A Spirited 15 Rounds ...


Well-Known Member
I agree it happens everywhere. I just think it's going to be more difficult for more "everyday" types like you mentioned to get away with certain things. They have to at least be more careful about it.

A predator who is wealthy and powerful (like a filmmaker or studio exec) has the necessary money and influence to get away with a lot of things that would destroy other people. Things like throwing raucous underage orgies in their home with little to no risk of being caught. They have the necessary money to power through controversy. And they are surrounded by people willing to help them keep it quiet. Or worse, enablers and perhaps fellow predators who are glad to get involved themselves and help keep it under wraps.

Don't forget payoffs too. As much as we'd all like to hope that anyone under the employ of our judicial system is beyond reproach, it just isn't the case. I've also wondered if there should be limits to the number of years a judge can sit on the bench, and - as terrible as it sounds - age limits for sitting on the bench spefically because of cases in which the offenses weren't considered as bad in previous decades, but at the time the crime was committed or the judge is hearing a case had taken on much more weight.


Well-Known Member
Roseanne seems mad that people are supporting James Gunn and not her


She has a point. As I have said since the very beginning, yes, there are differences because of the fact that her tweet was "new" and Gunn's were "resurfaced", it is interesting that a line is being drawn between it's okay to make jokes pedophile jokes but not race jokes (if you don't believe Roseanne that it wasn't intended to be about race, that is).

In any case, I truly feel bad for the woman at this point because clearly she is in a mental tailspin, even if she still is making some sense. The entire show she created and her life's work was destroyed because of a single sentence on Twitter. That is enough to affect the mental state of someone who was perfectly "normal" to begin with, let alone someone who has a long history of mental illness.


Well-Known Member
Much like Weinstein's known behavior (or to a lesser extent, John Lasseter), there's this apparent "open secret" that Hollywood is infested with pedophiles. I don't know the full extent of this. If there's anything to be found, the people in charge have been largely successful at keeping the lid on it. The rumor is that there's a huge and extremely organized pedo ring though. If true, that's a far more widespread and bold level of abuse than ordinary predators working ordinary jobs could get away with.

This is a @WDW1974 topic, and I kind of wish he was hear because I enjoy reading his takes on things. I doubt he'll respond again for a while. I wonder what he thinks about this Gunn situation. I know he's a huge GOTG fan but I don't know if he knows much about Gunn himself. I do know that 74 has been outspoken in the past about Hollywood abuse. Back when Bryan Singer got accused of raping an underage boy, 74 stated that it was true and said it was widespread across Hollywood. Within Disney as well.
Generally, where there's smoke there's fire, but again, Cernovich is making sure the rumor of a huge, pervasive pedophile ring stays in the collective consciousness and he's literally a snake in the grass waiting for someone to give him reason to bite. As I quoted earlier, he enjoys doing that. Which is yet another thing that bothers me about him - he's taking a real issue and twisting it and making false claims just to suit his own sick purposes. I read somewhere (forgive me, but I've done so much reading I can't even begin to remember where) that he e-mailed Disney's PR department directly claiming Gunn is a pedophile.

I'm not sure we'll ever know the extent of pedophelia in Hollywood. I don't know if we'll ever get any proof, but I'm of the opinion that if a guy like Lasseter can openly treat women as if they exist merely for his enjoyment, Weinstein could get away with what he's accused of, and Cosby with what he was actually convicted of, then there very likely is at least some level of child sexual abuse going on.

And as of today, there are still people who either believe 100% that the video of the choir singing that Gunn shared was child ography or who are one of Cernovich's followers and is flat out lying.

She has a point. As I have said since the very beginning, yes, there are differences because of the fact that her tweet was "new" and Gunn's were "resurfaced", it is interesting that a line is being drawn between it's okay to make jokes pedophile jokes but not race jokes (if you don't believe Roseanne that it wasn't intended to be about race, that is).

In any case, I truly feel bad for the woman at this point because clearly she is in a mental tailspin, even if she still is making some sense. The entire show she created and her life's work was destroyed because of a single sentence on Twitter. That is enough to affect the mental state of someone who was perfectly "normal" to begin with, let alone someone who has a long history of mental illness.

She does, but I don't think it's as strong as she thinks it is - both because of the timeline difference and because of her long-standing, often repeated history. It makes me sad for her that she doesn't seem to have anyone in her life to help steer her out of a tail-spin, and that if she does, she doesn't seem to listen to them.

I don't think it was right for them to fire her, either. Disney knew full-well what they were getting into with her, and they fired her for behaving as she always has. Disney needs to stop expecting people to change just because they hired them. Not only is it unrealistic, but it's unfair as well - many people are unable to change without some huge, catalysmic, life-changing, and often tragic, event. And even then, it is sometimes a very long process. It's not like flicking some imaginary switch.

