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  1. Bodyfather

    Pre-Trip The upcoming attempt to make my girlfriend ride

    ...the Tower of Terror 30 days away from our trip, seems as good a time as any to do a pre trip report... After spending a week in Disneyland Paris last year me and my fair lady decided to do what I consider "proper Disney" and spend 2 weeks at WDW commencing 23rd May. I am 29 and this will...
  2. Bodyfather

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

  3. Bodyfather

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    60 DAYS! Fastpass day
  4. Bodyfather

    Frequent changing of flights booked with disney...

    Yeah, just rang the reservation number and it's just down to American Airlines overbooking apparently. Think Disney need their own airline
  5. Bodyfather

    Frequent changing of flights booked with disney...

    They haven't to be honest, I've just received emails both times with a new schedule. Think the first one I booked was too tight a connection time. Got over 6 hours to fill in O'Hare now though
  6. Bodyfather

    Frequent changing of flights booked with disney...

    ...just wondering if anyone has any previous experience with this and if it's normal. Flying from Manchester(UK) to Chicago and onto Orlando, initially had the booking made to arrive at 6pm Florida time, the connection has been pushed back twice so we're now arriving at half 10 in the evening...
  7. Bodyfather

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    76...feels like forever
  8. Bodyfather

    Fantasmic Dinner Package

    Booked into Mama Melrose after much deliberation(and my girlfriend taking the decision out of my hands)
  9. Bodyfather

    To those who have had to apply for ESTA's

    Yeah, plenty of time to rectify I suppose. Seems to be the most ambiguously worded thing I've ever read. Asks for first name(singular) but also name as it appears on passport at the same time
  10. Bodyfather

    To those who have had to apply for ESTA's

    Me and my girlfriend are travelling in May to Orlando, when applying for our ESTA's I have not included my middle name on the application as it indicates..but my girlfriend has. However, both of our passports include our middle names. What's the correct way to fill this out and will there be any...
  11. Bodyfather

    Fantasmic Dinner Package

    ...was thinking about booking in either Hollywood Brown or Hollywood and Vine, which would the experienced wdw goers recommend? Also, is the package on the whole worth it? How much better of a spot do you get for the show?
  12. Bodyfather

    Booking into Be Our Guest..

    I managed to get booked in last night and there were several times available, which was odd after all the fully booked messages I was getting.
  13. Bodyfather

    If you miss a fastpass reservation...

    ...without cancelling, is there any sort of "punishment?" Do you lose your fastpasses for the rest of the day or anything to that effect?
  14. Bodyfather

    Booking into Be Our Guest..

    ...since the changes has anyone managed to book in for lunch through my Disney experience? Every time I try, I am finding that there are no available tables for my trip in May. Surely it's not fully booked so quickly and so far in advance?!
  15. Bodyfather

    Critique my plan...

    Thanks guys, hadn't realised about the tiers so will need to make a few tweaks there. I'll probably use all the available fast passes on the "relax days" and change when I'm there if I need to
  16. Bodyfather

    Critique my plan...

    ..with my trip fast approaching coupled with me being insanely excited, I have put something of a plan together for my trip. Mostly consisting of what parks I'm visiting on what days and the likely Fastpass options and dining reservations I have made so far. I wanted to run this by some of the...
  17. Bodyfather

    Major 2015 Pirates of the Caribbean Refurbishment Watch/Rumor.

    Bit disappointed to see it's closed during my vacation, one of my favourite rides as a kid
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