Search results

  1. K

    Famous Stars/Celebrities at the Parks

    Have yet to see any "real" celebs, excepting concerts, sw weekends, etc. However, my family plays a celeb-look-a-like game. We try to spot people that look like celebs. Last time I was at MGM, shared a bench with "Bob Saget", but he denied it was really him.
  2. K

    Great Movie Ride finale movie

    List? Sorry, won't ask again. Just thought someone on here might know where to find a list of the finale.....
  3. K

    Tta Refurbishment News

    Sorry, I can still only refer to it as the Wedway People Mover. Even my kids only know it by that name. Wedway = awesome!
  4. K

    Great Movie Ride finale movie

    Does anyone have a link to typed list? I tried to video the new version, but even from the back row, you can't get the whole screen. I'm pretty sure I've seen every movie up there, but the list would help verify. Thanks in advance!
  5. K

    Robin Hood is calling it The Most Wanted Edition and says it will be available 11/28/06.
  6. K

    The original haunted mansion for sale

    Long time reader, first time poster. Somebody mentioned this house: Here is the link: I would agree that the house for sale resembles more WDW than DL.
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