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  1. shutupdeedee

    Haunted Mansion Refurb.

    All I'm saying is that not even the managers in adventureland/liberty square know whats going on yet. No one realllyyyy knows when its going down. There are a lot of cast members that think they know whats going to happen. But, they are really only going by rumors. Example: If we went by the...
  2. shutupdeedee

    Tortuga just might be on its way!

    I haven't heard about this! I really hope its true because that is suchhhhhh a good idea! I'm so excited!!@#$%^&^%$# I agree with everyone else, I don't care what the cost! I'm taking my nephew! Finally a place that my nephew will absolutely love to eat at. Even if they don't do that with...
  3. shutupdeedee

    The current state of POTC

    I know we've been having A LOT of trouble with the lighting recently. There are actually a lot of worklights on that shouldn't be in the cue line and unload area but no one notices it unless you are there everyday. argh, and I am! I wasn't there yesterday so I wouldn't know why those lights...
  4. shutupdeedee

    11/13 Trip Report & MVMCP 1st night

    Its good to hear you had tons of fun! My roommate and I are super happy that you went to POTC first when you got to MK! Because thats where we work! Btw! The tree will be back where its suppose to be after Regis and Kelly do their taping on the 9th :)
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