Your opinion about running FASTPASS during EMHs


Premium Member
Original Poster
What is your opinion about running FASTPASS during Evening Extra Magic Hours?

For anyone who isnt aware, on some attractions, FASTPASS machines are opened shortly into the EMH session. The effect of this is that attractions quickly run out of FASTPASS tickets for the 3 hour period, and then because FASTPASS is in operation, the standby line is generally a very lengthy and rather drawn out affair. In some cases this then means that its either FASTPASS or nothing, and there is very little chance for re-rides.

My opinion on this, is that during EMH, all FASTPASS should be inactive, and only the standby lines should be in operation. This gives everyone a fair chance of riding everything they want to, and to me, suits the EMH "ride as much as you can" philosophy.

What are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I agree, It's not used at Morning EMH, so it shouldn't be at Evening either. Besides, if the crowds are as low as Disney says they are they shouldn't even need Fastpass. It just slows the Stand-by.


Active Member
Certainly rarely needed at Mission Space, but there were a few times. I love seeing so many ignorant people run to the Fastpass machines not only during EMH but also in the morning when the park opens when they try to get all of them from everywhere for their families. Then they realize that for fairness, you can only have one fastpass per card at a time. All those months of "planning" down the drain. Hehe:hammer:


I'd say they shouldn't be used during the EMH's, except for holidays. I know it helped out a lot of people during easter, my family included, riding everest 3 times during an EMH at Easter. Twice with fastpass once in standby. Other than that I don't think it's helpful during less busy times of the year.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I think it's just a microcosm of the over-all argument about whether FP is a good or a bad thing. I think Disney recognizes that some folks simply won't wait more than a certain amount of time for a ride. FPs allow those people an alternative, wait elsewhere, doing other things [and spend more money] and then ride without the stress of waiting in line.

I am personally glad it's available. I am physically at risk standing in a slow-moving line, but can walk through the parks generally without problems. Long story, but I have a full-thickness skin graft on my right heel, it blisters and/or bleeds with prolonged standing, but orthotic inserts allow me to walk comfortably. FPs are a god-send for me, not all CMs will let me bypass the Standby line with my Guest Assistance Card. A line with a 20+ minute wait means I have to skip the ride entirely or be in pain for a few weeks.


Active Member
The good thing about FP, to me, is you can get other stuff done wjile waiting for your time. EMH or not, if used wisely, yoit enables you to get more done. The only attraction that I have ever notice using FP during EMH was Soarin, and the line is rediculous no matter what time it is, FP or not.


bsandersjr said:
The good thing about FP, to me, is you can get other stuff done wjile waiting for your time. EMH or not, if used wisely, yoit enables you to get more done. The only attraction that I have ever notice using FP during EMH was Soarin, and the line is rediculous no matter what time it is, FP or not.

But see, while that's a good thing you can get other stuff done, your no waiting in two lines, one electronicly with FP, and one live. So both lines are longer.


I think that FP should be turned off during EMH. One time when I was at Epcot for EMH (evening), the lines were all terrible, because FP kept making the waits longer. The lines at the MK EMH (no fastpasses), were a lot shorter.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, the stand by line at Soarin' during evening EMH has stayed long well into the EMH. Given that the ride's traffic is similar to regular park hours, FastPass is justified. The only question I would want answered is exactly which rides will run FastPass during EMH so that I can plan appropriately.


I think fastpass should be completely eliminated from any ride at Disneyworld during EMH and regular park hours. All fastpass does is increase the wait times for all rides because in essance a fastpass allows you to occupy two or more lines at once. Fastpass makes the standby lines much longer than they should be because the fastpass line is used to fill most of the ride while the standby line just waits longer. The crowds on several of the days on my last visit were moderate but the wait times were high because of fastpass. If I am not mistaken, I believe Disney is starting to phase out Fastpass in Disneyland and I can only hope they continue to Disneyworld.


Well-Known Member
I definitely don't think its neccesary during EMH, and if I had things my way Fastpass would be eliminated all together. It justs makes the standby lines longer than they need to be most of the year.


New Member
Hey Folks!

If it's difficult to get on rides during EMH, then get yourself some Fast Passes for Crips Sakes! Fast Pass will remain for EMH, and when used wisely, it works. Sure, there are one or two rides at every park that are so popular that it's diffcult to ride on multiple times, but if you plan accordingly, and get to some of these attractions during the parade, you can sometimes ride back to back! We did this on Splash Mountain in late April.

It is great to get yourself a fast pass for one ride and hit a few of the quicker lines and come back for your ride. I disagree with an earlier post that mentioned since you have a fast pass you ar waiting in 2 lines... I think with the fast pass, you are basically 2 places at once, something only possible at

Heck, if it werent for the fast pass, we would never ride Peter Pan. 45-60 minute ques? Come on! Get yourself a fast pass, hit Small World, Dumbo and Haunted Mansion, and come back and get on Peter Pan baby!

For you people that dont use the fast pass, I can only imagine how much it sucks to wait in line for 50 minutes and then have to watch the fast pass people get right on.

Use it wisely my friends... EMH or not. If it's a matter of riding your favorite rides multiple times, plan accordingly, get to the park early, ride the rides late or during parades...

Come to think of it, if you go to EMH during the evening, the hours are usually very late. If you can plan to be there late, the lines get faster as every minute passes. Ive had lots of success with this. Check out our trip log in the signature... we've rarely had to contend with long lines at EMH.



Well-Known Member
Ive only seen fp working for Space mountain for emh, and it helped. But at Ak for emh, everest didnt have any, but it made the line no longer than 20 mins no matter how backed up it seemed, so Ill vote for no fp during emh.


Well-Known Member
The thing is though, fastpasses are making the lines longer. If you eliminate fastpasses during EMH I'm sure that during 90% of the year that no one would ever complain about the waits. When you add fastpasses you significantly increase the "normal" wait time.


Well-Known Member
bob0012 said:
But see, while that's a good thing you can get other stuff done, your no waiting in two lines, one electronicly with FP, and one live. So both lines are longer.

But don't you see that you are waiting in two lines at the same time...isn't that better than waiting in two lines consectively?


New Member
I don't think it should be used during EMH. We had to stand in line for Soarin for an hour and a half. Going to ride something else wasn't really an option since all the other lines were just as bad. What's the point in having the extra hours if you only have time for one, maybe two rides? I just found it frustrating.

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