Your most memorable moment!!!!


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Original Poster
Ok folks I want something to read at work today I am bored. I want you to tell me and the rest of the world what your most memorable Disney World moment is. The moment that will stick with you the rest of your life.

Here is mine.

It was 2002 with my now present wife. It was our last day at MK. We walked by The Haunted Mansion and I looked sad and angry. Well that’s how I usually look anyways. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone with a sign and said “no frown zone”. I continued to walk and sensed someone following us. After 1 minute or so I looked back and saw a security person following us. I told my wife to be that we are being stalked by Mickey Security. He then rushed up to us and said he had to issue me a ticket. I was like why. He said because it was a no frown zone and I was impersonating a Disney Character. Grumpy he said I was. He then told me he was throwing me in the stockade, but my wife intervened and said “we are leaving today and that is why he is so sad.” Bill the guard then said that he would like to take me to any ride in Fantasy Land and not wait on line. We said Peter Pan. We then bypassed the line and got on PP for the last time. We got our Picture with him and loved that moment ever since.


Well-Known Member
Mine is this:

My fiance was in Iraq for March 2004 to March 2005 with the exception for a 2 week R&R in Sept 2004. We had always talked about going to WDW together (he's from Fl). Well we couldn't figure out what hotel to stay in. I saw the shades of green, a military resort on disney property, I thought that would be a nice place. Well I pushed and I pushed him to get us reservations. He always said no. Well the day that I flew into OIA to meet him, his mom was there too. On the way to the hotel we got onto disney property, and it hadn't hit me, I just thought we were staying at another disney hotel. When we were down the street a lil his mom asked "what hotel are ya'll staying in" to which my fiance answered "Shades of Green". My mouth flew open. I was so happy. When we checked into the hotel and got in out room, there was a goody basket full of disney things. I don't remember exactly what was in there. There was also a note which read "Thank you for serving our country in Iraq". I called the front desk and said thank and proceeded to cry.

On the day we were to check out, the hotel had another surprise for us. They comped 2 days stay out of our 10 day visit.

Another one is when Adam and I met the Mayor of Main Street USA back during our April trip. I had heard of him but I had never met him. It was funny, he thought we were on our hunnymon and even have me a button that said "magical wushes from WDW".

Here's the pic: TRIP/adammeandthemayorofmainstreetUSA.jpg


Well-Known Member
Rather than tell you, i'll show you.

My little sister

And of course, there's that infamous moment of Jasmine checking me out. I'm so annoyed that I can't figure out that video conversion program. :dazzle:


New Member

1) Proposing to my wife on the shores of the Seven Seas Lagoon after the Luau looking over at a Castle all lit up in purple...

2) Watching my first child's face on his first ride ever at WDW. Small World. The look on his face is a lifetime memory. And I videotaped him for the entire ride so that someday, he can experience it again, from a little different perspective.

3) Likewise, my second child's experience on his first ride. Also Small World. Also on video...

4) Last but definately not least... Back when I was a kid, I didn't stand clear of the doors and my leg go shut in the Monorail door. It had a big chunk of my skin pinched. It took forever for some reason for a CM to be able to reopen the doors. This was on the older Monorails where the seats were closer to the doors. Ya, for some reason, that memory comes back every time I hear that voice..."Please stand clear of the doors. Yes, this means you. You remember don't you...?" Vvvvuuump goes the doors...:lol:


Active Member
Recently on an 8-person extended family 'grand gathering'. Eating breakfast at Tony's Town Square - Grand Gathering Experience. Characters all over the place, everyone having a great time. Chip came over and started to flirt with my mother-in-law, who was sponsoring the trip for all of us. My mother-in-law is divorced for many years, and I said to Chip, "You know she's looking for a husband." Chip got very excited, and picked up a napkin. He tied it into a circle, got down on one knee, and proposed to my mo-in-law. For the rest of the breakfast, he kept coming over and playing with her, and when Tony called time for a dance for all of the couples celebrating anniversaries, Chip and my mo-in-law danced as Tony sang. For the rest of the trip, whenever we were somewhere where Chip was, word was always gotten to him that we were there, and he showed up to further court my mo-in-law. Pretty memorable, n'est-ce pas?


