Team Citra Brainstorming Thread - Project Two: The Golf War


Well-Known Member
Hole #7
We continue through Atlantis and make our way into the research lab where we can look out onto the seas (screens). We then hit the ball into a Ferris wheel like contraption as it comes out at the other end towards the hole.
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Hole #8
We continue through the Research Lab and come across another unique hole. View attachment 474552
Hole #9
We enter the lounge, which is a common room with couches and chairs. There is a large window, which (screen) that looks out the ocean, behind the guests as they reach the next hole, a loop. View attachment 474554
Hole #10
We finally reach the travel pods, which will take us down to the ocean floor. Guests will need to hit the ball through multiple obstacles
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That’s what I have for the Atlantis HQ. it needs work so it’s just a rough draft. Feel free to give feedback.
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Well-Known Member
That’s what I have for the Atlantis HQ. it needs work so it’s just a rough draft. Feel free to give feedback.
Did a few quick sketches for Hole 7 and Hole 9

Overall your descriptions are a good start, just add more details and make each description a sentence or two longer.

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Okay, let me see what I can do...

Hole #13
A colorful collection of coral, seaweed, and kelp is spread out around us. Much of it creates a "maze" of sorts around the path you are to shoot your ball down, making getting the ball into the hole rather tricky. But if you do it, an audio-animatronic eel pokes its head out of a hole in one piece of coral before ducking back in.

Hole #14
In front of us is a large red octopus, its many tentacles spread out all over the place. It sits directly above the hole. Your mission is to shoot the ball around the twisting, turning tentacles wrapping themselves around the sea floor. The octopus, strangely enough, seems afraid. Could it be frightened by our presence... or that of the "monster"?


Hole #15
Suddenly, we're caught in a stampede - a stampede of sea turtles! All around us - on our left, on our right, and even over our heads, the turtles are on the move. What on earth could they be fleeing from? Well, whatever it is, you have to get your ball into the hole by sending it up and down the shells of several sea turtles on the ground. Through a combination of projections, animatronics, static figures, and a cleverly-disguised floor, it seems as though we've left the ocean floor and are freely floating through the water with sea turtles. The shells of the sea turtles that we're supposed to send our ball up and down are sloped, with the turtles' heads and limbs painted on the floor around them.

(the sea turtles wouldn't actually be the ones from Finding Nemo, this is just the best picture I could find)

Hole #16
From here, the sea life becomes stranger and stranger as the effects of the radioactive materials become apparent. Fish appear, glowing in multiple different colors. A lobster with three claws perches atop a large rock. Enormous seahorses as big as a human peer at us. To get the ball into the hole, be sure to keep it from going into the open mouths of a whale - a teeny, tiny whale about the size of a small car. Otherwise, it'll shoot it out its blowhole.

Hole #17
More bizarre fish surround us. Guarding the next hole is an odd sort of sea creature with the head of a fish, the shell of a sea turtle, the claws of a crab, and the tentacles of a squid. You have to time this right - it might block the ball from getting to the hole with one of its tentacles, or even gobble it up. Your best option is to wait until it retracts its tentacles back into its shell.

Hole #18
Suddenly, a loud roar fills our ears. The monster is up ahead! At the penultimate hole, we find ourselves confronting a ferocious, two-headed, sharp-toothed, red-eyed, serpent-like sea monster. To defeat the beast, we must send the ball down the monster's tail, body and neck and into one head's open jaws. After this, the monster's other head will "spit" the ball out into the hole.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not having this sooner. Considering @NigelChanning09 had designed his holes more around the research lab portion of the Atlantis base, I decided to make the starting holes more reflective of a home at the base. Hope these look fine.

Hole #1
Guests begin in the entry lobby of a futuristic home in the underwater Atlantis base, where a sleek chair and couch serve as obstacles to navigate around. Beyond them is a trio of pneumatic pipes. Though the pipes all lead to the area where the hole is, the center pipe is the one that transports the ball straight to the hole.

Hole #2
A variety of sensors and screens provide stats on the conditions of the interior in this futuristic home, and even some stats on the ocean outside. In front of guests is a path of wiring on an uphill curved path, with bumps along the way. One meter among the sensors rises with each point. If the guest hits their ball all the way up the path, the sensor will give a triumphant beep as the ball drops down a path straight to the hole. If not, the ball simply rolls back down the hill, taking it on a simple path that is further from the hole.

Hole #3
Guests find themselves next in the kitchen of this futuristic home. An automatic dishwasher appears to have gone haywire, as plates and forks have planted themselves into the ground across the kitchen. If you hit the right plate with your ball, you can find a good bank shot that can get you to the hole faster. The wrong plate, however, might summon a surprising water squirt from the sink.

Hole #4
Next on the path is the game room. Guests start on an elevated strip of terrain, where there is a hole of the other end in front of a computer monitor. The sides along this path are wide open, besides two walls that move along the edges (looking rather like the paddles from Pong). If you can sink it in the hole, the ball will roll down and right to the hole in the wider lower terrain. Going over the sides forces you to face an assortment of pinball bumpers as you navigate towards the hole.

