Planning around the exchange rate

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My husband and I are hoping to head to Disneyworld at some point in the next year or so, and were wondering if any of the Canadian members had tips on how to save on that almighty exchange rate.

For the US members to understand what I mean, imagine your dollar is worth about .65 cents. That means you add at least a third, roughly, to the cost of everything you buy when at WDW - not one of the cheaper places in the world to holiday to start.

So - any ideas for the poor saps north of the border?:(


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Not to you at all, Wilt - but my question sure seemed to go off in some weird directions, and get some odd answers. I rather liked your post, actually.
C'est la vie.
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New Member
Originally posted by Gaffer42ca
Know what - I asked a question, I got an answer. I don't expect a US citizen to understand, which is why I asked if any Canadians on the board had any ideas - they did. I'm happy. Go on if you like, I'm for letting this drop.

I think this was aimed at me. I, too am sorry if anyone took offense at what I have posted, that wasn't the intention. I simply wanted to understand what all the fuss is about, and frankly, I still don't. Seems to me there is quite a bit of confusion about the issue. This does not, however, mean I am just a silly American who doesn't understand anything. Actually, I think it's you guys that are confused. For instance:

Well the big deal is that over $500 Canadian of our hard earned money was just lost to money cyberspace to purchase $1,000 U.S. this lost money has to be calculated into the vacation budget and leaves us less money to spend at WDW

Again, this just doesn't make sense to me. You haven't "lost" $500 CAN. You converted your CAN to American. It's apples and oranges, because the prices here are different. A stuffed Mickey that costs $20 Am here, would cost you $30 Can. in Canada. So the reverse is true as well. Think about it. You turn your $30 Ca into $20 Am and buy the same Mickey. It's value is the same. Only the numbers have changed. Why is this so hard for you to understand???


In Ontario we pay 7% gst (goods and services tax) and 8% pst (provincial tax) on our purchases with a few exceptions. Most U.S. states I have visited have a state tax only.

This is not true. Most places have both a state tax and a county tax. When the NYS sales tax on clothing was waived, I still had to pay 3% county taxes on my clothes. And your tax rates may be different than ours which is unfortunate, but we pay it when we purchase things in Canada (no one ever really submits anything, we just pay it). And we would be taxed upon our return to the US as well.

Anyway, I guess it is pointless to continue to discuss this issue here. You are not alone at all. Many, many Canadians I have spoken to feel as you do, and I can't ever seem to get thru to them either. Must be a cultural thing. I keep forgetting you guys aren't really just like us :lookaroun

Again, I do not mean to offend, just trying to understand/be understood.
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New Member
Glad I could help.

If it makes you feel any better, I'll be visiting Montreal in August and, while the exchange rate works in our favor, we Yanks will feel the pain of your taxes.

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Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Originally posted by Gaffer42ca
Know what - I asked a question, I got an answer. I don't expect a US citizen to understand, which is why I asked if any Canadians on the board had any ideas - they did. I'm happy. Go on if you like, I'm for letting this drop.

Since you have an answer for your question, I hope you don't mind if I close this thread. The US and Canada have the worlds longest unprotected border, lets keep it that way ;) No need to start a war over exchange rates. ;) I live a stones throw away from the border myself (Buffalo, NY) so I certainly sympathize with both sides here.

Have a great trip! :D
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