Active Member
Mine's pretty simple. At the ripe old age of 24 I broke my coaster phobia by riding space mountain. May not sound like much, but that is when the monster(my coaster addiction) was born. Ever since then I fear NO coaster and look forward to being shot, dropped, spun, and looped all over the place at any speed or angle. When I was 6 or 7 I was told by my over protective aunt that she refused to ride or let us ride because we were with her on vacation, and she filled my head with rumors of SM causing deaths. So after that I was scared to die on rollercoasters. Well now I welcome the thril from space mountain and other much more violent coasters. :wave: Bring on the thrills.

PS at 22 I broke my phobia of haunted houses. I guess I was way too sheltered as a youth.:hammer:


Active Member
Mine was last October we went to the Hoop Dee Doo Review, we had great seats, send from the stage. Towards the end I was sitting eating my supper when I turned around and one of the actresses was standing there picking me to go up on stage. As she was patting my belly she said that she chose me for my Intelligence. I had been chosen to be Davie Crocketts Angel, the "Star" of the show. I had never been so didn't know what to expect, then I saw the costume I had to wear the pink tutu and halo. :eek: Since I didn't know anyone there but my family I decided to act it up. My wife and kids were practically falling off there chairs. Even some of the actors were smilling. After on the boat ride to magic kingdom, I had one guy say "I wish I had brought my autograph book I could get Davie Crocketts Angels autograph. We still laugh and talk about it to this day.

28 days and county to WDW.:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Here's mine:

Last time my family went to Disney World, we arrived late in the day. We basically only had enough time to go on about 2 rides at Magic Kingdom, have dinner at CRT, and then off to Thunder Mountain. When we were on Thunder Mt. the fireworks started. I hate to say it, but it was so magical. It made the ride amazing. And then we got to ride it 2 more times in a row!!


New Member
Mine is a little different - met up with a family from the back end of nowhere. They had a son who was about 8 or 9 and had gotten the pin trading bug. Myself, I collect the pins, but I had a limited edition "First Trip to Disney World" pin hidden away on my hat. After hearing how this was thier first trip with the kids and I gave them some pointers on how to navigate better (and faster) where the better places to eat were - disney dining, etc. But the little boy kept looking at my hat (at the time it had over 50 pins on it.) A moment of inspiration hit me and I took my hat off and told the boy that I would give him one of my pins, not trade. With that I took off the pin in question and gave it to him. His eye lit up when I turned it over and showed him it was a limited edition. "Hang onto it" I said and wished the family well, then turned and disappeared into the crowd. To me its special moments like that - a stranger who "knows the ropes" giving helpful advice and something to remember that make it worthwhile to get to know your fellow line mates!


p.s. - pin in question is here:


Active Member
I have so many! But one that really sticks out....
it was a wonderful day at MGM Studios when me and my best friend decided to go check out the Animation Studios. (back when artists were still making amazing movies in Florida). So we went inside, but saw that the line was the biggest we had ever seen!! :eek: So we said, "forget that!". I persisted to my best friend that we at least go into the souveneir shop cuz u can see all the concept art of the recent films. So we went inside and started talking about the different concepts, when this man (who obviously worked there) started to talk to us. Once he introduced himself, we found out that he was one of Floridas animators! I was really excited cuz when I was very little i really wanted to become one. He continued talking to us, when he decided to take us on a personal tour of the animation studios and we cut past everyone. He told us all the inside info, and more information on what its like to be an artist working for disney. It was simply amazing and I will never forget it.


Well-Known Member
I have two memorable momments that come to the top of mind when I think about Disney World. They both were from my honeymoon there in October 2003.

