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  1. M

    Volcano Bay

    So the photos I posted earlier don't see to have all worked. I'll try again, you can see more slides in these.
  2. M

    Youth Group ticket price increase went up 40%

    They didn't stop increasing prices during the last recession.
  3. M

    curious about River Country?

    Possibly....It's not inconceivable that by the early 00's that it would have needed overhaul/repair/replacement though I haven't heard it cited as a reason.
  4. M

    How Visible Are Meet & Greets?

    I actually think they are more for the parents than the kids. Sure some kids love them, but I've seen lots parents more into lining up their kids to meet them their kids actually wanting too.
  5. M

    curious about River Country?

    The amoeba rumour and the lake have pretty much been debunked by now. IF the amoeba had any influence, RC would have closed in the 80s when the case happened....not 15-20 years later Potentially they could have known about expensive future repairs eg to the barrier or heating systems etc....but...
  6. M

    Which was your favourite ticketing system?

    Could have been FP......but they completely messed up the system by giving out far to many return tickets. Then they made it even worse by making the merge ratio too completely skewed in FP favour. I would quite like to see a hybrid system. No more than 3 FP a day, but fcfs only on the day.
  7. M

    Guide map availability reduced at MK

    In the UK, and I think its the same in Europe there is now an tax of £60 (roughly $85) for every tonne of landfill. That has massively shifted the balance and the local councils are pushing to recycle as much as possible in order to reduce costs. The mentality is that overall there is nothing...
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  11. M

    Volcano Bay

    Not see these already posted.... 1 by Mouse_Trap posted May 29, 2015 at 12:16 AM2 by Mouse_Trap posted May 29, 2015 at 12:16 AM3 by Mouse_Trap posted May 29, 2015 at 12:16 AM4 by Mouse_Trap posted May 29, 2015 at 12:16 AM5 by Mouse_Trap posted May 29, 2015 at 12:16 AM
  12. 2


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  14. Volcano Bay

    Volcano Bay

    Volcano Bay Concept Images
  15. M

    Guide map availability reduced at MK

    Landfill should always be the very last resort regardless of cost. The better option here is the energy recovery disposal where they incinerate the waste.
  16. M

    Solar power farm coming to Disney

    5mw as stated in the op........that's probably barely enough to power the datacenter hosting all the MDE servers.
  17. M

    Anyone else have a terrible DME baggage experience?

    It's not a free service though, its one of the extras for which you are paying Disney hotel/motel prices for. Stay elsewhere and you will get the same or higher standard for a vastly cheaper don't get DME then though. The rest of the post I agree with.
  18. M

    Car Hire from UK

    I would just check out the car hire comparison sites......the one on I have used in the past (amongst others whose names escape me right now). The prices via the comparison sites often seem to be a lot cheaper then what the major rental companies offer on their...
  19. M

    Newest ride, 7 Dwarfs Mine Train ride, does nothing but break down.

    Who says we were talking facts? I was responding to the title of this thread and its first response.....i.e. that the OP said they found it was down a lot and the 1st response that we should expect complex rides to break down more often than simple rides. I am just making the point that 7DMT is...
  20. M

    Newest ride, 7 Dwarfs Mine Train ride, does nothing but break down.

    True. Good job 7DMT isn't that complex then, thus by the same reasoning it would hardly ever be open. If they can't get a kiddie coaster with 1 show scene right, good job they aren't attempting more complex attractions with multiple show scenes, inversions, fast launches etc. Let's not mention...
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