Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)


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OK, now I have been telling this story for YEARS... and I have never had a TRUE story of any kind that tops its embarrassment... I mean this is just too good to be true, in fact, there may even be someone on here (not likely) that saw this happen and will be like "OH MY GOD... THIS KID WAS IN THAT FAMILY" (this was 6 or 7 years ago... so if you remember being there then and saw a family do this, it was us!) I want to hear some competition though, and even if you don't think you can top this (I'm sure someone can), feel free, I wanna hear others embarrassing Disney Stories... Ok, so here it goes;

I was about... 14 years old (most embarrassing time anyways in a teenagers life) and I am with my Mother, Father, and Brother on vacation, and we had taken a day away from the parks because my Sister was going to school down in Florida so we had to help her move in and say goodbye and what not. So wherever she went (she transferred out a week in... not good!!) it was about 2-3 hour drive from Disney, plus we had to buy all her supplies and move her in... just an exhausting day. We got back the Beach Club where we were staying around 7ish and we just walked over to Epcot, had a nice dinner, and decided we were too exhausted and came back. Well, it was around 8:45ish when we walked back to the hotel, and for those of you who know this area of Disney, you know the lake between the Beach/Yacht Club and BoardWalk? Well.. there were two boats in this lagoon that I really cannot imagine had authorization because they were just flying around in the water, and it seemed very dangerous, and my father made a point of how dangerous that seemed.

So anyways, we got up to the hotel room (which overlooked the lagoon) and we all got in bed and ready to fall asleep. So my brother and I are just in like boxers cuz thats what we slept in, my father in his underwear... and my mother in her nightgown... so... to say the least we're all half-naked. Then... we hear this THUNDERING loud noise that made us all jump and like shook the room so we felt. My brother runs to the window and yells "THE BOATS COLLIDED!!!" and my father (I need to take a few seconds to laugh... cannot ever tell this story without a straight face... oh man... this is good) so my father ABSOLUTELY SCREAMS... "NATURAL GAS EXPLOSION... GET OUT OF THE HOTEL!!!!" (Natural Gas explosion??? To say the least we were not thinking)

So... we SPRINT out of the room (half-naked... we're fearing our lives... no time to get dressed) and we run down the stairs and my father (a fairly big guy) is jumping what seemed like 10-12 steps at a time (obviously he wasnt, but it was sucha panic) and we are just flying out... so as if we already aren't dumb enough... WE RUN TOWARDS THE LAGOON AND TOWARDS THE "NATURAL GAS EXPLOSION"

So... it was only like a little after 9ish so there's still people at the pool, still people eating at Cape May's... AND HERE COME FOUR IDIOTS BOLTING OUT THE DOORS OF THE HOTEL IN THEIR UNDERWEAR!!! So... we sprint passed the pool... passed the restaurant... and right to the front of the lagoon and people seemed to just completely surround us... and everyone is looking at us like we're a bunch of idiots (which we are... IN OUR UNDERWEAR) and so I go to one guy "what was that sound???" and the guy in a straight face... says "Well... there are the fireworks going on Epcot..."

I could not believe it... the Natural Gas Explosion was simply just the nightly illuminations... oh and this was like our 8th trip to disney... 5th time to the Beach Club... so we knew the area and the park well...

Anyone Top that??? Please try, and even if you don't think you can, this is no contest so post your embarrassing stories anyways!!!

Hope you all enjoyed that!!


New Member
I not sure if my most embarassing moment was more embarassing for myself
or my wife. I went on Mission: Space for the first time last February, after a
hearty lunch, of a Tuna Wrap, at the Land. (keep reading.) I had a great time
on the ride and felt it lived up to the hype. The odd thing was when I got off
the ride I felt a bit off and my legs even felt a little wobbly. My wife suggested maybe we should all go on a tamer ride. On we went to SSE. I felt
fine until the smoke from Rome burning touched something off. Just as we
got into the last part of the ride, the ride stopped, and I became very ill.
(major protein spill, outside the car.) When we got to the end my wife told
the CM on duty what had happened. I have to figure I am probably the only
person that ever go sick on that thrill ride SSE.


