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  1. photomatt

    News New security measures

    OK. I see your point. What should we call assault rifles then? What should we call armor-piercing ammunition that is privately owned? I will use whatever terminology you want.
  2. photomatt

    News New security measures

    I guess you chose to ignore the statistics I posted. The facts don't support your claim.
  3. photomatt

    News New security measures

    No. I think all people who privately own assault rifles, or other weapons that only exist to kill large numbers of humans at once, are selfish. You're right. I need to make that more clear.
  4. photomatt

    News New security measures

    You have a good point. The problem is that we don't seem to be avoiding the shootings. We make them more severe than they could be, by allowing private ownership of weapons that have no purpose other than to kill large numbers of humans in a short period of time.
  5. photomatt

    News New security measures

    How do you define mass destruction? You don't think the murder of 50 people in a few minutes qualifies?
  6. photomatt

    News New security measures

    Whiney? OK... I will make you a deal. I will stop being "whiney" when you stop being selfish, and put the good of society over your own personal desire to own a weapon with no other purpose other than to kill large numbers of humans at once. Fair? I think so.
  7. photomatt

    News New security measures

    How many of those deaths will be intentional?
  8. photomatt

    News New security measures

    Please explain to me how you anyone can use a swimming pool as a weapon. Please explain to me how 50 people could be murdered, and over 50 more injured, when someone uses their bare hands.
  9. photomatt

    News New security measures

    This is true, but it is not a reason to allow private citizens to own weapons of mass destruction.
  10. photomatt

    News New security measures

    This is true, but as I said before, if we prevent access to the tools that inflict the most casualties, the number of people murdered will decrease.
  11. photomatt

    News New security measures

    You are claiming that we should not have laws because people break them. This is nonsense. We know that people will break laws; however, it is a fact that some laws do have a positive effect on the issue. You will see that in the chart on page 2...
  12. photomatt

    News New security measures

    How would we know? Why use a car when it's so much easier to use an assault rifle?
  13. photomatt

    News New security measures

    Facts do not support your claim. I found that by doing a quick search. If you don't accept the...
  14. photomatt

    News New security measures

    Why do you bring God into this? Is he/she/it/whatever/none-of-the-above responsible for your actions? As long as private citizens can own weapons of mass murder, people are going to die. I think we should do something about this.
  15. photomatt

    News New security measures

    I wonder what the innocent people injured and killed by accidental use of those tools think of that statement.
  16. photomatt

    News New security measures

    "The problem is still the same"? Are you sure about that? Maybe you should consult someone who lives in the UK, Canada, Japan, Australia, or just about any nation in Europe and ask them if the problem is "still the same". Statistics don't support your statement.
  17. photomatt

    News New security measures

    I'm not blaming an inanimate object. I'm not blaming anything. This is a forum about Disney, so I'm not going to get this thread locked by really getting into this issue. I will make this as simple as possible. The tools to inflict mass casualties exist and are freely available in this...
  18. photomatt

    News New security measures

    "Removing tools" is a generic statement. I'm not suggesting that we abolish all gardening tools.
  19. photomatt

    News New security measures

    True. But if they don't have the tools to kill 50 people at once, the death toll will not be as high. Do we need to remove all tools, or just the ones that are solely designed to kill people in large numbers in a short period of time?
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