Hole #5
Guests enter into a hallway that is being cleaned by robots. One robot operates a vacuum cleaner, with a gap in the ground between the vacuum and the hill that guests start on. If you hit the ball hard enough and clear the gap, the ball is sucked up by the vacuum and pops out the top of the vacuum towards the hole. Otherwise, the ball drops down the gap on a left-leaning slope, down into the main area. Besides that, one robot is cleaning the floor near the hole, its moving hand periodically blocking the hole.

Hole #6
In front of guests now is a twisting S-shaped hallway, where the floor is littered with moguls. It is almost as if something had passed through here and attempted to break in, but couldn’t. Guests will have to navigate these moguls as they reach the hole, which rests in front of a sleek door labeled “Research Laboratory”.


Well-Known Member
We're on the home stretch team, we've made terrific progress today!

@DashHaber and @Brer Panther both of your descriptions are exceptional! I'll start editing what you tow wrote into the final document tomorrow.

Remember @NigelChanning09 to add more details to your existing descriptions and remember to also write Holes 11 and 12.

@JokersWild we still need the introduction and conclusion.

I need all projects by 1PM EST/10 AM PST so I can edit it into the presentation and turn it in at the end of the day.

For me, I'll be working on the map, another one or two pieces of concept art, and editing everything into one big presentation.


Well-Known Member
Mini-golf is an American classic. No matter where you go, you’re bound to run into at least one course. Of course, Disney has been in the mini-golf game for decades. Winter Summerland and Fantasia Gardens are typically thought of two of the best courses in the Orlando area. So it was only natural that Disney would want to expand upon that idea and establish a proper golf complex, Disney’s Golfland, featuring three distinct but thematically consistent courses. For our portion of the project, our goal was to take the classic mini-golf concept and make it truly immersive and loosely story driven. So, please sit back, relax, and enjoy:


This mostly indoors golf course combines classic Disney immersion with their famous storytelling to create a unique mini-golfing experience. Let’s take a look at the course.

The Backstory
1953. As the Cold War ramps up, the United States Government starts a secret research program. Codenamed Project Atlantis, the country’s top scientists, marine biologists, and geologists are invited to live and work in an underwater habitat located deep within the Atlantic Ocean. Later named Atlantis, the habitat would stand primarily as a research and development center. Drilling deep in the ocean floor in search of Uranium alternatives that could be used against the Soviets, the scientists instead uncovered something far more mysterious. The team’s drilling awakened a creature, hibernating deep within the Earth for millennia. The creature soon attacked, leading the researchers to abandon the habitat. Atlantis still stands to this day, now home to The Creature and its’ mutated brood.

As you can see, - INSERT TITLE HERE - provides an incredibly unique take on the classic mini-golf formula. All of us at Team Citra thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoyed the project. See you next round.


Well-Known Member
Hole #7
We continue through Atlantis and make our way into the research lab where we can look out onto the seas (screens). We then hit the ball into a Ferris wheel like contraption as it comes out at the other end towards the hole.


Hole #8
We continue through the Research Lab and come across another unique hole. A plinko-like game that requires the guests to hit the ball up a ramp and watch it come down bouncing between obstacles along the way.


Hole #9
We enter the lounge, which is a common room with couches and chairs. Television screens play “live” footage of the sea. There is a large window (screen), which looks out onto the ocean, behind the guests as they reach the next hole, a loop.


Hole #10
We finally reach the travel pods, which will take us down to the ocean floor. Multiple screens fill the room with a route that will take us down. Guests will need to hit the ball through multiple obstacles to make it to the hole. Once completed, the pod doors will open as guests advance to the ocean.

Hole #11
We exit the pods and find ourselves on the ocean floor surrounded by corral and seaweed. Fish are everywhere as guests take in the beauty of the seas and find the next hole. The goal is to hit the ball around a corner into a coral reef.
Hole #12
After continuing through the ocean, the guests find themselves exploring a sunken ship. They enter through a large hole in the ship and see lost and abandoned artifacts scattered across the ground. There’s also an octopus who is taking a few lost pieces of jewelry for itself. We hit the ball one of two different paths to get to the hole.


Well-Known Member

Not finished yet, I still have to edit it a bit more, add a few more pictures, and the map. I added some hints about who the monster really is and small hint of a backstory along the course that shouldn't interrupt the overall course.
Thank you for adding more detail to my descriptions. I’ve been very busy this week and haven’t had a lot of time to flesh out the different holes. I can assure everyone that I will be more helpful, and this week just happened to be a little hectic.


Well-Known Member
I'll be posting this in the hub thread in a few hours.
I'd appreciate some feedback.


Well-Known Member
I'll be posting this in the hub thread in a few hours.
I'd appreciate some feedback.
My only complaint is that I think that releasing a mutated dog out into the ocean to drown is a little dark for a family-oriented golf course. Everything else is great!

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