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  1. H

    Funny things CM's say during spiels...

    From the ever-funny Jungle Cruise: "If, when you exit the boat, you find your shoes rapidly filling with water .. you have gotten out on the wrong side. Please step back in and try again" "Gee, that was fun. I think I'll go again. And again. And again ..."
  2. H

    The Scariest Ride Ever Built At Wdw

    For me, definitely the Rock n' Rollercoaster. Obviously not for the themeing (unless you're scared of rock groups with lead singers with big lips or something) but for the physical ride. Now, I LOVE rollercoasters but the launch gets me in a bad way. Waiting to launch is icky and I do not...
  3. H

    Never Ridden

    I love this topic! Very interesting. Disney World fanatics have in common that we come back to the same place again and again (instead of going/vacationing, oh I don't know, someplace new and different!) so I guess it's not surprising that the same goes for the attractions within the parks...
  4. H

    Your first ride......

    My first was It's a Small World. ewww, ;) I was 15 months old and my parents thought it was the only ride I wouldn't get traumatized on. Now it's the only ride I *am* traumatized on, ha! But since I don't remember it, it doesn't really count I say. So then it was Dreamflight. It was the...
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