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  1. B

    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    I have talked to many and have not called them trolls or haters but unlike you and the other trolls they use logic and reason.
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    Lol you really are a hoot. Keep thinking that i cant construct an actual sentence even though 99.9% of my sentences are constructed correctly. You are grasping at straws troll. I am disgusted by the fact that the Yeti has not been fixed. Maybe i should be like you and love a ride, MIB...
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    wow troll now you are telling people what to do...back to the basement for you
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    Test Track 2012 Refurb.. You heard it here first.

    can i love your statement? It is damn near impossible to keep everything perfect
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    troll :wave: What the troll is saying was that it was perfect UNI praising thread and WDW bashing thread until a man with commen sense and logic, which is mean decided to call people out on their inane comments.
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    Quality is in the mind of the person judging it....look at one critic a jackson pollack painting is great another it is not. Sorry i dont like cheap looking figures that barely work, i dont like a crap story that does not get you engaged, and i dont like the fact that the...
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    Lol whatever you say hater but it is the truth...YOU THINK THAT A RIDE THAT IS BROKEN IS BETTER....How about he fact that Buzz has never been broken for me but 3 out of the 5 times i have been on MIB it has been broken? So yes i am right in that the quality of Buzz is better than the quality...
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    I'm lost what was the announcement?
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    I have been on buzz about 50 times and have never had a broken gun or car...I have been on mib 5 times and 3 times I have had guns that were broke. You said that all groups love mib more than do not and yes if kids love a ride it is a success in the sense that audiences like it.
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    i could throw out the fact that my 10, 12, 9 year old 6,7 year old neices all loved Buzz...and hated mib
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    i would think the other...other than you three i have never heard of anyone actually liking MIB. When i was at the concierge desk i would talk to the guest and they almost all said with ease that Buzz is a lot better than MIB. So...i would stick with my asumption since it takes into account...
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    It really depends on who you will love buzz more, single adults would love MIB, families would love Buzz more likely, people who have been on both is probably split. I do not like a lot of aspects of MIB especially since the last three times i was on it my gun was messed up
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    You need to lighten up and understand that not everyone is going to agree with you...and understand that just because you love something does not mean others do. I understand that but i would like people to used well reasoned arguments on why they dont like something
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    I know his logic...he says that i have an opinion but his opinion is somehow that MIB is somehow better than TSM
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    sorry but have a button that at the end can cost you a victory is a joke...not to mention you have no control of where you face. Plus TSM is miles better too
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    There is a difference between being critical and attacking families and saying what they want dont matter. All you do is attack people who like disney saying that you are supporting the walmarting effect and all you do is praise UNI and attack anyone who says negatives about it. You are the...
  17. B

    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    I have been on MIB and it is nothing special in my opinion...Buzz is more fun
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