Search results

  1. JonUWStout

    What to Replace Stitch's Great escape with?

    I would LOVE to see an attraction based on Treasure Planet. It's a movie that is completely underrated and fits in perfectly with the theme of tomorrowland. You could also do something based around Wall-E. It might also be cool to see something based around Atlantis. There are so many things...
  2. JonUWStout

    Bags 'n stuff

    I always have 1 backpack when I visit the park, and I usually travel alone. I always carry a second pair of shoes and socks (water rides and blisters), my camera, and 1 of my pin lanyards, and a sweatshirt in case the temperature drops quite a bit. If I get on a ride like TOT or RNRC I set the...
  3. JonUWStout

    Timing question

    englanddg: thanks for the link! I have a hard time finding anything on that new website. I hope I can trust the website but I will either call or chat with a cast member tomorrow just to double check that the information is correct. All I see on other sites is midnight for buses to DD. I...
  4. JonUWStout

    Timing question

    Thanks for the quick replies. I am a former cast member at WDW so I hope I can offer something of use to the boards! Having said that there are things (like magic express and certain resorts) that I dont have experience with. I hadn't realized that the Pleasure Island bus still ran that late...
  5. JonUWStout

    Timing question

    Hey Guys and Gals: I have been reading the forums for a while but first time posting. I just have a question about timing for my upcoming vacation. I am flying out on Monday for WDW and I arrive in Orlando at 8:30pm. I have never stayed at Carribean Beach or used the Magic Express before...
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