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  1. Ituri13

    Eddie Sotto's take on the current state of the parks

    This brings up an interesting question. In the corporate world of WDI, does is a designer able to turn down a project on moral grounds, and will that be respected by management? Or would doing so jeopardize one's job? That must be a great element of working for yourself, it's easier to be...
  2. Ituri13

    Eddie Sotto's take on the current state of the parks

    Nice idea, here's another direction that could head. In a nutshell biomimicry is the science of finding solutions to human problems within the constructs of nature. There is enormous potential and hope to be found. Wouldn't it be fascinating to have some...
  3. Ituri13

    Eddie Sotto's take on the current state of the parks

    Great response Eddie, thanks! I've always been fascinated by the way that landscape can "transport you to another place". That was a great example you gave of Adventureland in Tokyo. Doing Adventureland in France must have been an even greater challenge, since, though Tokyo does get cold, it is...
  4. Ituri13

    Eddie Sotto's take on the current state of the parks

    Wow. I just finished reading all 271 pages of this amazing thread. So I have a question for you Eddie. Could you talk about how landscape enters into the design program? How early in the process are the landscape architects involved? Does WDI have their own LA's or do they contract some of...
  5. Ituri13

    DAK Animal collection news

    Thanks drew for keeping us updated on this. I love hearing animal updates from DAK. Let us know when you find out more.
  6. Ituri13

    Sea World Busch Gardens Animal List questions?

    Commerson's dolphins and false killer whales are two different animals. False killer whales, also known by their latin name pseudorca can be found in the show in the Key West area of Sea World.
  7. Ituri13


    We are going to WDW in May, and staying on property. I am thinking about going to the MK during it's evening EMH. Is this worth it. Will the park be so busy that day, that we'll need the extra hours just to hit everything we could have on a normal Wednesday or such? Same goes with the evening...
  8. Ituri13

    Next Attraction For DAK?

    Sorry for continuing the off-topic discussion, but according to the latest edition of the Mammal Species of the World list by Wilson. Giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) are placed squarely in the family Ursidae (bears). Red pandas, are in their own family Ailuridae. But like anything...
  9. Ituri13

    Thoughts on Kilimanjaro Safaris

    So... Does anyone know what they have on the North Savannah. Also, anyone have a current list of birds found on the safaris?
  10. Ituri13

    advice regarding AK

    Bachelor's degree in biology, experience working with exotic animals, and a willingness to work for peanuts.
  11. Ituri13

    AK animal question

    Can anyone tell me where if at all the following animals are located at Animal Kingdom? It is also possible some of them may be at animal kingdom lodge. Thanks. banteng bontebok blesbok fringe-eared oryx Grant's gazelle
  12. Ituri13

    New Animal Attractions for DAK?

    Already exist..and bringing new ones in...totally different things. Disney has done everything they can with this new park to make it legitimate and to not give activists any ammo. Many argue (and admittedly possibly rightly so) that it is impossible to meet an animal such as a whales needs in...
  13. Ituri13

    New Animal Attractions for DAK?

    No whales. Way too controversial. Animal activists would be all over this. Calgary Zoo is planning an Arctic exhibit with polar bears and seals, and the activists are already giving them problems because they figure beluga whales will be soon to follow, even though they have not made any...
  14. Ituri13

    New Animal Attractions for DAK?

    Is there anything on the radar about new animal attractions coming into DAK? I'm disappointed that there aren't going to be any new animal exhibits with the EE expansion. There are so many great Himalayan animals that are commonly kept in captivity and are very interesting. Things such as red...
  15. Ituri13

    Highlights from the Joe Rhode "podcast" about Expedition Everest

    The no-straw policy is a standard for AZA accredited facilities. It has nothing to do with being "enviornmentally friendly". Straws are easily swallowed by animals (and many animals will try and eat them). This is not only hazardous, but undetectible because a clear plastic straw won't show on...
  16. Ituri13

    Highlights from the Joe Rhode "podcast" about Expedition Everest

    For those of you who can, I REALLY recommend listening to this interview yourself. It was amazing.
  17. Ituri13

    Expedition Everest Questions...

    I doubt any could actually be on the ride, and they'd only put small animals in the queue, but it sure would be nice to have some over in that vicinity. Asia feels kind of lacking in animals.
  18. Ituri13

    Expedition Everest Questions...

    Does anyone know if there are any plans to put animal habitats in the vicinity of Expedition Everest. There are so many really neat animals from the Himalayas that do well in captivity that would be awesome for them to have. Things like red pandas (not much like the giant panda that everyone...
  19. Ituri13

    Kilimanjaro Safaris

    Are there any Kilimanjaro Safaris drivers or fanatics out there who could provide me with an up to date listing of the species of animals that can be encountered on that ride (including birds). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Ituri13

    Baby Elephant born at AK??

    Actually, the National Zoo in Washington DC had a baby Asian elephant last year, the woodland park zoo also had a baby Asian elephant either last year or the year before, and the Indianapolis Zoo had two African elephant calves born in 2000. Granted the births were all by artificial...
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