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  1. Soarin' Mama

    FastPass+ stressing me out...

    I feel you, OP. I'm planning my second WDW trip. Our first was in 2007, and it was awesome-everything a WDW vacation ought to be. We did utilize FP and I loved it. But learning about FP+ is exhausting. It seems like so much has changed over the last 8 years, and I feel almost like I'm planning...
  2. Soarin' Mama

    Moderate Resorts - Your views on them?

    We've only been to WDW once, but stayed at CBR and loved it so much that the next time we go we'll stay there again. I totally agree with the poster who said that the relaxed feel of the resort was just the thing after a long day at the parks. I really appreciated being surrounded by grass...
  3. Soarin' Mama


    I can't put my head around how you would do this...the pots are so small! I could imagine brewing water and washing in the sink, but that's it. Seems easier to just bring extra socks and undies.
  4. Soarin' Mama


    Nope...Not gonna give up coffee. Though that would be a solution. I could get coffee at the resort eatery, but there were mornings that we didn't want to walk all the way across the resort (CBR) for a cup of coffee because we were too excited to get to the parks.
  5. Soarin' Mama


    Ack! What!?! :eek:
  6. Soarin' Mama


    Oh thank you! :kiss:
  7. Soarin' Mama


    What is the deal with the coffee situation at WDW? When we went in 2007 our room had the tiniest little coffee pot with very bitter, weak coffee. Just awful. Now, I'm not exactly a coffee snob. I buy the giant San Fransisco bag at Costco for something like 12 bucks. But I do need a bit...
  8. Soarin' Mama

    How far in advance?

    Thank you! Thanks for your replies!
  9. Soarin' Mama

    Packages vs. Specials

    Thank you! So does that work even if we want to do the dining plan and make ADRs? If a free dining promo comes along before the 45 day before our trip mark when the balance is due, they'll go ahead and change it easily enough? And I can change it after I've paid and get a refund for the...
  10. Soarin' Mama

    How far in advance?

    How far in advance can you make an ADR if you aren't using the dining plan or a vacation package?
  11. Soarin' Mama

    Packages vs. Specials

    I know that Disney announces it's packages for the next year in August/September, but do they include the various "specials" in that announcement, or do they dole those out one at a time with no warning? I guess right now there is a deal where kids are free. That's a special, right? And...
  12. Soarin' Mama

    When in May?

    Yes, May of next year. Thank you
  13. Soarin' Mama

    When in May?

    Hi there! I'm new to the boards and am planning our second trip to WDW. We're planning for sometime in May, but would like to go during a slow time. Ds wants to go during the Flower and Garden Festival, and dh wants to go during Star Wars Weekend, which I think is usually the last weekend...
  14. Soarin' Mama


    Thanks! Wow! Thank you for the warm welcome!
  15. Soarin' Mama


    Hi there! I just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. I am a homeschooling mom of an lovely 8yo ds and we are planning our second WDW vacation. We went in 2007 and stayed at CBR and loved it! We're planning on going again in May 2011 and staying in a Pirate room at CBR. Since we've only...
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