11/13 Trip Report & MVMCP 1st night

This is going to be a little long, so forgive me. We crammed a lot in, in only one day!

My first time to stay in an All Star Resort (Movie - Herbie) was OK. Nothing fancy - but wasn't looking for that. A shower and bed was all we really wanted (that and the early morning entry to AK!)

We got to AK about 10min till 8AM - and the gates were already open. As we walked up to where you split off from the ToL - there was Minnie, Goofy and Pluto on a huge bus. Must have been one of the first days of the "Holiday" rope drop (seemes like all three of them had been out late the night before - haha). Was nice though to see Minnie, Goofy and Pluto doing a little "show" for the resort guests pre-rope drop. To end it - Mickey showed up as our "Guide" from way up the trunk on the ToL. Was very neat to see him way up there (couldn't really get a good picture from where I was standing-sorry).

We headed straight for EE - and walked right on. I would say we were about the 4th train with guest's on it. Got off, and walked right back on. WAS VERY COOL TO DO THAT. We grabbed a FP for a return of 8:45-9:45A and headed over to PrimevalWhirl. Got to ride that twice w/out even getting off. Hopped over to Dino - and again walked right on:sohappy: . Went back to PW and walked back on that (my nephew is 10 - so I went with it! :lol:)

By this time we were coming up on our FP for EE and for our third trip in an hour - headed for the Yeti again! I have to say - being a very chilly morning, made the ride that much more fun!
Asked if they were going to show nemo - and the CM replied she wasn't sure of the times for the day yet - but alas it was 12:45, 3 and 4:45. Got in on the 12:45 show after the Safari, ITtBaB and a quick bite to eat for lunch. Have to say - Nemo is all that and a bag of chips! You sit there with your mouth open for most of the show - I won't go into any "previews" as it's been said already, but this is going to be a HIT when it finally does "open".
Oh, on show length of time - from show start 12:46P to show end 1:23P - right at 40ish minutes. I never once felt it was dragging, nor did I feel it was missing anything. Classic Disney entertainment at it's finest!

Left AK and headed to Epcot - Walked right one SSE, then over to the other Nemo - haha (and again walked right on). It is short, but it is very well done. It does make you do want to ride it more than once to make sure you didn't miss anything! If this is only a small portion of Disneylands - i can't WAIT till that one opens!!!:sohappy:
After Nemo - headed to the Land - and grabbed a FP for Soarin - walked on LwtL while waiting. Did Soarin and headed to TT. Broke down (yet again) while in line but was up and running in about 10 min. Always a fun attraction!

Left Epcot after TT and headed to the Studios - and straight to ToT. I love this time of year as we only waited roughly oh - wait, we didn't - walk on! Woohooo!!!
From ToT went over to RRC and here we did have to wait for like 10 min...which seemed like forever after having been on so many with no wait. Seemed a bit rough this time - don't know what that was about. It's always been so smooth, but i banged my head a couple times. Still a fun coaster!

It was getting to be a little after 6 so decided to hit the Osborne Lights. I hadn't seen them in a few years so was looking forward to it. Christmas music blasting - all the lights, snow falling - you can't help but feel like a kid again waiting for Santa (a bit early mind you, but still). The snow stopped and an announcement came on about the Dancing Lights (it sounded like Debbie Reynolds but couldn't be sure on that-didn't hear the start of it). Then off they went, the street went black - and BAM - everything on the street starts, well, dancing. I like that they only do it every so often and not the WHOLE time. So it's a special treat when they do dance.

From there it was time for MVMCP (started at 7) - so we head back to the car and drive over to the TTC - hop a monorail and arrive at the MK right at 7PM.

(sorry everyone - dinner calls - will finish this a bit later tonight w/MVMCP report and hopefully some pictures):wave:


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In the Parks
Ok, so where was I? Ahh, yes, getting off the monorail at the MK.

To rewind for a minute - as we get off the tram at the TTC - there are several signs up "The Magic Kingdom Closes Promtly at 7pm This Evening". Thought that was a little odd, yet cool that they didn't close the park at all.
As we walked past the ticket booths, several CM's are posted to ask for your tickets (looking at the date on the back of the Hard Ticketed event). Then on to the Monorail.

