Master Yoda
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  • Hey you know if the Fastpass + could run out? We JUST booked for next weekend and are wondering if it is too late tio get Toy Story Mania, Soaring, it possible those "reservations have long since been gobbled up in the 60 day window?
    Master Yoda
    Master Yoda
    Hard to say. They are supposed to be doing a staggered release where so many are released on day 60, 45, 30, etc, but that can change by the day since they are still in testing. I would go ahead and set up what you can now vs waiting until day of. If TSMM does not show up, keep checking back.
    Dad 2 M & M
    Dad 2 M & M
    Set up the account last ....everything I wanted was STILL available, although the time groupings were not exactly primo...especially with the Epcot "E-Ticket" system. Surprisingly, TSMM was not a problem AND did choosing it did not result in weird time groupings. Soaring was the grouping challenge....crazy times for Sunday the 17th.
    Dad 2 M & M
    Dad 2 M & M
    Set up the account last NIGHT...omitted "night" in previous post..
    You need to set up a special arrangement with Steve to have your avatar animate again... Surely a little extra Jedi HTML coding is all it would take. :P
    I just noticed your signature and wanted to say I love that a fellow Nerdist follower is on here.
    Master Yoda
    Master Yoda
    Good to know I am not the only one. "enjoy your burrito" and "Wheaton's law" are pretty much the philosophies I live my life by. lol
    I want to thank you for always replying and truly being helpful on this forum! It can be filled with less then Disney spirits and I appreciate someone who exemplifies love for Disney including kindness on this forum! Thanks again
    Master Yoda
    Master Yoda
    Thanks! I do my best. My tongue does slip on occasion but I try my best to be one of the good guys.
    Yes even Yoda makes mistakes though Jedi he is :) ! Have a magical day
    Rich, Need some help buddy.... Without calling is there a way to find out what some of the "out of Pocket" cost are for Chef Mickey's, Breafast with Princess's etc? always hate to ask you. If you might remember I too am a TA that does mostly Disney. But you are the Master....pun intended. I only wish I could absorb and remember half the ________ you have in your head.
    Hey just wondering if you know when they typically bring out free dining for the last few weeks of January if they do.Thanks
    Um, I don't know. Abby requested dinner at Chef Mickey's for her birthday so we're eating there at 5:30, then we'll take the bus back to the Beach Club. Want to meet somewhere around BC/YC at 7:30?
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