Your most memorable WDW experience


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Original Poster
What memory of WDW do you have that you will never forget?

Mine is a toss up between my son's first visit for his birthday....


Being chosen to participate in the Backlot Tour, and being the one to sit in the chair when the water is dumped on you.

What's yours?


Active Member
Mine was when I went the first time, just walking down Main Street and into Adventerland, I just will never forget it.

Another time was when they choose my son over at MGM, forget what the show was called, but the picked him to be a baseball player and hit the home run at the world series, and was interviewed by Howard Cossel. Then to top it off we were chosen as the Royal Family.


A Long Time DVC Member
Mine is when I read about possible testing of Mission Space well before it opened on the web and I was at the park the day it was going to happen. I took about 7 people with me and was standing where the web site told me to at the time it stated (2:00 PM). We where up on near one of the construction walls and a cast member came by and asked us what we where doing. We told him and he informed us no testing was going to be done. We continued to wait at that spot and at 2:15 PM the wall moved aside and cast members in mission space uniforms asked us if we want to do a test ride. It was great and after that everyone in my group know that I was the families Disney go to guy.


Well-Known Member
For my cousins 4th birthday we went to the Beauty & the Beast Stage show. I was friends with Belle at the time and as we entered the theatre I went to the CM (as instructed by my buddy, Belle) who took my nieces hand and told her that since she was a very special princess, she gets a very special seat.

The CM brought us to the front row which had been roped off for us. The pre-show group sang Happy Birthday to her and after the show the CM asked us to stay until everyone else leaves. We then went backstage and got photos with the entire cast and Beast gave my cousin a light up rose.

She's 19 now and still remembers is and has the rose.

Another memorable moment was when I was with my niece on the bus to Epcot for our early princess breakfast at Akershus. My niece was dressed as Belle (the dress, shoes, gloves, a tiara...the whole costume). As we pulled in the driver stopped the bus and stood up facing everyone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen we have a VIP on the bus today, I will be dropping you off near the entrance to the park but I would like to ask that everyone please remain seated until the VIP has gotten off the bus"

We were all looking around to see who the VIP was (my niece thought maybe Hanna Montana was on our bus) :lol: When we pulled up there was a red carpet rolled out, about 10 CM's with Mickey hands on waving to the bus, and a man in a suit with a certificate and a some balloons.

Then the driver walked to my niece, extended his hand and said, "Princess, your red carpet is ready." She walked the red carpet, the CM's and the whole bus cheered and she got a certificate for being the princess of the day. (well everyone cheered except my sister who was bawling her eyes out - she's a sentimental looked like this:


My sister has most of the pics but here's one from just inside the park with her balloons.

As for myself, I've been in a few parades and used to have a lot of fun doing the "Cheers" scene with my friends in Superstar TV. I must have done that one at least a dozen times. I also did ToT with the entire elevator being friends - well, Canadian CM's. The back row all did Superman poses (arms stretched out like they're flying), the middle row (which I was in) was doing the Spiderman web slinging pose and the front row had the traditional superhero chest puffed out, hands on hips, head turned left. It was quite a cute photo but, of course can't locate it right now (I'll posts it if I do)


Well-Known Member
May 2007 - Evening EMH at Animal Kingdom ( when they still did that ).

I took my daughter, age 13 at the time and my son, age 11 at the time.

The park was nearly empty and being in the dark it had a mysterious/ominous feel to it. We had rode EE earlier that trip and wanted to go back for more.
The Yeti was in A mode and the ride was incredible - but at night it was simply amazing! With the low crowds there were no lines. I think we rode EE 7 or 8 times that night, then spent the rest of the time exploring a AK in the dark.

My kids still talk about that night.


Well-Known Member
Getting engaged in front of SSE almost 1 year ago today :)

wedding is scheduled for oct 12 2013 - not in Disney though.


We need time for things to happen.
Hmm..this is really hard to nail down. I think there are a lot of little things that have happened over the years that really meant a lot to me but wouldn't translate well in print...I wish I could articulate them better without it sounding stupid...

