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  1. R

    Refrigerators in Resort Hotels

    can we do it by private message?....if so, just click on my nick, and send me a private message.... rpgman
  2. R

    Refrigerators in Resort Hotels

    "If you want, I will sell you ours for $40. We only used it at Disney and it's like new. We didn't think to give ours away, instead we lugged it back home with us. " sure, where do you live so I can pick it up? rpgman
  3. R


    "Try it on foot and see what happens. You can always rent a wheelchair at the parks (although the ECVs do go quickly) if you feel you need one. " Yellow Shoes, thanks for all your advice also. rpgman
  4. R

    Refrigerators in Resort Hotels

    I'm only staying 6 days, so unless I can find one for less than $60.00, than I'll just pay the $10.00 per day... thanks, rpgman
  5. R


    "Have fun!" crazygirley, will do, how can I not with my 5yr old son and 2yr old daughter !!! your advice is greatly appreciated. rpgman
  6. R

    Deluxe, Savannah View vs Savannah View

    I was under the impression that the best rooms were the 3rd building from the last on either the 2 main trails....I believe one trail is called the zebra trail... the off shoots from the lobby are seven buildings on each side, the 3rd building from the last building on either side with a...
  7. R


    "If you know all this, then why are you even asking us? You HAVE to have a wheel chair to get anything special as far as lines are concerned, and that doctors note thing, we tried it. All they do is offer you a WHEEL CHAIR. I think that you must be uncomfortable with the fact that you might need...
  8. R


    "I'm not trying to be snotty here--just curious. Exactly what kind of accommodations were you hoping for?" oh, I understand..... I was hoping to not have to stand in line if the lines were long....I would only use the 'head of the line pass' in those situations. Otherwise, if the...
  9. R


    from my understanding, you can go to the guest relations office at every park, show some prove (like Doctors orders) and hopefully they will accommodate you. you stated: "and no one gave us any breaks (and we didn't ask for any)' so, I take it you didn't try that. I also don't like...
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    I have severe RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) especially in my legs and arms.... standing in long lines is hard for me. how hard and what do I need to show in order to get special passes to go to the head of the line....? thanx, rpgman
  11. R

    Deluxe, Savannah View vs Savannah View

    what's the difference between these 2 rooms? rpgman
  12. R

    Refrigerators in Resort Hotels

    thanks, I was just worried they frowned on that.... but, I guess when your paying $175.00 a night, bringing outside grocerys in, isn't a big deal. thanks again for your response. rpgman
  13. R

    Refrigerators in Resort Hotels

    we requested a refrigerator for our hotel room at Animal Kingdom Lodge because my children love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cereal (with milk), juices, freeze pops, etc.... I thought we would bring these items with us, first to save money and second for the convenience. my...
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