As we glide along right in front of the entrance/exit - it's clear that the "day" crowd is heading out in masses (though from what I could see - it didn't look like it was all that bad). The signs above the turn stiles read "Event Entrance". While they have the left tunnel blocked off to enter (as it's only for exiting) the MK band is playing holiday music. The CM then puts a wrist band on you that reads "Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party" (since you really didn't have to leave if you were a day guest - you just couldn't ride any attractions). There were about 8-10 band members on the ground, and about 5 tumpetiers (sp) up on the train over look. Was actually a nice way to greet the arriving "holiday" guests.

The sign over the tunnel welcomes you to :xmas: "Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party 2006":xmas: . Once inside the MK, candy canes made of red & white balloons are up in the central area. Characters are all about - Mary Poppins, Burt, etc etc.
The one thing that was missing, was the Christmas Tree - but more on that in a minute...
Christmas music is playing as we walk down MS - along with snow! The "Christmas Crew" was still struggling to put up the signage for the party on each of the lamp posts. Guests were already staking a claim for the Parade that didn't start till 8:15 from Frontierland. We opt to catch the 2nd viewing of the parade and head over to POTC. I've seen the updated version at
D-Land and wanted to see the differences. Have to say - Jack Sparrow is just like he is at D-Land, still very well done! I, for one, happen to like the additions/changes to Pirates. I think it gives it a better flow now, but that's just my opinion (so don't go bizzerk on me! :p )
From POTC we grab a bite to eat and then on to SplshM...and taaa daaa, what do we encounter...NO WAIT :D ...we walk straight on, and even get to stay on for trip #2.
After our 2nd trip into the Briar Patch, we head to BTM - and - well, yes, you guessed it, 2x's around. We would have stayed for a third, but someone wanted the front rown when we pulled in from the 2nd trip. So, we hop off and grab a holiday cookie and some hot chocolate:slurp: *it got extremely chilly again, and that really hit the spot*. Over to SpceM and zoom zoom zoom on we go, hop off, and walk all the way around for a 2nd trip to space!

By now, it was getting to be about 9:30 - time for Holiday Wishes. We grab our spot at the hub and so it begins. The fireworks were AWSOME!!!
But the one complaint, or bad comment that i have about it, was the music: very confusing . Usually during some part of the fireworks show there is a segment that sticks with me and I humm it the rest of the night or even have to buy the CD for the sound track - but I was totally unimpressed with the music this time. It never seemed to "take off" or build any excitement. Nor, did I feel it made the show "flow". Maybe I'd just be going at it to long for the day:hammer: , but for me, I didn't care for the music at all. The fireworks are quite beee-u-tif-ul as usual though.:rolleyes:

We then fight the crowd and make our way for one more cup of hot chocolate and on to the HM. I have to say, I was not looking forward to this (after reading all the bad reports it's been getting lately.) But to my suprise, it was a pretty good ride. The speakers in our "Doom Buggy" were actually loud enough to hear and there was no static to be heard.
The "hidden mickey" was still on the table for the dinner scene (which I was glad to see it was still there).
The one thing I didn't care for was the screen in the Grimm Grinning Ghosts area...it looked all bunched up in several places. Of course I was looking for anything out of the norm, but that was about all I found for this at least this one trip.

A viewing of MPhilhmgc to rest the now very tired feet - I do love that 3d movie!
Then back to MS to catch the parade. My nephew was beginning to crash by this point (he slowed down, started to get cold, and I could start to see his eyes glaze over). The parade started and was very good. I don't know if it's just for the MVMCP or if they will do this daily once they go into full force Christmas, but it seemed to have way more Characters than usual. There were a huge amount of them to start the parade with. Goofy looked to have a new float, Woody and Jessie took over his old float. Other than a few tweaks here and there - same great Christmas Parade. Stepped off again at Frntrlnd at 10:15 - & It seemed to last a long time too - by the time it started where we were standing (end of MS closest to the Castle) 10:35-10:40ish it didn't end till 11:15ish at the train station side (we left a bit early so we could get a few trinkets and to keep him awake!:snore: haha)

We were back on the monorail by 11:30 and to the car by 11:55. Was a long day, but we had a great trip! I don't think we missed a single E-ticket ride the whole day! 4 parks - 1 Party and 2 (still) aching feet! WHAT FUN! Ready to do it again!!!!!

