    Two days. Hm. Well, what's worked for us in the past is doing all the rides you want to ride on the first day and catching anything you missed and the parades and fireworks on the second. I know it sounds simplistic, but that's about the best summary of what my husband and I do. We hit all...
  11. G

    August Crowds

    You know, late August early September seems to be pretty good - we went the week after Labour Day and OWNED the place. I was talking to a CM and she said that the crowds were a quarter what they were the week before, but given that we had a five minute wait on the Haunted Mantion and just kept...
  12. G

    the beach...ahhhhhhhhhhh

    No one thinks of Toronto (or Ontario) as having nice beaches but there are some really good ones just a walk from downtown. And if you go farther east around the lake you come to a Provincial Park called Sandbanks - MASSIVE sand dunes that look like - well - I've been to Florida and California...
  13. G

    Itty Bitty Technology

    Small, smaller... I recall reading that one big problem in making these mini-this-and-that that need drives, is making the actual engine small enough but yet strong enough with a reasonable life before breakdown. The technology of storage is outstripping the technology of retrieval - though I...
  14. G

    DL or WDW?

    You can't separate them - or at least I can't, not in my mind. I went to WDW first as a child, then four times to DL (honeymoon and three followups), then once to WDW (to see how it was from an adult point of view) then once more to DL (best friend lives in Glendale - not that bad a...
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