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  1. S

    first time in cali!!

    My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to california in september, and weve both never been. ive been to disneyworld a bajillion times, and him once. my question: is one day enough to do both disneyland park and california adventure? in wdw, ive done 2 parks in one day, but not hitting every...
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    WANTED: Annual Pass Buddy

    haha, this thread reminded me of my first date with my bf... we had just met and i picked him up to go see a movie that was playing an hour away... and to scare him, i launched into this big rant about how 'gay people are going to hell and i hate them and go to church 4 times a week' and all...
  3. S

    Help, Serious withdrawls

    ive never worked at disney, so you probably shouldnt take my work for it, but working there might ruin the experience... it wont be as special to go, and if the working conditions suck, itll taint it. i worked at a mall for only about 6 months, and i cannot go to malls anymore. if youre that...
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    Funny childhood moments at WDW

    thank you so much! im dling it now.
  5. S

    Funny childhood moments at WDW

    Long time lurker here! Im getting so excited for my trip this month, so i had to make a post to get my disney 'fix.' Also, this is a non-controversial post! yay!!! So the subject is funny/embarassing things you did or remember at the world when you were a youngin' I remember...
  6. S

    Video Taping at Animal Kingdom - which is not allowed

    takign a risk with someone's life- not wise. i hope you hurt yourself. its funny that you wouldnt even tell me what these 'safety measures' are.
  7. S

    Video Taping at Animal Kingdom - which is not allowed

    RU42, pray tell, what are these safety precautions? i guess you are willing to risk someone's life. no matter what precautions you take, you are taking a risk- no matter how small that risk is, how would you feel if you or your loved one was injured in such an accident? i hope im never on a...
  8. S

    Video Taping at Animal Kingdom - which is not allowed

    ive heard horror stories about people gettign seriously injured by the person in front of them on a coaster letting go of the camera. yes, you may think you can hold on tight, but are you willing to risk someone's life to get a video?
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