Oh yeah - the Christmas tree. It's staying down by the castle folks. They had a photographer at one spot where you could get the tree and the castle in the same picture. It's not moving back to MS anytime soon from the looks of it. Actually, it's rather nice down by the castle and the crowd control is much much much better with it down there. I did miss being able to walk up close to it though, and look up and realize just how big and decorated it was, but still, I happen to like it in it's current spot.

Anyway...I'm sure I'm forgetting something - and as I remember, I'll post more. I'm in the Holiday mode full force now:xmas:


Active Member
Wow a two hour long Dinner. It must have been good.

Anyway good report. I was one of the people leaviing when you were entering the park.


New Member
Pretty sure the tree moves after the parade taping, they need the town square for cameras. At least hat is what happend last year.


New Member
Sounds like a Jolly Holly Day

Man, you guys were ALL OVER!

Nice report. I'm pumped about going on 12/5! My family will probably take it A LOT SLOWER, but that's ok. Did you stop to see any of the shows or listen in on the carolers/street performers? I'm curious about these unique elements ... especially since there is no way my family can speed from one mountain to the next.:eek: Your nephew is a trooper.


Active Member
Pretty sure the tree moves after the parade taping, they need the town square for cameras. At least hat is what happend last year.
That does not make sence. I went down here in 2000 and I think I remember seeing the tree in town square after thanksgiving. And the taping is going to be on the 1 and 2.


New Member
Its good to hear you had tons of fun!
My roommate and I are super happy that you went to POTC first when you got to MK! Because thats where we work!

Btw! The tree will be back where its suppose to be after Regis and Kelly do their taping on the 9th :)


Well-Known Member
That does not make sence. I went down here in 2000 and I think I remember seeing the tree in town square after thanksgiving. And the taping is going to be on the 1 and 2.

no regis and kelley like the town square area for their taping, so the tree will remain near the castle till the parade is filimed that fisrt weekend in dec It then will move to its usual spot in town square.


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In the Parks
Man, you guys were ALL OVER!

Nice report. I'm pumped about going on 12/5! My family will probably take it A LOT SLOWER, but that's ok. Did you stop to see any of the shows or listen in on the carolers/street performers? I'm curious about these unique elements ... especially since there is no way my family can speed from one mountain to the next.:eek: Your nephew is a trooper.

Thanks! We stopped just for a moment or two to watch/listen to a few of the performers. My nephew is one of those "this is boring" types, so it's always go go go.
And I have to admit - as much as I like hearing them - if you don't have someone with you that can apprct the singing like you do, it's kinda hard to stop and listen for longer than one song with a 10yo.

And when you know you only have one full day to cram everything in - you hit the highlights and go. Having worked at Disney in the past - I've seen most of the shows as it is - and my nephew could care less (though once the show starts he always seems to just get into it - it's the just getting him to wait long enough for it to start).:lol:


Active Member
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In the Parks
That does not make sence. I went down here in 2000 and I think I remember seeing the tree in town square after thanksgiving. And the taping is going to be on the 1 and 2.

I agree. They used to set the tree up in MS and have the "stage" in front of the tree facing MS. There was never a good "clean" shot of MS and the tree or the castle without the stage in it. With this set up, you get the best of both worlds so to speak.

I've not known them to move the tree once it's set up. But it is Disney, and they can do "magic"!?!?!

I don't know how they would move it either - without taking down several of the decorations on MS. And they can't go back stage with it (at least not decorated) as it has to stay upright and there just isn't any opening large enough to get it back there and then back around to MS (from it's current position). I personally don't see them moving it again now that it's all set up.

Plus for the park photos, you can actually take a picture with it & the castle.
If they do move it back to MS - i would be totally suprised.


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In the Parks
Finally have a few pictures uploaded to my photo album. A few of them (ok Alot of them) are a bit blurry as I have a new dig camera and i'm still trying to get the "night" shot action down. So forgive me on that front. But at least you get the idea.

:wave: Go ahead & take a look'seeee :wave:

woohoo! :sohappy:

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