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  • Steve they have the storybook circus posters up by the tomorrowlqnd speedway. Figured you could get one of your sources to get a pic of them.
    Hey there, my name is Jeff and I just recently joined your forums. I wanted to let you know about something that may help make your forums a bit more versatile. It's called tapatalk and it's an app for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Nokia phones. It's a forum reader that works very well. I told Tim Devine from The Magic in Pixels about it and he installed it to his forums and I've been using the Tapatalk app for his forums for about six months now and it's just awesome. To be able to access the forum from my phone from anywhere is really neat and really convenient. There is a plugin that you the forum owner would have to install, but from what I heard from Tim, it's not too tough. Please let me know if you go with it so I can start surfing your forums from my phone! Thanks!

    P.S. - Go to http://tapatalk.com/ to get the plugin. :)
    Any word when some of the rest of the scrims will be down for the Holidays? Like Casey's Corner etc. ?
    is david's vacation club rentals a good place to go to rent a dvc timeshare or is it a rip off. Could you please send me an email at cool777t@yahoo.com and let me know what your ideas are on this company.
    I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love this site! Thanks for administrating it! I found that this site has great breaking news.
    Hello, I am A WDW Cast Member, So, I can help with info. Plus Disney monorail (MK) will close Jan, 2011 for upgrades.
    Why have I been deleted from this site? Can you not take criticism or outbreak? Why because I preached of the wrongs you are doing and can't take it that people may want to use this site along with this one or that you do not know how to keep people pleased? Why can I not tell people of a site where others have gone just to let them know? Why?! I was fine on this site posted well followed the rules yet ye do not know how to run a site while pleasing your people and so I ask you if you can't please one what if the one becomes the many? I can still search this site and I can still message others where all have gone that are looking. So I spit on ye loyal peice of crap and bid farewell? Also, send me a DM Or twitter message of why I have been kicked/banned from this website since before I sent this message.
    So every post I make, even just a question about the Tables in Wonderland gets deleted by the moderators with no explanation or email. Just wondering why I am being singled out.
    Hello again, I was wondering if there was a site to upload photos from that doesnt require it to be moderated? I dont post up bad photos, but on the "how many days" thread they dont show up till a day later, it kind of defeats the purpose. Sorry to be a bother.
    I assume you are in charge of this site. Please deactivate and delete my account. I have tried to do it from my profile and cannot find a way. Please erase all of my personal information from your files. I do not want to be associated in anyway, even historically or as a ghost image floating on your system.

    If it is necessary for me to actually deactivate the account please send me the instructions ans I will do it myself next time I am on a computer

    I am saddened by this place.

    Thank you for your time.
    A couple of things:

    1) I'm disappointed at you for hating the Enchanted Tiki Room--Under New Management. As someone who supposedly understands why things happen at WDW, you seem to lack comprehension in your review of it.

    2) The Country Bears' Xmas show is not permanently retired. On your sites Country Bear Jamboree attraction page, I very strongly suggest mentioning that the holiday show WILL return in the future, because IT WILL! Get rid of the "1984 to 2006" bit--it's misleading!
    Recently, my wife, 2 close friends and I went DHS to see Fantasmic. We told our friends what a great show this is. Much to our dismay, the show has changed greatly from our previous visit during Dec. '08. Fantasmic has become a giant cartoon show,
    while dropping prior scenes of a huge serpent chasing Mickey, many live characters during boat scenes, and the huge dragon Mickey defeats near the end of the show. Why change a great show to cartoons on water mist.
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