However I would have to say the year before last staying at the Poly was our most memorable time. That was my dream resort and we got the right deal that allowed us to final stay there. So all around that was our most memorable stay...That year there was one night it was EMH at the MK and my wife got tired and said,
"I'm hopping the monorail back and getting some sleep" she would never have done that without us being on a monrail resort.
My daughter decided to go with her and it was just me and my son. Just the boys hanging in the MK :cool: and it was just about deserted...At one point we were heading over to Space Mountain from BTTR for one last ride of hte night before heading back and we past POTR and there was 0 wait time..
I looked at it and said "we'd be jerks if we didn't go on this ride right now" he got such a belly laugh out of that phrase...the whole trip, that night and that moment just stuck with me. Kind of stupid but you know it was something I won't soon forget.


Well-Known Member
Stayed at the Contemporary as a kid in a suite facing the lake..around 1975-76 ...we had the door open to the balcony and were watching the exorcist..when the Electrical Water Parade scared teh hell out of us...just heard musice pop up...had no idea there was a water parade...which we then watched with a most exsquisite cousin and I still laugh about it today


We need time for things to happen.
Stayed at the Contemporary as a kid in a suite facing the lake..around 1975-76 ...we had the door open to the balcony and were watching the exorcist..when the Electrical Water Parade scared teh hell out of us...just heard musice pop up...had no idea there was a water parade...which we then watched with a most exsquisite cousin and I still laugh about it today

I love this begs the question which is cooler music..the Exorcist theme or Electrical Water pagent music?

I actually stayed the contemporary around this time but unfortunately have little to no recollection of it. Only what my Dad has told me.



Well-Known Member
I love this begs the question which is cooler music..the Exorcist theme or Electrical Water pagent music?

I actually stayed the contemporary around this time but unfortunately have little to no recollection of it. Only what my Dad has told me.

... it was the deep horn music that blared out of nowhere made us all


We need time for things to happen. it was the deep horn music that blared out of nowhere made us all

Yup I get it! I can totally picture that situation, and no better movie or place to get the cr*p scared out of you than Exorcist at WDW..;)

Love the Water Pagent by the way...everytime I imitate that mario brothers style music my daughter just smiles and says "amazing"

You got to love that cheesey 70s style charm that just oozes out of it.


Active Member
I have 2!
First one, (I'm still getting ragged on to this day) is from my frist trip to WDW in 1982. I was 9 years old and completely blown away that such a place existed. When we got home someone asked me how our trip to Florida was. My reply was (and I truly believed this)
"We didn't go to Florida! We went to Disney World" :lookaroun
My second is my Disney Wedding in 2001...the best day ever!!!


Well-Known Member
Mission Space

The year I went w/ my Mom for her 70th Birthday, so many magical things happened! We were celebrating my twin boys' 6th birthday too!:)
We waited in line for TT, and we had to be escorted out of the que area- big surprise!:lol:
We went over to MS, and I told the CMs what had happened, and they took us to the CONTROL ROOM to sign the guest log, and took us right on the ride! Absolutely outstanding!:sohappy:
Mine is when I read about possible testing of Mission Space well before it opened on the web and I was at the park the day it was going to happen. I took about 7 people with me and was standing where the web site told me to at the time it stated (2:00 PM). We where up on near one of the construction walls and a cast member came by and asked us what we where doing. We told him and he informed us no testing was going to be done. We continued to wait at that spot and at 2:15 PM the wall moved aside and cast members in mission space uniforms asked us if we want to do a test ride. It was great and after that everyone in my group know that I was the families Disney go to guy.

Like A Boss!

Mine will always be the first time I met an Imagineer in Disney. I was 8, and was somewhere I shouldn't have been, :)lookaroun :eek:) But an Imagineer saw me AND gave me a first-hand tour of...something... and I was totally mesmerised the whole time. I will never forget that experience.

And I will not elaborate.Sorry!:zipit:


New Member
Mine has to be the first time I took my daughters ages 7, 6, and 5. Our first day there we had resevatios at the Crystal Palace at 8:05 when the park didn't open until 9. Walking into the park with only the other guests that had reservations at Crystal palace or the Castle was awesome. Seeing the kids faces as we walked under the train station and onto Main Street was priceless. I never thought it could get better than that but it did. Seeing them interact with Pooh, Eyeore, Piglet, and Tigger at breakfast along with my wife an parents just blew me away. It just doesn't get any better than that.


