August Crowds


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I searched for the answer to this, but I didn't see anything, so ...

What are the crowds like in August as compared to, say April. I go every year in April, and I might have the opportunity to go this August, I was wondering about the crowds at both the resorts and parks. I know how it is extremely busy in June and July, but kind of dead in September. So what is August like?


Well-Known Member
really...see I hear its what time u go in august......were going the last week...and posters have said that crowds lessen as the month progresses....hence the shorter hours.....but u never know!
I'd say there going to be the usual...some say theres an average 20 min wait in line....for the big things......and to always use fastpass.....BUT THEY ALL AGREE ON ONE THING!! ITS GOING TO BE HOTT:fork: down there and humid.....take advantage of the pools!
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New Member
You know, late August early September seems to be pretty good - we went the week after Labour Day and OWNED the place. I was talking to a CM and she said that the crowds were a quarter what they were the week before, but given that we had a five minute wait on the Haunted Mantion and just kept getting off, going around and getting on Pirates and Startours (Epcot was really slow too) I can't see it being that bad.
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New Member
Yes it is VERY HOT in August, in Fla. anywhere. Also, very humid, which makes it pretty uncomfortable. I guess we're used to it, though, cause we live here. Still pretty bad...We're still going to Disney August 31st through September 7th, and just try to stay cool. Hope it's not still raining though. We've had our share of rain up here in Tally!:(
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New Member
I haven't gone in August for many years, but when we did go, it was packed with people.

It was the second week of August and it was Africa hot. 100% humidity and 90+ degrees every day. And the crowds were huge. I've heard that that is one of the busiest times of the year.

But. While the crowds are larger, the parks are open later. The MK was open until midnight. So, we shifted our schedule and went to the MK late (around 10:30 pm or so.) The park really emptied out after the fireworks. We were able to ride Splash Mountain as many times as we wanted with no wait after about 11:00pm. During the day, the wait for SM was over 2 hours.

So, while it is more crowded, if the parks are open later, you can avoid a lot of lines, etc.
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New Member
Ive been going in August every year know and I think that its one of the best times to go. The crowds are very small and the longest line in the whole place is like 30 minutes long. Im going down again in 37 days and i can't wait. If i had a choice the beswt times to go are the first week in May and the first week in August, for some reason they have the smallest crowds.
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New Member
Going in late August was pretty good last year. The lines were'nt bad at all.

Kids down south start school earlier than up north, so there were less people.
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Originally posted by jaimjaim25
Kids down south start school earlier than up north, so there were less people.

I believe most of the schools in Florida start around the second week of August. We always go the third week of August -- the DVC lowers the point values starting with that week so we get to stay longer -- and have never had a crowd problem (though I'd avoid the waterparks on the weekend days as it seems they were MOBBED with locals last year).

But I've got to say, if you take full advantage of Fastpass, even the worst times of year are much better. We were there the week between Christmas and New Year's and the only long line we stood in was for Hall of Presidents, which was very crowded!
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Well-Known Member
I'm guessing weekdays are your best days to go to the parks...espicially the water parks!! with it being so hot....water parks will be nuts on the weekdays.....
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New Member
Going down August 24 - Sept 1 because I have been down there before during this time of year, and the parks were tremondously less crowded than I had seen them even in April and May.

I think it is because Florida starts school before Labor day and for the rest of the country, I think it is because everybody is home doing what they have to do to get ready for school.

So less wait and more rides for me:animwink:
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by pooh&eyore
Going down August 24 - Sept 1 because I have been down there before during this time of year, and the parks were tremondously less crowded than I had seen them even in April and May.

I think it is because Florida starts school before Labor day and for the rest of the country, I think it is because everybody is home doing what they have to do to get ready for school.

So less wait and more rides for me:animwink:

glad to hear...were going down practically the same time....even at the same resort!:lookaroun
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Original Poster
Thanks everyone for your responses.

The weather won't bother me at all, but it may... or probably WILL bother the people I am going with. They haven't been in about 10 years, and I am going to show them around and things.

While I don't plan anything out or anything like that, I was just curious about crowds because I wanted to have some idea of how busy it would be and what kinds of waits to expect. Late in the month sounds just fine, and earlier will probably just require wait times in the heat.

Alright, thanks again. Now I just have to see when in the month we are going :)
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New Member
Some tips on the weather from my previous visits, were:

It's HOT, and usually rains for about 20 mintues around 4pm, then it gets a little cooler which is great. BUt other than that, it usually doesnt rain all day down there. Well, it hasnt any of the times I visited, which have been 13 times! For a week each time.
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Well-Known Member
You will cheer when the rain shows up in the afternoon! It'll be refreshing! We are going August 7-12 this year...which is only two weeks after the hottest day of the'll be a scorcher! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
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New Member
My family and I are going the last week in August. It's good to here that we will probably not encounter that many people in the parks, especially with the Magic Kingdom being closed at 6pm.:(
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