As far as the jokes go - jokes about the taboo need to be made. There's no question about that. Satire is a very important device and we shouldn't "put it on the shelf" just because some people don't understand it. I mean, even nearly 300 years ago they knew Jonathan Swift wasn't really suggesting people cook and eat children, and education wasn't as widespread then as it is now. (Don't get me started on quality of education). Where we seem to have seen evidence of Gunn's childhood abuse, I think he gets even more of a pass on making pedophelia jokes. (Gunn...if you see this...DON'T. You're NOT good at it.) This is yet another case in which nuance and intent are very important.
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Well-Known Member
She does, but I don't think it's as strong as she thinks it is - both because of the timeline difference and because of her long-standing, often repeated history.

Be careful, though - because that is where the people who went after/continue to go after Roseanne fail when it comes to the argument. Yes, the timeline is different, but if you then try to say "well, it was really her history, this is just one instance..." then you are in the muddy Gunn waters again. The volume of these tweets he sent were massive, and cover a spectrum of gross, inexcusable topics. And just like Disney was aware when they hired him, so were they what they were getting in Roseanne.


Well-Known Member
Be careful, though - because that is where the people who went after/continue to go after Roseanne fail when it comes to the argument. Yes, the timeline is different, but if you then try to say "well, it was really her history, this is just one instance..." then you are in the muddy Gunn waters again. The volume of these tweets he sent were massive, and cover a spectrum of gross, inexcusable topics. And just like Disney was aware when they hired him, so were they what they were getting in Roseanne.
They were. Which is why I was angry that they fired her, too. I had so many thoughts while I was writing that post...they got muddied. I was just as angry at the hypocrisy in firing her because they DID know. EVERYONE knew what they were getting...I was actually surprised there was so much outrage...I mean, it was Roseanne for Pete's sake. I don't know why everyone expected her to be different.


Well-Known Member
They were. Which is why I was angry that they fired her, too. I had so many thoughts while I was writing that post...they got muddied. I was just as angry at the hypocrisy in firing her because they DID know. EVERYONE knew what they were getting...I was actually surprised there was so much outrage...I mean, it was Roseanne for Pete's sake. I don't know why everyone expected her to be different.

Oh, I got ya - your post was clear. I was just expanding on that one point because it is one that I think is missing from much of that conversation. :)


Well-Known Member
I’m a gay moderate myself who has spent most of my adult life in the real conservative south. What I see is the opposite, conservatives who say they believe in faith, spreading hate and lies by using much of the same terminology you are using(identity politics, SJWs, etc), who are desperate to live a version of the 50's that never existed. I, unfortunately, know too many white nationalists.

But I also know that both sides have wingnuts and that most people are logical rational beings. Just because those folks have loud voices doesn't mean they speak for the majority. Maher has never represented the mainstream left, I'm a bit more disappointed in Kimmel (but didn't he apologize for that almost immediately).

I generally ignore or remove folks from my life who hold extremist positions on anything, extremists tie themselves into absolutes that don't reflect reality.
We live in a world of opposition. Politically and socially (although they are tied together). There are too many people in this country that want to be on the winning side of the argument, their moral high ground vs. working with the opposition. There is a defiance to actions as opposed to a sincerity.

Our country hasn't been this polarized for half a century.


Well-Known Member
We live in a world of opposition. Politically and socially (although they are tied together). There are too many people in this country that want to be on the winning side of the argument, their moral high ground vs. working with the opposition. There is a defiance to actions as opposed to a sincerity.

Our country hasn't been this polarized for half a century.

The last time this happened it severely changed the make up of the 2 political parties. I suspect that is what will happen now.


Well-Known Member
The last time this happened it severely changed the make up of the 2 political parties. I suspect that is what will happen now.

I think what we are seeing is the end of that two party system. We are destined to be the EU, where there are 4 or 5 parties. What we saw with the Republican slate of what, 16 or 18 cannidates at one point last Presidential round, is what is going to happen to the democrats this time. There is no one candidate that will pass the litmus tests of all the various groups who now demand to not just be heard and acknowledged, but to be represented at the national party level.

It is going to be very messy.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I think what we are seeing is the end of that two party system. We are destined to be the EU, where there are 4 or 5 parties. What we saw with the Republican slate of what, 16 or 18 cannidates at one point last Presidential round, is what is going to happen to the democrats this time. There is no one candidate that will pass the litmus tests of all the various groups who now demand to not just be heard and acknowledged, but to be represented at the national party level.

It is going to be very messy.
Couldn't we better off not having only two choices?


Well-Known Member
Couldn't we better off not having only two choices?