The first memorable moment was of course our fist night there. During the day we went to Magic Kingdom first and even though we love Magic Kingdom now.. it just wasn't that special for us that day. It was too crowded and hot so we just went back to our rooms early. But later that night we went to Epcot when it was dark.. and we were just so blown away when we walked into that place at night. The darkness combined with lights, fountains, blinking sidewalks, square trees, music themes, and of course the huge Spaceship Earth towering above us with its beautiful Epcot sign really teleported us to another world.. then about a half hour later when we saw Illuminations for the first time.. the Disney Magic really hit us. If when you die.. if the afterlife is anything like the movie titanic where you get transported to that special moment in your life.. thats where we will be.. forever in epcot that night with the lights, fireworks, and magic.. on our honeymoon :)

My second most memorable moment was the last night of our honeymoon.. we went to Epcot one last night.. and it started to rain.. we started to run and didnt really know where we were going but somehow found our way to La Cellar and got a seat. We had no idea how great a place it was.. it was just a place to hide from the sudden rain. It turned out to be a great spontanious dinner but the moment always sticks out in my mind because halfway through dinner we could hear the Illuminations fireworks going off. It just felt so cozy somehow.. like we were safe in some bunker with bombs going off all around us above ground.


New Member
Like many others here I have many very magical moments, some alone at WDW, others with my kids but the most recient and one of the nearest and dearest to my heart happened just this past Monday. Yes, Halloween. My girl friend and I along with our (combined) six kids and her father and step mother arrived for MNSSHP just at 7:00 pm. I insisted that we take the kids to the Bell's fairytale garden at the edge of tomorrowland. My GF did not really understand why I was so insistant that we do this. I held my ground to her dismay and off we went. We got there about 10 min. after it started, the kids found a place to sit and I rummaged through the camera bag for a couple of boxes I had smuggled on the trip. I then told her father to send her up the hill towards the wishing well near the Castle. I had just enough time to place one of the boxes on the Wishing Well. I showed her the box and told her to open it. Inside were two 2005 pennies and a folded up copy of a poem I had written her for Valentines day that had a code at the bottem telling her when I was going to propose to her. She had not been able to figure out the code when I had given it to her on V-day. This copy had the un-coded message at the bottom. The other side said "Make a wish". I told her to use one penny for the wish and the other for the memory.

She stood at the Wishing Well for a moment, made her wish and threw in the penny. When she turned, we kissed, embraced and I began to sing her a verse from Phantom of the Opera (by the way, she dressed as Christine Dia and I as the Phantom for MNNSHP) When I finished singing, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. She said yes and we embraced and kissed some more. We then heard the applause and congratulations from some people that were passing by.

We went back the next day and had her dad and step-mom take some pictures of us at the Wishing Well.

She told me after we got home that even though we had been to WDW with our former spouses, on this visit we made WDW ours.


Well-Known Member
There are many memories of my first trip to WDW, though one of them will have to be was when I arrived at MK for the first time seeing Main Street USA and seeing Cinderella's Castle for the first time was breath taking. I was teary eyed and so happy. My DH said he loved looking at my face throughout our trip because he thought my facial expressions was priceless.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

Por favor, manteganse allejado de las puertas" :lol:


brich said:

4) Last but definately not least... Back when I was a kid, I didn't stand clear of the doors and my leg go shut in the Monorail door. It had a big chunk of my skin pinched. It took forever for some reason for a CM to be able to reopen the doors. This was on the older Monorails where the seats were closer to the doors. Ya, for some reason, that memory comes back every time I hear that voice..."Please stand clear of the doors. Yes, this means you. You remember don't you...?" Vvvvuuump goes the doors...:lol:


New Member
Adventurers Club newbie

About two and half years ago, my wife, son, her brother, and I were at WDW. We put son in childcare for the night and went to PI. Brother-in-law had been to PI before but never the Adventurers CLub. I had read about it and wanted to try it out.

