Buzz Lightyear
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  • Hey, just got back (Sun 6:00). Be back with a trip report soon. I am addicted to TSMM!!!!!

    Look forward to the social group!!!
    Hi Tim - Welcome back! I hope your trip was magical and your birthday was fun.

    I started a new social group called, Disney Confessions - Share your inner-most Disney-related secrets about what you have, or have not experienced. Check it out and post something interesting. Thanks!
    Will Do!!!! We are doing last minute packing. And I just mowed the yard, geez my allergies are going to be warped this afternoon?!?! Looks like we will leave around 4:00 or so. After this past week, I need this vacation BAD!!!!. BTW, Lauren will have her laptop and we have WiFi so hopefully I can talk with you while we are there!!! Thanks for the well wishes and I'll tell Minnie you said "HEY"!
    Hi Tim - I hope that you and your family have a GREAT visit to WDW. I want to hear all about it when you get back. Give my regards to Minnie :wave:.
    Apparently they must be organizing several webcast from WDW to be aired live. That would be cool if we had a few to choose from.

    Only one more day of work!!!!!!
    I work from home all the time now, so I had the live webcam up on my home PC and listened to the 'honk-honk' of the Friendship taxis and the music loop from the BW all day. It's too bad that the afternoon rain wiped out the camera before Illuminations :brick:. At least the owners were able to salvage the camera with the help of a blow dryer :lol:. Have a good Wednesday!
    OMG, I found it first thing this morning and I could have wasted a total day watching it. Just what us Disney-addicts need to make our days less productive!!!

    We will leave Friday about 3:30pm and drive to Valdosta GA and spend the night. We plan on being in Orlando about 2 or 3pm Sat.
    Have a great tourney!!! We are playing local this weekend, so not to far to go. Tell Harrison to hit a homer this weekend!!!
    Happy Friday! We're off to Aiken, SC and Augusta, GA for a USSSA baseball tournament this w/e. It's a good thing I bought a Camry Hybrid! I hope you have a nice w/e.
    Hi Tim - What's up? Harrison has a baseball tournament this w/e, so I'll be doing a lot of cheering from the sidelines. I hope you have a great w/e. Take care :wave:
    Hi Tim - I'm trying out the new friends network. I hope you and your family are doing well.
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