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  1. T

    New Stitch Show on web

    Ugh First of all, anyone notice how they open with a Cheech and Chong (Dave's Not Here) bit? I guess the saving grace is that the stage looks like it could be repurposed very easily. This show is terrible.
  2. T

    Disney To Charge For Receiving Packages Shipped By Guests?

    We ship to hotels all the time and are rarely charged. Just this past weekend we had shipped two boxes to a Hyatt and ended up paying $5 per box for receiving. It's a bargain considering the alternatives.
  3. T

    Adventureland sign gone?

    There's a short essay on the removal posted here: The quick summary is that the sign in question was put up during a long-ago refurb of the main Adventureland sign and was never removed when the refurb was...
  4. T

    Did Raglan Rd open yesterday?

    We were by it last night and it looks pretty nearly done, but was definitely not open.
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    Mission Space promo shoot

    I was at EPCOT yesterday (April 10) and there was a crew set up shooting promo shots for Mission: Space. Looked like still photos only - no video. Here are some pics of the activity...
  6. T

    100yrs Park Maps

    Here's the DinoLand area from the Dec 2-8 map.
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