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  1. normbalko

    Trip Report WDW Jan. 19-26 2017 (Part 1)

    thanks! they were all either taken with my iphone7 or my trusty 4 year old point-and-shoot Sony HX9V. I think it does pretty good for a little, rather inexpensive camera. :)
  2. normbalko

    Pre-Trip Almost 40 and first time for kids

    Looks like a fun trip!
  3. normbalko

    Trip Report WDW Jan. 19-26 2017 (Part 1)

    Thanks! The picture of the bride was also taken with the iphone7. If it had any sort of zoom feature that was worth a darn, I'd probably completely ditch my actual camera.
  4. normbalko

    Trip Report WDW Jan. 19-26 2017 (Part 1)

    ok, i goofed up and posted a whole other thread for PART 2. so, i'll post it here too to help avoid some confusion: :) Next up is Animal Kingdom. We only spent one of our 8 days here, and while we were a little hurried from show to show, we still had plenty of time to get through everything...
  5. normbalko

    Trip Report Just returned from Jan. 2017 trip

    I was there a couple weeks ago too, and the tour groups were out in full force. I did notice they were all coming from All Star Sports. So sorry!
  6. normbalko

    Trip Report WDW Jan. 19-26 2017 (Part 2)

    Next up is Animal Kingdom. We only spent one of our 8 days here, and while we were a little hurried from show to show, we still had plenty of time to get through everything (including 3 trips on EE). I suspect this will not be the case when Pandora opens. Got this view from the bus ride into...
  7. normbalko

    Trip Report WDW Jan. 19-26 2017 (Part 1)

    Got back a week ago and have finally settled back into a routine (gross), so I thought it'd be a good time to revisit our vacation with a trip report! We started planning this trip over a year ago with Summer Squires at Kingdom Konsultants. She was the best, can't say enough about how helpful...
  8. WDW 2017 trip

    WDW 2017 trip

    photos from 2017 trip
  9. normbalko

    Travel agent or not?

    I've never used a travel agent when going to WDW (other than a little assist from AAA), and I'm planning a trip for January right now, and I've been working with Summer at Kingdom Konsultants. She has been fantastic, really knows her stuff, and since this is my first trip there since all the...
  10. normbalko

    Places to watch the Super Bowl in WDW?

    Great advice, I knew I could count on you guys! Thanks!
  11. normbalko

    Places to watch the Super Bowl in WDW?

    is the ESPN Club the same as the ESPN Zone? Do the resort shuttles take you to the Boardwalk? I've never been there, not familiar with it.
  12. normbalko

    Places to watch the Super Bowl in WDW?

    I've got a friend that is going to be at WDW with his family during Super Bowl Sunday. Does anyone have any suggestions (besides his resort) for a good place to watch the game on property?
  13. normbalko

    What are your MUST-WATCH pre-trip movies?

    We just spent the day watching our home videos from our trip in 2009 to get fired up for our trip this month.
  14. normbalko

    POFQ vs. CBR

    thanks for all the responses, this has certainly put her mind at ease. i've always known CBR has flaws, but we've always had a good time and have lots of good memories there. We've been to WDW 3 times and stayed at CBR all three times, so it'll be weird not being there, but probably for the...
  15. normbalko

    Pin trading and Autograph book for 5 year old?

    we've always done the autograph book for my daughter, she's 9 now and excited to go back at the end of the month to fill another book. if you do the autograph book, get the one that lets you slide a picture of the character encounter in the book next to the autograph. makes a much nicer...
  16. normbalko

    POFQ vs. CBR

    Queen size beds?! I hadn't heard that, that's awesome! How long is the boat ride to DTD from POFQ? And does the boat run back and forth until DTD closes?
  17. normbalko

    POFQ vs. CBR

    We are headed to WDW at the end of this month, and it will be our first time NOT staying at CBR. I've finally decided to try something different and since POFQ is often talked highly of, I thought we'd give it a try. My wife is freaking out, and is convinced it won't be as nice as CBR. Anyone...
  18. normbalko

    How to make a mini-van cool...

    perhaps I need MORE HM decals to attain "minivan coolness"?? i have more. :ROFLOL:
  19. normbalko

    How to make a mini-van cool...

    my wife thinks they are tacky, but she has no style. :)
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