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  • I agree with your post about buses for scooters 120%. They really need to look at doing something because It can get real bad at times.
    I have seen a family of 8 with a scooter skip ahead of a long line waiting for the bus. Needless to say some people did not get a seat even after waiting in the hot sun for 30+ min.
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    Reactions: Spike-in-Berlin
    I know, I decided to keep my post simple because I could've gone on and on. But that's exactly why. You wait and then if your're not far enough ahead in line you may not even get on, doesn't matter how long you've waited. That's beyond unfair, it's ridiculous!
    We're amidst planning for our big San Francisco/coast/Disneyland trip, and we're all really excited for it. We're going the whole reservations process now and it brings me back to my WDW-planning trip days. :-) What was your favorite part of the trip?
    OMG, the last time I wrote was Feb? Man, time gets away from me. How are you? Gearing up for summer? My buddy trip back in Nov was amazing!! I had a blast and it made me even more excited about our trip this year.
    Hey! Glad to hear from you, and that your buddy trip was a great time. Makes me wish that I could go even more! College is good...crazy and leaving me without a spare second of time, but life is pretty good.
    How is your dad's house? A lot of places I loved and used to visit are more or less gone, but here the rebuilding begins. Not too sure about DIsney College Program at this point, since I'm not sure how it would fit in with my majors (English and Political Science). I am really so excited for you for your's coming very very soon! All packed yet?
    Hey, long time no hear! Are you excited for WDW in two weeks? All is well over here. College is a lot of fun, though right now I'm just killing time watching LOST (my new favorite show). We got spared most of the worst of the storm, though are usual haunts were not so lucky. How is all by you?
    You'll love has a certain bit of 'magic' that WDW doesn't have. I thought I'd get thrown off because it was surrounded by a city, but it wasn't too bad at all, especially if you stay on site. We loved CA and I'm counting the days to go back!
    I'm actually in the midst of planning for our CA trip for next summer. We'll land in San Francisco, rent a car and drive down the coast, stopping in Monterey and Big Sur. Then, three or so days at Disneyland to check out everything!
    The internship went great, my last day is on Wednesday, just in time for college. It was a lot of work but definitely a worthwhile experience (that will look great on a resume!).
    This damned message system is really getting to me. At any rate, you're getting that much closer to your WDW trip, and you managed to squeeze in dirty Joisey in the meantime. I'd call that a success! :-)
    At any rate, a belated "welcome home" from my neck of the woods! I'm glad that you guys had so much fun up here...I'm glad that we're not *that* boring! Sorry that the storms kind of spoiled it, though. No damage, but my grandparents in Absecon lost power for almost a week.
    We had a fantastic time, one of the best vacations we've had in years. Believe it or not, there's vacations out there that aren't Disney-related! LOL
    So now I'm starting to feel old...I still can't figure out this whole profile-writing things but here goes! Apologies for the delay...we just got back from our cruise to Bermuda. Sailed out on Norwegian Cruise Line from New York, two days at sea, three days in Bermuda, a day of sailing back, and here I am!
    Apologies again about major delays in getting back. I haven't been following the site as much. Also, I didn't realize how frustrating commuting/the rat race is! What would be a half-hour drive anywhere else is usually over an hour for me. New York traffic is crazy! But thankfully this New Jersey driver fits in just fine.
    New format is a bit of a PITA but here goes!
    Thanks for the congrats...leaving HS was very bittersweet (it was a small class and we were all pretty close) but I'm pretty ready to move on. My closest friends have shipped off to the Coast Guard or Naval Academy by now, which is a bit of a bummer, but other than that it's business as usual!
    The two room split at All Star Sports sounds like a very good choice. Your boys must be excited to have their own room! Are the rooms conjoining? Your Nov trip is coming up so fast, it's June already! And after that, next year's trip will seem even closer! When do you make reservations for that one?
    No problem regarding delay, and I'm not offended at all LOL. I've always tried to avoid the stigmatism of a teens acting immature on the web. At any rate, as of last Thursday I am a HS graduate, which is pretty bittersweet for me. We had a small (72) graduating class, so we were all very close. But onto new things!
    I'm not doing too bad. Lots of busy-ness coming up pretty soon, though. HS graduation is middle of June and then it's straight off to my internship with the National Park Service afterwards. (I'll be helping with GPS/GIS in the natural resources division.) I'm pretty excited for it to tell you the truth. It's unpaid but thankfully they have a stipend for my commuting in four days a week. And then at the end of August it's off to college! Way too much going on.

    In the meantime, we have tentatively planned our next WDW vacation for May of 2014. Next year is our long-awaited DL/Pacific Coast trip. I'm not sure how I'll do without WDW for three years but I still haven't ruled out the WDW College Program to an extent.
    No problem for the delay, and I'm glad that you're feeling better. Hopefully the rest of your summer continues in good health!

    Congratulations on both of your boys finishing the 5th and ninth grades...they are the toughest but I'm sure they have fared very well. As for them growing up, it doesn't happen nearly as fast as you may think & you will do perfectly as a parent of two teenagers! :D

    Woo for the ADR's being done! That must mean it's coming sooner than you know it. The Patisserie is absolutely delicious, btw. Grab a pastry and watch IllumiNations for the perfect effect.) It just seems you and the WDW vacations never stop, LOL. At which moderate are you thinking of staying?
    Sorry again for the delays over here. Lots of work and family stuff has kept me off of the internet lately. It was one of those times at which everything happens within one or two weeks, and you have no hope for squeezing in any free time. Thankfully, that time of year is over and hopefully things get back to normal now!

    Have your thoughts about this summer solidified yet? I'm sure the extra time is both a blessing and a curse...LOL. Are the boys going to busy this summer? I'm going to be working 9-5 four days a week at an internship, but I'm looking forward to that. At the very least I'll be busy most days of the week.

    By the way, I can't even tell you how much WDW withdraw I've been having. It'll hit be at all times of the day, or right now when I'm listening to Illuminations and scrolling through old vacation pictures. Hopefully we'll be back someday soon! In the meantime, I'm getting excited for your Thanksgiving trip. :p
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