So basic outline for story/ structure:
.Atlantis - a project built in secret by the US government in 1953, then known internally as Project Atlantis. Underwater research center and settlement.
.Random drilling leads to the uncovering of "The Creature." (I want to drop the Golfzilla name. It made sense for my campy pitch early, but I don't think it would gel with the slightly more serious tone we seem to be taking with this course.)
.Creature attacks part of the base, leading the government to abandon the project.
.Guests golf through the unaffected portions of the settlement before venturing across the seafloor to the area that has been overtaken by The Creature.
Course outline that we don't have to follow, but I think that it would give the course a good story flow.
.Research center (hole 1-5)
.Living/ liesure quarter (hole 6-10)
.Sea floor (hole 11-15)
.The Creature (hole 16-18)
@Sharon&Susan your art looks great. The only thing that I'll say is that I don't think that we should have a fake elevator preshow. This is minigolf. People aren't really going to this for that type of experience, and logistically I worry about crowd control/ party spacing. I think that we can show the story visually at each hole. I'd also like to write story blurb signs for each hole. I'll just need an outline of each hole so I can make sure that what I'm writing is at least remotely related to the hole.