Well-Known Member
For my cousins 4th birthday we went to the Beauty & the Beast Stage show. I was friends with Belle at the time and as we entered the theatre I went to the CM (as instructed by my buddy, Belle) who took my nieces hand and told her that since she was a very special princess, she gets a very special seat.

The CM brought us to the front row which had been roped off for us. The pre-show group sang Happy Birthday to her and after the show the CM asked us to stay until everyone else leaves. We then went backstage and got photos with the entire cast and Beast gave my cousin a light up rose.

She's 19 now and still remembers is and has the rose.

Another memorable moment was when I was with my niece on the bus to Epcot for our early princess breakfast at Akershus. My niece was dressed as Belle (the dress, shoes, gloves, a tiara...the whole costume). As we pulled in the driver stopped the bus and stood up facing everyone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen we have a VIP on the bus today, I will be dropping you off near the entrance to the park but I would like to ask that everyone please remain seated until the VIP has gotten off the bus"

We were all looking around to see who the VIP was (my niece thought maybe Hanna Montana was on our bus) :lol: When we pulled up there was a red carpet rolled out, about 10 CM's with Mickey hands on waving to the bus, and a man in a suit with a certificate and a some balloons.

Then the driver walked to my niece, extended his hand and said, "Princess, your red carpet is ready." She walked the red carpet, the CM's and the whole bus cheered and she got a certificate for being the princess of the day. (well everyone cheered except my sister who was bawling her eyes out - she's a sentimental looked like this:


My sister has most of the pics but here's one from just inside the park with her balloons.

As for myself, I've been in a few parades and used to have a lot of fun doing the "Cheers" scene with my friends in Superstar TV. I must have done that one at least a dozen times. I also did ToT with the entire elevator being friends - well, Canadian CM's. The back row all did Superman poses (arms stretched out like they're flying), the middle row (which I was in) was doing the Spiderman web slinging pose and the front row had the traditional superhero chest puffed out, hands on hips, head turned left. It was quite a cute photo but, of course can't locate it right now (I'll posts it if I do)

I now know I am a certified, document on the wall Disney geek. I am a 50 yr old grown man and I have tears in my eyes. What a nice story.


Well-Known Member
Disney Wedding 2010

In 2010 Disney was offering a wedding special just for the bride, groom and 2 guests. My son and future daughter-in-law elected not to invite anyone. Two days before the wedding my husband was laid off, and he called me at work and said we were going to DW. He wanted to see our son get married. Friday he made all the reservations and we left Sat. morning. The couple had no idea we were on our way. They flew to DW Saturday morning. Our son was texting us when they landed and every once in a while where they were in the parks. We were driving and acted like we were at home, easy to do since we only use cellphones. At about 8;30 that night my husband and I are sitting in the Grand Floridan eating, and I get a text with a picture from our son. Do you know where this is? It was the balcony at the GF of the orchestra. I looked at my husband and said, "They are here." We never did see them. My husband's big thing was to surprise our son.

Sunday morning we found out exactly where the wedding was going to be at the GF and hid so they couldn't see us. When Mikey, our son, passed us, my husband yelled, Mikey. Mikey turned around and didn't know if he was home in TX or in Louisiana were we live. Then my husband and I went to find the ramp to the porch (because he was on a scooter) to watch the wedding. Who did we see but the bride!!! She almost started crying. She was so happy to see us because she had been sad that there was no one to share their special day with. After the ceremony we kissed them congratulations, and went to start our DW vacation. We were not there to intrude or get involved with their plans.

As it turned out, they kept calling and wanting to get together. We shared a lot of great meals and many laughs together. The best was at Prime Time when Claire, our waitress, had the couple say her special marriage vows and had them share a cupcake. It was too funny and everyone around joined in.

As many times as we have been to DW, we all said it was one of the best trips.


My parents in 1 room and me n 3 kids(5-8) in the 2nd room at animal kingdom lodge. I was on the balcony and the kids closed the sliding door and left our room to meet my parents(no room keys for them) and the lock came down on the sliding door and I was stuck! :veryconfu pounded and yelled, they thought I had gone down to the bus........ finially they came to their room and I got their attention. Then the maid wouldn't let them in my room because they didn't have a key. :hammer: The manger at the hotel finially verified rooms were tied together and came in and got me off the balcony...about an hour and a half later! :sohappy:

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