Bags 'n stuff


One Little Spark...
I.E.....We're cheap ;)

Not cheap. Thrifty.



Well-Known Member
KTTW, ID, some cash, camera, water bottle on water bottle bag check...We've been doing this since the DD was potty-trained. Knock-on-wood, we've never had a first aid emergency while at the world.


Active Member
Not cheap. Thrifty.

Not cheap or thrifty - prepared! If you are not prepared with little kids, you get stressed out.

you would love me and my family - 2 kids under 3. So we carry change of clothes for 2, diapers for 2, wipes, changing pad, hoodies for 2, ponchos for 4, water & snacks for 4, first aid, camera, video camera, bibs for two, cutlery for 2, throw away placemats, hand sanitizer, sun screen - 2 kinds body & face(the nerve), nursing blanket, 2 wallets, 2 cell phones, 4 pairs of sunglasses, 2 sun hats, 2 sets of mickey ears and two light spinners :D My husband is a pack mule in his downtime.

And we love every second because it keeps up prepared. The bag stays under the carriage and never bumps into anyone. The only time we ever have inconvenienced anyone is taking a little longer in the bag check. Oh well!


Well-Known Member
I WISH we didn't need so much stuff. The reality, the girls are a bit older now and we don't need as much, but would be so liberating to just wear a small cross body bag and require nothing else.


Well-Known Member
KTTW, ID, some cash, camera, water bottle on water bottle bag check...We've been doing this since the DD was potty-trained. Knock-on-wood, we've never had a first aid emergency while at the world.
that's what the First Aid Centers are for- they have everything-bandaides, antacids, motrin etc-free :)


Active Member
Maybe WDW should copy Universal and discourage people bringing the entire contents of their homes with them!!

Me = park ticket, wallet, sun cream, sun glasses and a bottle of water. Job done!

This is what I disagree with and moves it from a simple "observation" to something of personal irritation. I have been a type 1 Diabetic since I was 3 years old, so I HAVE to carry things with me. I need my testing kit, extra insulin, extra needle, snacks, and extra water just in case. I wish I didn't have to carry anything, and have tried to shove as many things in the smallest bags I can but it's a necessary evil. I would be very angry if I had to store my stuff at every ride, specially because those supplies are expensive and sensitive to heat.

An entire suitcase is a little much, but I think people do that who have an early check out but later flight.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing the OP was just making an observation and maybe kick start a conversation.

This trip we are going to try not to carry a lot of stuff. I downgraded on my camera so I don't have to lug the heavy one around. We are travelling light:D


I always have 1 backpack when I visit the park, and I usually travel alone. I always carry a second pair of shoes and socks (water rides and blisters), my camera, and 1 of my pin lanyards, and a sweatshirt in case the temperature drops quite a bit. If I get on a ride like TOT or RNRC I set the bag on the floor and put my feet through the arm straps with my feet firmly on the floor. My bag doesn't go anywhere.


One Little Spark...
I try to keep it light, but I carry a small daypack with the following general contents:

1) Snack sized Ziplock Baggie with pennies and quarters for penny machines and pressed pennies collected
2) Snack sized Ziplock Baggie with pins, locking pin clasps and wrench for them
3) Camera
4) Portable USB battery for charging cel phone and camera (I use an Energizer XP4001)
5) "Sample size" travel baby wipes (perfect for after a Mickey Ice Cream, or something like that)
6) Gum
7) A small notebook and pen
8) A small first aid kit with band aids, bacitracin, and a few other items
9) 2 ponchos (1 adult, 1 child)
10) Wisps portable tooth brushes

All of this, with plenty of spare room, goes into a daypack that looks like this:


To the loop on the top I attach a carbiner, which can then be used to affix the bag to my beltloop for wilder rides, like Rockin' Roller Coaster, and can also be used to latch on hats that the kid no longer wishes to wear and even carry bags for any shopping bags I don't choose to have sent to the resort.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Not cheap or thrifty - prepared! If you are not prepared with little kids, you get stressed out.

you would love me and my family - 2 kids under 3. So we carry change of clothes for 2, diapers for 2, wipes, changing pad, hoodies for 2, ponchos for 4, water & snacks for 4, first aid, camera, video camera, bibs for two, cutlery for 2, throw away placemats, hand sanitizer, sun screen - 2 kinds body & face(the nerve), nursing blanket, 2 wallets, 2 cell phones, 4 pairs of sunglasses, 2 sun hats, 2 sets of mickey ears and two light spinners :D My husband is a pack mule in his downtime.

And we love every second because it keeps up prepared. The bag stays under the carriage and never bumps into anyone. The only time we ever have inconvenienced anyone is taking a little longer in the bag check. Oh well!

And that is why, as I said guests with the small are not annoying. They get it because if it is Disney or at home they are pack'n. The families have their systems, who gets the stroller, kid or bag. It is the ones that never besides at Disney strap those backpacks on. I was fortunate traveling to Disney with two kids from 14 months and 2 months respective first trips, Disney didn't have bag checks. Blessed.


Well-Known Member
To the loop on the top I attach a carbiner, which can then be used to affix the bag to my beltloop for wilder rides, like Rockin' Roller Coaster, and can also be used to latch on hats that the kid no longer wishes to wear and even carry bags for any shopping bags I don't choose to have sent to the resort.

Thank you for the caribiner idea! I have my camera bag which is a little larger than that and I usually wrap the strap around my thigh in the wilder rides and hope for the best. I hadn't thought of that before but it will come in very handy.