Well-Known Member
Ok thank God there weren't too many people around. I went to MGM with my grandparents this past April. They looooove to get there early. We were the second I repeat second car in that endless parkinglot. Now my grandparents are like half asleep still and I'm excited beyond belief. Now the park opens at 9:30 but I prank them in the parkinglot and tell them it opens at 8:00 and we're here at like 7:45. So I yell "OH NO MGM'S CLOSED TODAY". My grandpa yells to me to go find someone and ask them if the parks closed. I know it's not and duck and hide behind a bush laughing and come back five mintues later saying the guard told me "sorry folks hollywood is closed, the mouse out front should have told you"...they don't even have time to know I'm spoofing that famous national lampoon movie. So my grandma in the car with the window down starts swearing beyond belief, there are some words I didn't even know she knew of...and more cars are pulling up now, and um we got a few stares. :hammer:


Active Member
Those are hard to top...this one won't but still funny

On my first trip to WDW the poured rain almost the whole time we were there. While at MK it started to pour unbelieveably hard and everyone scattered underneath any overhang they possibly could. My mom notes that we should have bought the Ponchos earlier. My Brother and Cousin volunteer to go and get them even though my mom protests its raining way too hard. They take off running out through the rain towards a kiosk when my cousin slips in the rain and I swear to you it felt like slow motion. He soared into the air and landed hard on the ground with a tiny splash. As he was falling people were going "Oooooh" and dozens of flashes went off. To make things worse my brother turns to look and slips face forward sending him splashing into the ground as well with another set of flashes going off. The two just laid there for a minute with rain falling on them and laughter form the onlookers. We had to head out to help them up and the rain stopped literally seconds later. They had small bruises and scratches but were okay and to this day my wife and I just wait out the rain....:lol:


New Member
Tee Hee yesterday 6/19/05 We were at MK with a family we know (their first day of vacation) I was trying soooo hard to make it special for them. I talked to a Stage manager at Cinderellabrations and got us arranged to see a hosw (it takes some doing for us to see that show since my daughter and I are both photosensitive and heat can trigger seizures in her) anyway, we were all set for the 4:30 show. We had almost 50 minutes to kill so we went to ride the TTA. We go round once and decide to stay on for another round.....BIG MISTAKE We get halfway through the ride and we stop right over the track to the Speedway (as far from the location of our wheelchairs as possible) we sit for 25 minutes and get the dreaded announcement.....Please remain in your vehicles a host will be with you momentarily...sigh...They come up to get us, Andrew can carry MJ off the ride, but there is no way I can make the two flights of stairs....They get a rgular wheelchair, but I point out that there is no way the walkway is wide enough for one and besides that doesn't solve the stair what do they have to do? Call the Reedy Creek Fire/Rescue Team to get me off the silly ride, embarrassing. So we missed our date with Cinderellabrations (we'll try again next weekend) OTOH, the CM's gave me a stack of fastpasses (which I can't use because we have the GAC) so I got to give them to the family we were with to use during their vacation! The funniest part is that we are so well known around WDW that Leads and coordinators kept asking if we had heard what happened with the TTA and I had to look at them and say "That was me!" They all had a good laugh about it and I did too, after I was done having a panic attack that is! LOL


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Tripping and falling in front of 100+ people at AK then trying to play it off that I was a special needs person so they would think I just walked that way. Half hour later as I was walking into MGM a frog jumped off the roof over the entrance area and landed on my head as kids in the area started to laugh at me. :veryconfu :wave:


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A lot of these are very funny and very embarrassing! It's always great when you can look back on something that may have been horrifying at first... but later, it becomes a classic family storry

MommytoMJM I am sorry to hear about you missing cindarellebration... I would stayed on TTA a second time too :p Its one of my favorites SIMPLY for the reason that... you got so run-down from time to time in Disney and so exhausted... that never has a wait and its nice and relaxing. I'm glad you are able to see the funnier sides of things and laugh about it now.

So i see we have had about 300 views... and only 8 or 9 replies... C'mon folks don't be shy!! This is fun, embarrassing moments and being able to share them and laugh about them are what life is all about...

I will share more of my funny stories once we get some more people fessing up :hammer:



I've been reading all these stories and laughing so hard that I drooled all over myself! LOL!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Does this count as embarrassing Moment. I feel asleep on the bus from Magic Kingdom to All Star and then to Mgm and someone sat on me at MGM who did not realize I was there. And it hurt.


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it sure does... and mr. toad I think yours counts to... drooling on oneself is quite embarrassing and you did it while reading about disney so there ya go... :lol:


New Member
These are awesome... my favorite one was the slipping in the rain incident...

I can't top most of these... my best one too is a seagull bombing me at River Country when I was little. Grrr.

