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  1. bradk

    Are you 23?

    it's going to be audio only and it's not something new for them, but yes, should be interesting. speaking of interesting, iger spoke today from another conference and he all but mentioned D23 by name, referring to it as a 'disney affinity club' I have audio posted at...
  2. bradk

    Are you 23?

    please forgive me for playing the troll and i advise you not to follow the link if you don't want spoilers, but...
  3. bradk

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    yeah, I was at the 10am show. I was lingering around afterwards waiting for the crowd to clear to get in a few more shots and I heard a lot of 'complaints' from the staff about the mobs. I think one who was passing out shirts before the show was even upset about how people would constantly be...
  4. bradk

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    I actually had tried linking to it earlier instead of the LP info and found out it's censored. it's not the website, but they do have a website for press releases which is open to the public although you need to be registered for access to large images. anyway, i posted a full...
  5. bradk

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    not really likely. this was a one day thing. as i said, he has been living in glendale at WDI and i would expect he'll be returning. if you ever go on the adventures by disney backstage magic tour, you'll be likely to see him (otherwise there's plenty going on at WDI that gives him a run for his...
  6. bradk

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    WDW already has a bunch of pics from the show up on their news site. the roller coaster guy is Ric Turner, Ben Schwegler is the WDI chief chemist (or whatever) and Anne Savage was the conservation biologist others were Asa Kalama and Amber Samdahl did I miss anyone? anyway, I'm down to 78...
  7. bradk

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    unfortunately i left around 12:30 when it started pouring. at that time, Lucky was out very briefly for the opening of the second show. I do have a ton of pics of the show and will be throwing together as full a report as I can (I apologize in advance when I mangle everyone's names). I'll be...
  8. bradk

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    depends on how badly you want to see the presentation i guess. as it is, lucky will be around for free as i mentioned, so if your goal is just to see him, that's pretty much a given. my guess with the sold out thing is they'll be forming standby lines in case ticketed folks don't show just so...
  9. bradk

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    i'm bright and early at 10 am. now that the schedule is available for the street fair itself, i'm going to have a lot of fun trying to factor in everything tomorrow.
  10. bradk

    Lucky The Dinosaur in New York

    I ended up finding this thread through google so I figured I'd join just to add what I could. just noting that you can meet Lucky for free at the street fair tomorrow. his schedule and location are up on the WSF street fair page...
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