To the OP, your Disney day is very different than mine and I don't have kids so I'm not lumped into the baby wipes and toddler supplies catagory either. My main souvenir at Disney is photos and I carry my camera bag witha a couple of lenses. I also enjoy sitting down and jotting a few notes about my day, observations, and little notes I may need later if I took some photos that I might forget the reasoning behind (ie, my Mom loves flowers so I take some flower shots for her and jot down where I took the pic). So I also need a notebook and pens.

I bring a mini first aid kit for blisters, headache etc which is easier than going to first aid and I like my own headache medication. I seem to break and lose sunglasses constantly so I usually travel with 2 or 3 pairs because my eyes are very light sensitive and I can't go without them.

As for people carrying more. When I was a kid my mother had a huge beach bag filled with stuff I honestly have no idea what was in it but it's in every photo. My mom had a camera with lenses (wayyyy before digital of course) and my dad carried a video camera. You know, those one's that were the size of a small microwave that you had to rest on your shoulder.

I'm glad they did, the photos and video we have of our trips from the 70's, 80's and 90's still make me smile (and bring a tear to my sister's eye...the old softie)


One Little Spark...
Thank you for the caribiner idea! I have my camera bag which is a little larger than that and I usually wrap the strap around my thigh in the wilder rides and hope for the best. I hadn't thought of that before but it will come in very handy.

I find it works very well. Attach the caribiner to the front right belt loop of my shorts or jeans, then tuck the bag between my legs. Also, since it dangles from your beltloop, it's really easy to get in and settled on a ride, and easy to get out after the ride (no untangling, just stand up and walk off the ride, unclipping the bag once you get on stable ground)

I've used this system since 2010, and even at Disneyland (on California Screamin'), and it works very well!

Glad to help!


Well-Known Member
It doesn't bother me in the least if others want to bring everything but the kitchen sink with them, although personally I prefer to travel as light as possible.

I think the need to bring things with you increases exponentially if you have a baby or child under potty-training age, a person in your party with allergies or a medical condition, and/or intend to stay in the park all day.

Our kids are potty-trained, DH has to carry an epi-pen but we're otherwise medical-equipment-free, we have no problem drinking free ice water from counter service locations, and we don't stay in a park for more than 4-5 hours at a time, so we generally get away with a small cross-body purse holding all of the essentials.


Well-Known Member
I get that the OP had an observation about people packing more and more in bags, backpacks, whatever, but still not sure why it matters.

Some people save up for years for a family trip to Disney...something some of us take for granted and go multiple times per year. And then they get to book the trip and the excitement builds...only to have the car transmission go, or the furnace needs repairs or any of a thousand of life's little nuisances can pop up. Then this carefully budgeted trip is in danger. So a family decides to keep the trip, but instead of having lunch at Pecos Bills at a cost of $55 for a family of 5 brings in a few PB&Js and kool-aid in reusable bottles and saved themselves a good amount. Good for them. Something tells me the smiles on their kids faces and the memories of this trip will far outweigh the memory of lugging around a big bag. Let's not be so judgemental about others. I don't know what happens in thier lives, but let's just bask in the mutual enjoyment of the world's happiest place.

If the problem is that people with these knapsacks, bags, etc are not aware of their physical intrusion into our personal space, again, I see that every day. The person who swerves into my lane because they want to go around a stopped UPS delivery truck, the person with the shopping cart who parks themselves and the cart in front of the items I need to get to.... heck, my life is filled with these little annoyances, as is yours. I try my best to be cognizant of my impact on the rest of the world - sometimes I am successful, sometimes not so much. But I make it my mission every day to try to be a better person. Don't sweat the small stuff. This is small stuff.


Well-Known Member
for half our trip in Sept we brought nothing in the was so nice not having to deal with a back pack... if the kids need a clean shirt I'll buy em one ( only happened ONCE in 2 trips)... the freedom of not having to worry about a bag is heaven!


Active Member
When I was a kid my mother had a huge beach bag filled with stuff I honestly have no idea what was in it but it's in every photo.

My mom used to carry the big beach bag too. One time when we were at Six Flags she pulled out a roll of toilet paper. No idea why she thought we needed our own roll. LOL Oh my, I haven't thought about that in a while!

I have always been one to carry a backpack. I don't stuff it full to capacity, but here are a few reasons why:
1. Girl pockets just don't hold much
2. I HAVE to have water or I get migraines and I refuse to pay for bottled water all day long.

So mainly, I carry it for the water (and snacks sometimes). Then I figure, well, as long as I'm carrying a backpack I might as well take a few other things. So I throw in our ponchos, some advil, bandaids/moleskin, etc... Plus it leaves a little extra room for things we buy along the way.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
My wife and I have noticed this over the years!

YES....PLEASE, everyone take what you feel you need! However we have seen strollers packed with all kinds of bags and stuff hanging off the sides....then add Mom and Dads with back packs!

We had 2 kids and did WDW with 1 still in diapers. We had 1 medium sized back pack and the umbrella stroller/strollers.........Ho and 1 pack, that's it! It was a lot easier for us to get around!

Not Judging.........its just seemed to be all we needed.



Well-Known Member
I have the most AMAZING bag I got in WDW in 2009. It's small cross body bag, which is legit magic... I can fit SO much stuff in it yet it never gets heavy. It has a special front pocket on the flap for medical stuff. Headache/sinus tablets plasters, and whatever. It has a large front section which I keep all my makeup that travels with me. The back section has room for sunglasses, wallet, mobile phone etc. It's seriously the best bag ever! It goes EVERYWHERE with me!

I was LOST without it in 2011 as I didn't take it with me, I just assumed that I'd be able to get an updated version there. Couldn't find anything similar :(

I also have a back-pack, and that goes to Uni/IOA with me as it will usually contain a change of clothes for me and OH to ride the water rides!

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