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  • Steve, I would like to change my screen name from pbarger to Dizneydad Paul, let me know if this is available. I have always went by that on other sites and would like to keep it. Let me know thanks and God Bless
    Dizneydad Paul, Indiana
    Thanks for moving the thread I started to the proper place. My iPad is was playing tricks on my today...
    not sure if u covered this somewhere, but after the site change i still cant get the top 5 posts on the front page. is this a problem on my end or still not set up yet?
    They are now back on the main site
    Hello Mr administrator,
    Been a member for awhile now, but not certain about this... In a nut shell I HAD a trip planned, and tickets purchased. Trip fell through. I know I can keep the Disney tickets and use later, but I have 2 Sea World tickets that I am trying to sell. Is it against ANY rules or a violation to post this type of ad with a email to contact me?
    Yes we do not do for sale messages - sorry.
    Thanks for the info regarding trip countdowns Steve. No apologies needed. If you posted info about them still not working, obviously I missed it.
    Hey Steve, can you see anything within my account that's not letting my trip countdown work ? I see I'm listed as a premium member and have entered my next trip correctly. I think I lost it arround the new forum launch. As always, thanks for the great site ! Foolish Mortal/Steve
    Hi. The trip countdown is still not operational after the forum change. I'm working on it, but it has taken longer than expected. I'll let you know when it is back. Apologies for the delay. Thanks for your support!
    Hello, sorry for any trouble. My birth year says I was born in 1900, it should read 1972. Turning 40 is tough enough 111 must be a killer!
    Thanks much!
    HI! So I would rather not receive emails every time there is an alert. Is there a way I can set it to where I will only get email alerts once a day like before?
    Thought you might enjoy this.
    WDWMagic, a Romney ad, really? Let's keep Disney boards politics free, unless you give equal time to all candidates. I'm very disappointed in you.
    WDWMagic, a Romney ad, really? Let's keep Disney boards politics free, unless you give equal time to all candidates. I'm very disappointed in you.
    Hey wdwmagic,
    I'm a new member and I checked out the Virtual Magic Kingdom thread and I wondered if I can make a thread about the fun we had on there and the possible idea of bringing it back. I know it probably won't come back but there is a website that says they are in the progress of making their own (not Virtual Family Kingdom). Should I start the thread?
    Hi, I posted a simple april fools joke today called Great Movie Ride Closing in The Fall,,,just for a fun one kinda like miceage does. And I clearly stated at the end of it in a new post that it was simply a funny. People are so serious on here, it hasnt gone over well I would rather it just be pulled if possible? I certainly wont ever do that again. Sorry for any disruption. Thank you
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