Yes, and no.

There are plus and minus all over the place.

What can happen is that when people actually have a choice of a number of parties, and you end up with split votes, so a candidate who is more unpopular with people might be the one elected because no one could decide on which other one they did like.

Various countries deal with it in different ways, but our system is pretty much designed as a two-party endeavor, even though we also have "green party" and the smaller ones as "statement" parties.

I'm sure someone can explain the differences in much more detail then I could, but basically imagine if there were four or five parties, who each got 15-25% of the vote. Chances are, none are going to really represent the majority choice - which is why in some countries they do run-offs, etc. Basically, we would have to change the structure of how we do things - and more importantly, the long-standing financial schemes behind both major political parties would be in upheaval.

It may well end up being a good thing, depending on how we adjust, but at the least, it will be a very messy transition.


Well-Known Member
Yes, and no.

There are plus and minus all over the place.

What can happen is that when people actually have a choice of a number of parties, and you end up with split votes, so a candidate who is more unpopular with people might be the one elected because no one could decide on which other one they did like.

Various countries deal with it in different ways, but our system is pretty much designed as a two-party endeavor, even though we also have "green party" and the smaller ones as "statement" parties.

I'm sure someone can explain the differences in much more detail then I could, but basically imagine if there were four or five parties, who each got 15-25% of the vote. Chances are, none are going to really represent the majority choice - which is why in some countries they do run-offs, etc. Basically, we would have to change the structure of how we do things - and more importantly, the long-standing financial schemes behind both major political parties would be in upheaval.

It may well end up being a good thing, depending on how we adjust, but at the least, it will be a very messy transition.
I wonder what the chances are that it will go that far...people aren't exactly prone to giving up the status quo even when its proven to be disasterous.


Well-Known Member
Various countries deal with it in different ways, but our system is pretty much designed as a two-party endeavor, even though we also have "green party" and the smaller ones as "statement" parties.
To be fair, it wasn't designed that way. It has been gradually legislated in order to favor the Democrats and Republicans. Those who have power will do what they can in order to keep power.

Mat Cauthon

Well-Known Member
Extremism in any form isn't good for anyone. Disney fell into a trap set by an extremist group and has given that group validation to dig in and go after even more people.
This statement is exactly why I quit following the major news outlets for good a couple of weeks ago. I tried to read articles from various networks each day to get all perspectives but all any of them seem to want to report on is the extreme left or right. I just don't believe that the majority of people in this country are so polarized in their views. Most are somewhere closer to the middle. Social media and news networks are sowing division with agenda driven narratives from both sides.


Well-Known Member
This statement is exactly why I quit following the major news outlets for good a couple of weeks ago. I tried to read articles from various networks each day to get all perspectives but all any of them seem to want to report on is the extreme left or right. I just don't believe that the majority of people in this country are so polarized in their views. Most are somewhere closer to the middle. Social media and news networks are sowing division with agenda driven narratives from both sides.
I stopped watching the news on TV and in video form years ago. I find it easier to see biased statements in print. And yes - we're so divided, and the news outlets are owned by so few companies now that we're seeing the extreme from everyone. I really wish FB had a division specifically for blocking blogs dressed up as real news because that's where most people seem to fall prey to the worst of both sides. (My own mother included.)


Well-Known Member
This statement is exactly why I quit following the major news outlets for good a couple of weeks ago. I tried to read articles from various networks each day to get all perspectives but all any of them seem to want to report on is the extreme left or right. I just don't believe that the majority of people in this country are so polarized in their views. Most are somewhere closer to the middle. Social media and news networks are sowing division with agenda driven narratives from both sides.
The “middle” is a moving area effected by the extremist poles. The Hitler Youth were told and spouted out a position that concentration/labor camps were a reasonable, middle ground solution to the Jewish question. I don’t think I need to remind folks what they really did.

Centrism is a lie.


Well-Known Member
The “middle” is a moving area effected by the extremist poles. The Hitler Youth were told and spouted out a position that concentration/labor camps were a reasonable, middle ground solution to the Jewish question. I don’t think I need to remind folks what they really did.

Centrism is a lie.

Shouldn't that be "extremism posing as centrism is a lie"?


Well-Known Member
The “middle” is a moving area effected by the extremist poles. The Hitler Youth were told and spouted out a position that concentration/labor camps were a reasonable, middle ground solution to the Jewish question. I don’t think I need to remind folks what they really did.

Centrism is a lie.
And this feeds into why I hate political parties. It's just another means to separate us into groups and feed into the widespread fear of "other". How many people have performed horrible acts in the name of their political party? TOO MANY. Objectivity, I feel, is dying. Too many people are wrapped up in their personal beliefs so tightly that they're blinded.

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