We arrived a little late for one of the events in the mask room. The only seating was right in middle and in front of everyone. The French Maid was conducting the seance. When she was looking for someone to sing the the Indian Love Call song, she zeroed in right at me. She had a wonderful straw hat with an atrocious big flower to put on my mostly bald head. But the fun began when she asked me name, where from, etc. She got to what I did for a living. "I'm a minister."

A minister in the Mask Room for a seance, wearing a Sunday best hat given to me by the French Maid. Laughter abounded.

Well, I survived with the top of my head turning a nice, bright shade of red. We left and went around to another event. On our way back around to the main salon, we passed the restrooms. I was standing in the doorway when the next event began in the salon. One of the female characters was right behind me and shouted out to Pamela Perkins, "Look what I found in the Men's room." Pamela made a big deal about her habits. Then the French Maid arrived in the Salon and shouted, "Oh that's Todd the minister." I don't remember much of what was said after that point.



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Original Poster
McArcDes said:
Like many others here I have many very magical moments, some alone at WDW, others with my kids but the most recient and one of the nearest and dearest to my heart happened just this past Monday. Yes, Halloween. My girl friend and I along with our (combined) six kids and her father and step mother arrived for MNSSHP just at 7:00 pm. I insisted that we take the kids to the Bell's fairytale garden at the edge of tomorrowland. My GF did not really understand why I was so insistant that we do this. I held my ground to her dismay and off we went. We got there about 10 min. after it started, the kids found a place to sit and I rummaged through the camera bag for a couple of boxes I had smuggled on the trip. I then told her father to send her up the hill towards the wishing well near the Castle. I had just enough time to place one of the boxes on the Wishing Well. I showed her the box and told her to open it. Inside were two 2005 pennies and a folded up copy of a poem I had written her for Valentines day that had a code at the bottem telling her when I was going to propose to her. She had not been able to figure out the code when I had given it to her on V-day. This copy had the un-coded message at the bottom. The other side said "Make a wish". I told her to use one penny for the wish and the other for the memory.

She stood at the Wishing Well for a moment, made her wish and threw in the penny. When she turned, we kissed, embraced and I began to sing her a verse from Phantom of the Opera (by the way, she dressed as Christine Dia and I as the Phantom for MNNSHP) When I finished singing, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. She said yes and we embraced and kissed some more. We then heard the applause and congratulations from some people that were passing by.

We went back the next day and had her dad and step-mom take some pictures of us at the Wishing Well.

She told me after we got home that even though we had been to WDW with our former spouses, on this visit we made WDW ours.

That was great. Congrats.


We made a quick trip to Disney for our 20th anniversary in June. We spent the day at Epcot, and I thought we were just going to head back to the hotel as always, but My husband surprised me with the perfect end to a Disney day. No, not Albert and Victoria’s, but turkey legs and Dole Whip! We hopped the monorail to Magic Kingdom, where we headed straight to the Dole Whip stand. We each had a pineapple float with pineapple ice cream. While enjoying those and people-watching, we saw several folks walk by with turkey legs. Mmmm – let’s try that! So off to Frontierland, where we watched the Spectromagic parade and then shared a turkey leg. After the turkey, we were already reminiscing about the Dole Whip, when hubby asked if I wanted another. Well….you know… the kids aren’t along – why not? So, we closed the day watching Wishes and sharing ANOTHER pineapple float – this time with vanilla ice cream. What a perfect date: Dole Whips, turkey legs, Spectromagic, and fireworks with the man I love. Disney called it “Wishes”. I called it “What More Could I Wish For?”.


