New Be Our Guest lunch line procedure (Test?)


Well-Known Member
If they let people queue up normally and then start handing out line tickets (Paper FP) When the line reached a certain point, then I don't see an issue with it. If they start handing out paper FP as soon as they open and you have to another mad dash to get tickets before they are all gone by 9:20am. Then that I have a problem with. but just walking up and them saying... "the wait is 2 hours here is a ticket for you to return then" thats fine. What difference does it make to return in 2 hours or wait in line for 2 hours.


Well-Known Member
i can understand the rides and the m&g's, to some extent, but now a restaurant? my concern would be for those that are diabetic, etc. could that cause a problem? just wondering.
It's not as if BOG is the only place to find food in MK. If someone is going to be ill if they don't get food immediately, then he/she probably shouldn't stand in BOG's long line in the sun. There are loads of places that can fix him/her up.


Well-Known Member
This is absoultely absurd! First return times for Soarin and Ana and Elsa, now this... I for one will NOT be going and spending more money if I'm not waiting in line. If anything, it gives me the opportunity to sit down and rest for a bit, maybe even go back to the hotel for a nap and swim. I know a lot of people who travel to WDW have ceertain budgets for spending. Not having to wait in line for meals isn't going to change that. Not waiting in line isn't going to magically make an extra $100 to spend on souvenirs appear in their wallet. Seeing these changes appear at WDW is making me feel better about the fact we have ZERO WDW trips planned for the next few years. We will gladly visit Disneyland. We will gladly take a cruise on DCL. We won't have to plan our every move months in advance!

The Mom

Premium Member
Increase capacity. I know people say this around here all the time, but there is a reason for that - it's the truth! If only there were a large, currently unused dining facility within the Magic Kingdom which could be reopened to meet guest demand. Hmm, maybe somewhere in Adventureland...


And one that doesn't (didn't) serve burgers and fries, hot dogs, etc. Maybe spring rolls, chicken satay, vegetarian stir fry, different rices, kabobs (Aladin's Flying Carpets are close by), couscous, etc.

When it was open, we ate there at least once every trip. And that's when it was just Americanized Chinese/Polynesian.


Well-Known Member
As for making it fastpass only- I call malarkey on that. It's a terrible idea, the lines don't justify it, and would be a guest relations nightmare. I could buy the idea they're thinking of making it table service at lunch, and therefore reservation only, but not quick service and fp only. Disney ain't that crazy.
I think that this current test could end up with it being FP+ only really easily. Imagine that instead of handing you a paper ticket, they scanned your MB and told you what time to return. All they would do, in effect, is have no SB line and hold a chunk of FP slots for day-of assignment.


Well-Known Member
Quoted for truth. But has anyone within Disney even thought of the guest impact of making a very popular restaurant - in your most popular park - largely (or totally) off-limits to all but resort guests? That's not going to go well...
It's probably not going to go, at all, given that the only place that we've heard about BOG going resort-only is in this thread as a not-so-likely hypothetical scenario.


Well-Known Member
Here is my take on Disney trying to get people out of lines so they can spend more money in stores. I am at MY to see attractions not shop.
It's not as if they are only releasing you from the line if you agree to shop. You are free to go forth and enjoy an attraction.


Well-Known Member
Magic Kingdom definitely needs more dining options. TS, indoor, air-conditioned, different quality food choices and here's a novel thought.... something THEMED! People are flocking to BOG because the food is pretty good and there is actually some degree of quality theming. But I have to say, we weren't hugely impressed. We had lunch in the West Wing room and for me, that would be the only room worth dining in. Most of it seemed a little too cafeteria-like. The sandwiches we had were good, but the best thing about it was that it was cool and dark and a nice break from the sun and heat.


Well-Known Member
people will always find something to complain about.

boo hoo I can't eat at the most popular restaurant in all of Walt Disney World!

bah - go get a friggin' turkey leg and enjoy not standing in line!

Cut to several years from now, and...

Booo hooo, I can't go on the most popular attraction at WDW they just opened and promoted the heck out of on television to sell me the experience with.

Bah, go sit through ITTBAB again and enjoy not standing in line!


Well-Known Member
Increase capacity. I know people say this around here all the time, but there is a reason for that - it's the truth! If only there were a large, currently unused dining facility within the Magic Kingdom which could be reopened to meet guest demand. Hmm, maybe somewhere in Adventureland...

Or on the way to Tomorrowland...

And seriously, if these two shuttered restaurants are lacking, re-theme them and do something new and cool.

Could the Adventureland restaurant be re-themed to an Indiana Jones theme (or, gasp!) something new and original with tropical flavors? Could we think of any Science-Fiction franchise that Disney owns and could use for renovation and re-theming of the Tomorrowland Terrace? (I don't know of any, do you?) (At least any whose "tomorrows" weren't "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.)

I also hear that there is a 20,000-league lagoon near the speedway that might have space to build.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Part of the problem with BoG is that the ordering system is completely inefficient. The line wouldn't be nearly as long if you didn't have to go through computer screens to order. This is a problem they could be alleviated by a large amount by actually have enough cashiers to run people through quickly.

What I imagine will happen is people will end up eating somewhere else for lunch and then go grab a cupcake at BoG so they can see the inside and take pictures which will affect their bottom line.

EXACTLY They have 8 cash registers, 6 of which are touch screen kiosks. I'm pretty sure every other quick service restaurant on property has either the same number or more and are all manned by cast members making them a heck of a lot more efficient.
I really feel sorry for those people who do not live and breath Disney and stay up with these changes that seem to happen daily, but they have saved for a couple of years to bring their family and is so confused and lost. They are thinking, wow this is not what I remember last time I visited 3 years ago.

This is so true. Could you imagine an elderly couple who is not computer literate going to Disney now. Not only would they be in for a shock because of all these MB & FP+ changes but no more GAC either and they would not qualify for DAS. Maybe all Disney advertisements should require a warning label, "Satisfaction Not Guaranteed" (unless you take our two hour course). Talk about a waste of money if you didn't read up on all this.


Hi everyone! First post, thought I'd weigh in with my experience here :)
My family and I were in MK on Monday (8/4). We got there around 11 and hiked back to Be Our Guest for lunch. We had already used Fastpass+ for lunch once on our trip and wanted to eat there again, so we were just going to stand in line. We had no idea about the cards until we got back there. We were given a return card to come back between 1:55-2:10, which was 2 1/2 hours away from the time we were handed the card. To say that it was inconvenient would be a huge understatement. We really had our hearts set on eating there, so we decided to just wait it out. We actually ended up sharing a chicken tender meal at Columbia Harbor House while we waited because we were starving (didn't eat breakfast!). When we came back for our return time, the place was swamped with CMs blocking everyone out, since they weren't giving out cards anymore. Honestly, you could tell there were a lot of upset people, and CMs were trying to explain as best they could. When we got into the restaurant, ordering was a quick process and things went pretty smoothly from there (except for trying to find a table). When we exited the restaurant, I was approached by a CM and was asked if I wanted to participate in a survey about my experience. I agreed, and she asked me questions for 5-10 minutes about what I liked and disliked about the return times, if I recommended they continue with this system, etc. She also took my email and I got another survey about Be Our Guest two days later in my email. I know that one survey probably doesn't make much of a different in the grand scheme of things, but at least they're trying to get some feedback on this. However, even if they get criticism on this (which I wasn't shy about sharing my criticism), it probably won't stop them from continuing on with this system. :rolleyes:


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