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  1. rccola18

    "help me" on It's a Small World

    thanks for the confirmation..just makin sure i wasn't crazy. did you think it was disturbing?
  2. rccola18

    "help me" on It's a Small World

    prior to the rehab of It's a small world, I remember seeing a doll in a hot air balloon with a sign saying "Help Me" in red lettering. The doll was the only one who had a sad face. IT was a bit disturbing to me. When I went on it after the rehab I can't recall seeing it again. Does anyone...
  3. rccola18

    yellow\black markers on Dumbo

  4. rccola18

    yellow\black markers on Dumbo

    does anyone know why CM's give you these square markers just before you get on Dumbo? We were told to put them on the front of Dumbo and then they took them off before the ride started. Thanks.
  5. rccola18

    disney college program questions

    i know an acceptance letter is pretty big but does anyone know if a rejection letter is a different size? yes. i'm paranoid and have a while til it comes.
  6. rccola18

    I got accepted!!!

    congrats! :animwink: hope i get accepted as well and meet you down there:)
  7. rccola18

    I have been selected wdwcp!!!!

    i hope you have a wonderful time! :D
  8. rccola18

    disney college program questions

    my interview went smoothly. i talked in a calm, friendly manner so I hope my interviewer was paying attention to that. :) i sent out the application today so now I play the waiting game. Questions: why do you want to work for Disney? what characteristics can you bring to the Disney...
  9. rccola18

    disney college program questions

    i probably will wait impatiently too. aww i'm sure you'll do fine. thanks for the info. interview in 1 hour!
  10. rccola18

    disney college program questions

    good luck :) i'm sure you'll get in.
  11. rccola18

    disney college program questions

    That really does help. did theymean "favorite disney cartoon character?"
  12. rccola18

    disney college program questions

    hehe good luck to you. i have got a ways to go. didn't even have the interview yet. if u have AIM u can IM me at Rcola182
  13. rccola18

    disney college program questions

    i don't really cook :( i only know how to make grilled cheese :P do you mean what kind of customer service do i expect from Disney? Also when you say "Does your family support you?" does that mean financially or do you mean do they agree with me going to Disney? also is it recommended that...
  14. rccola18

    disney college program questions

    hello i scheduled an interview this thursday and I have a few questions regarding the interview and the actual college program. Is there a dining hall or cafeteria on the campus? What type of questions will they ask during the interview and how long is a typical interview? How long after...
  15. rccola18

    My First Report On The College Program!!!!!

    that sounds really fun! i just applied for the Fall semester. i have to schedule an interview tommorrow and i'm nervous. i don't know if they'll accept me because i'm nearing graduating in..a month. heh. hopefully things will turn up for me. good luck.
  16. rccola18

    Possible name for new Nemo ride at Epcot

    does anyone know when that attraction will be open? i hope before Dec. 26th.
  17. rccola18

    original Disney World attractions

    hi. i'm a new poster but a regular reader of WDWMAGIC forum. with the new EE attraction opening up soon it made me think of the original attractions that were built in Disney World. i know Disneyland was first but since i live on the East coast i'm prejudiced. i know that the train was built...
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