Active Member
one of my favorites was this past may. my dad and i went and he treated for the trip, so i wanted to do something in return. i surprised him with the driving program at the richard petty expierience. the best was watching him all suited up, then driving, then seeing his face when he was done. renee


Well-Known Member
MY MOST MEMORABLE moment is this past september my hubby, myself and our two girls went to disney without any other family member just us 4 ( a first!) we love going at this time of the year beacuse it is pretty slow...well my daughter had been sick (to the point she ended up at celebration hospital due to being dehydrated) well after a very quick recovery we went to animal kingdom one day...well inthe midst of our day we ended up at the meet and greet area near lion king....well pluto and donald were just getting ready to go in for a quick bite..but our girls managed to get some quick hugs and cute pics before they went off to see mickey we went did the pic and autograph thing and we wwent to wait for minnie (she was finishing up her cheese break) well she came in the girls got hugs and pics, autographs..well in the middle of all this...pluto, donald duck ,goofy and mickey all came over was so great..we had a great big hug fest...and we got such a great pic of all the chracters and our me it does'nt matter how old you are..when you get hugged by goofy...or any other's so magical!!! also the day my hub had taken mu oldest to the hospital me and my liitleone went to the magic kingdom ( to keep our minds off of the oldest and to keep our 2 year old occupied..well we went to see the princess's i had asked them if they could sign my oldest's autograph book and told them how she was sick and that how much she loved them...well snow white , arurora. cinderella, all wrote get well messages especially cinderella, well days later we went back both girls were all dressed in their princess outfits...well, cinderella remembered my little one and said to her" I remember you from the other day, you had the sister that was'nt feeling well" then she looked at my oldest and said " well you must be the sister who wasn't feeling well, i'm so very glad to finally meet you" yes another moment that made me cry in disney....needless to say my oldest had such a smile on her face... sorry to go on and on but i just love that place!!!!

lucyanna girl

New Member

McArcDes said:
Like many others here I have many very magical moments, some alone at WDW, others with my kids but the most recient and one of the nearest and dearest to my heart happened just this past Monday. Yes, Halloween. My girl friend and I along with our (combined) six kids and her father and step mother arrived for MNSSHP just at 7:00 pm. I insisted that we take the kids to the Bell's fairytale garden at the edge of tomorrowland. My GF did not really understand why I was so insistant that we do this. I held my ground to her dismay and off we went. We got there about 10 min. after it started, the kids found a place to sit and I rummaged through the camera bag for a couple of boxes I had smuggled on the trip. I then told her father to send her up the hill towards the wishing well near the Castle. I had just enough time to place one of the boxes on the Wishing Well. I showed her the box and told her to open it. Inside were two 2005 pennies and a folded up copy of a poem I had written her for Valentines day that had a code at the bottem telling her when I was going to propose to her. She had not been able to figure out the code when I had given it to her on V-day. This copy had the un-coded message at the bottom. The other side said "Make a wish". I told her to use one penny for the wish and the other for the memory.

She stood at the Wishing Well for a moment, made her wish and threw in the penny. When she turned, we kissed, embraced and I began to sing her a verse from Phantom of the Opera (by the way, she dressed as Christine Dia and I as the Phantom for MNNSHP) When I finished singing, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. She said yes and we embraced and kissed some more. We then heard the applause and congratulations from some people that were passing by.

We went back the next day and had her dad and step-mom take some pictures of us at the Wishing Well.

She told me after we got home that even though we had been to WDW with our former spouses, on this visit we made WDW ours.

OMG!!!! We saw you that night!:eek: We were at MK for MNSSHP last Monday. We were with my daughter's Best Friend and her Mother and it was Me and my daughter. I was a saloon girl, my Daughter was a vampire, her Best friend was Tinkerbell, and her mom was a witch.:)

My daughter is a huge Phantom fan.:animwink: She kept seeing the same Phantom and Christine throughout the park. When I read her this post last night, she started singing Phantom songs like crazy.:hammer: It was quite a sight. lol..:lol:​

We hope that ya'll have a wonderful wedding and that ya'll live happily ever after...Congratulations!:sohappy:

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