Oh, that and my fam and I rode Test Track the first year it was open and we got stuck on the curve of the outside track... completely tilted sideways. It was me, my mom and dad and two other people we didn't know. My dad decides it's a good idea to videotape us being stuck there and I'm hysterical laughing but my mom was furious that he was filming us stuck there, so we had this whole family argument while the two people in front of us were like "oh my god... get us off now." It was pretty funny, but I was embarassed that we caused a scene...


Well-Known Member! :)

Well, does it count if you were embarassed for a person?

We were in the France pavillion at Epcot and my mom and dad were drinking wine. My sister and I were in that first shop you come to when you enter the pavillion. When we came out, my parents wanted to sit down so we found a bench near the restaurant there in France. There was this big guy walking around - classic redneck. He had on cut-off blue jean shorts with a sleeve-less shirt and socks up to his knees. He looked at the menu at the restaurant and he must not have liked it. Well, he was walking around the corner making faces and doing silly stuff to the people who were sitting inside. All of the sudden, he slipped and fell on his behind right infront of a large group of people - not to mention all of the others inside the restaurant! It was so funny! I think we laughed until we left the park! Needless to say, no Goofy ears were needed for him. :)


New Member
Mine is actually my daughter's embarrassing moment, it happened about 8 years ago at Disneyland - she was about 6. We were waiting in line for Indiana Jones when she playfully (but quite hard) slapped her dad on the rear. Then she turned around and realized to her horror that her dad was behind her, and that she had spanked a stranger! We also laugh so hard about her hiding behind us the remainder of the wait trying to avoid the man she had whacked. It still brings us to tears we laugh about it so hard.


Well-Known Member
JKovach - That was such a funny story. I don't really have anything good to add. Last trip I walked right into a garbage can but, I laughed at myself. Not all that embarrassing. Your story reminded me of a couple weeks ago we were behind a tractor trailer and it hit a fire hydrant and the tire popped. My father woke up and said "who's shooting at us". I was hysterical. It was so funny.


New Member
This was more funny for everyone around me as I didn't realize it was happening. See, my DH and DD had gone off to see the Flights of Wonder show as AK and I was sitting on one of the ledges surrounding a tree. Apparently, I fell asleep and just kind of laid down on the ledge. As I found out later, a group of teens saw me and decided to change my appearance. The placed a plastic bag over me, a sign that said "You Snore", untied my shoes, and generally made me look like a homeless person, then they hit my arm, yelled boo and ran. It was way too funny to wake up and see all these people standing around when I jumped up laughing hysterically.


Active Member
MinnieSummer said:
This was more funny for everyone around me as I didn't realize it was happening. See, my DH and DD had gone off to see the Flights of Wonder show as AK and I was sitting on one of the ledges surrounding a tree. Apparently, I fell asleep and just kind of laid down on the ledge. As I found out later, a group of teens saw me and decided to change my appearance. The placed a plastic bag over me, a sign that said "You Snore", untied my shoes, and generally made me look like a homeless person, then they hit my arm, yelled boo and ran. It was way too funny to wake up and see all these people standing around when I jumped up laughing hysterically.

That's definetly hard to top!


Well-Known Member
When I was ten, we went to Disney for the first time and stayed at Port Orleans. One night we had dinner at the castle. I ordered prime rib off of the kids' menu. Of course, since I was only ten, I got sick. I refused to use the public bathrooms though, so my mom, brother and I were running out of the gates to get to the bus, with my screaming and crying my head off. It was closing time, so we had to wait for two buses before people ahead of us just let me cut in front of them. We made it back to the hotel in eight minutes and I took off running for the hotel. My mother was running behind me yelling, "Aim for the bushes!" and my brother was pretending he was with another family.

The really embarassing part, though, happened to my father. Since it was our first time at WDW, we didn't know how well the buses ran and stuff, so we had driven the rental car to the park that morning. When I got sick, the rest of us jumped on the bus, leaving my dad to face the crowds on the ferry and the tram alone. He said he noticed on both that there were Disney security guards on both the ferry and tram with him, which he thought was funny. Then, when he got to our car, security actually went up to him! They said he was acting suspiciously. Then my dad realized he was carrying a video camera, my mother's regular camera, a stuffed pluto my brother carried around with him, and all of the bags of souveniers we had bought that day. And he was alone! My dad had to tell them the whole story. They thought he was some kind of child predator. By the time he got back to the room, almost three hours had passed. I was sound asleep and my mom and brother were watching TV. My poor dad was so upset. We have never driven to any park since!

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