Your Biggest TS Disaster At WDW.

Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
My worst disaster turned out well after all.
We booked a trip to Disney with my wife, son and myself in one room and a second couple in a separate room. We decided to spend 4 days at the wilderness lodge and 4 days at the animal kingdom lodge. It was during September and Disney gave us the food plan for free when we booked. This was back in the early days when the plan was much better than it is now and included the tip BTW. Our first four days went off without a hitch at the wilderness lodge and we were very excited that we got the meal plan for free. On the 5th day when we checked into the AK lodge we were informed that we didn't book the meal plan for our stay so we couldn't get it at any price let alone for free. I argued with the people at the front desk that this was ludacris! I said to them...Why would I book the first part Of our stay and accept the free food plan but not the 2nd part of our stay? Finally a supervisor told us to just charge our meals on our room and they "should" be able to straighten it out by the end of our stay and take them off. My wife and I decided we wouldn't let it spoil our vacation and decided to charge the meals and if it didn't work out, we'd just pay the bill at the end. After the first night I went back down to the front desk to see if it was fixed yet and they told me they were still working on it but they still felt like they could fix it by our last day. In the meantime the other couple wasn't taking it as we'll as us and refused to go to the parks and buy expensive meals and charge anything on their room. Unfortunately they were letting it spoil their vacation and that made it effect ours. On the third day I went back to the front desk and told them I needed the situation resolved right then as it was effecting our stay because the other couple didn't know if they could afford to go eat with us. Finally an upper management person came out and told us without question we could eat anywhere on the property and charge it to our room and disney would cover it when we checked out. I said "OK then I want to eat at Fultons crab house" BTW this was not included in the food plan. The manager assured me that he would honor that so I told him "Then make me a reservation right now" he promptly did. Now I'm honestly not the type to take advantage of situations like this but by now I was getting a little y about how the vacation was going. We went to our reservation later that night (the other couple didn't join us as they were afraid they wouldn't take it off their bill on the last day) and the four of us ( me, my son, wife, and mom ate until our bill was $500 I ordered 2 of the giant stuffed lobsters I then added a $200 tip for our server :) BTW the other couple ate at earl of sandwich. it was the most ridiculous meal of my life. My mom was giddy. On checkout day they slid the room charge bill under our door and everything was removed except the $700 charge for Fultons crab house. I promptly called the front desk and started complaining and told them I was on my way up there. When I got to the front desk as soon as I walked up the cm instantly knew who I was and told me her supervisor said to take care of it and promptly took it off our bill. The rest is history. I still have the ticket I signed that night at fulton's and we get it out every year and laugh. True story


Last Dec, we had ADR at Akershus(?). It was for myself, my wife, 2 grown daughters and my 1 yr old grand daughter. I forgot my itinerary when we left our resort, so during lunch, I stooped in at the front desk at the restaurant to confirm our time. I was told 5pm. We had a great day at Epcot. At 4:45, we returned and checked in. The hostess said she couldn't find my name. Someone else came over and looked and said here it is, we'll seat you shortly. After waiting an hour and everyone after us was seated, one of the staff came over to us and asked why we didn't go in. I told him our name was never called. I heard a name similar to mine called (they were called for about 20 minutes and never went in). After an mad rush off 3 or 4 staff members looking over the computer screen, they came back to me and said to follow them, we we're being lead to the front of the line for pictures. They told us we get 2 packages with our ressie (we only had 4 paying seats). They then took us inside and they were setting up a table for us and the manager came over and talked with us to make sure everything was good. They ushered all the princesses over to us and each one spent extra time visiting with my grand daughter. Everything seemed to be working out great. Turns out I was given the time for the party with a similar name (mine is a Scottish surname). My ressie was actually for 1:30pm for lunch. When we got home, I received my Disney Chase bill and found out that after all the bending over backwards for us, I got charged $50 for not showing up for my ressie. It took 2 months and several letters to get them to remove the charge. Soooooo once there, the restaurant was great but the system messed up an magical memory.


Well-Known Member
Rose and Crown was the worst service I've ever had at WDW. Copied from my TR:

Our waitress was very impatient with my yeast allergy and was also incredibly slow! It took over 10 minutes just to get our drinks! I ordered some kind of curry and when it didn’t arrive for 15 minutes, I got up to find the bathroom inside. It was at this time that I came across the hat lady who I recognized from the shirt I made with her face on it! I introduced myself to her when she finished a song and told her that I had put her face on a shirt at the request of Carl (who she immediately recognized). She asked to see the picture I used, so I pulled it up for her, only to discover that she “hates that picture!” She informed me that I needed to ask Carl for a better picture and remake the shirt! Then she sang a song for me! It was a really fun few minutes! By the time I got back outside, my food still hadn’t arrived! Even after that lengthy exchange inside! Eventually, it did come though.

I doubt we'll go back.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure this classifies but our last trip I book San Angel Inn in Epcot. The reviews were very good. So we have a 11 am reservation, when they open. We check in and the restaurant is empty, with on party of 4 waiting for a table. I was told it would be a 15 minute wait. What?! I was told they were working through reservations. I confirmed they had our reservation and correct name and she said they would get to us as soon as possible. Well, ok. We waited while 5 others parties walked up and were seated, some with reservations and some not. After 15 min had passed I went to speak to the hostess. The restaurant is almost empty 6 table along the wall were filled. She said five minutes more. I asked to speak to a supervisor. He came, apologized and we were seated immediately on the opposite side of the restaurant, all good. We wait again. Ten more minutes pass, no server. People seated after us have chips and drinks. Back to see the manager, apology and he tells me someone will be with us in a moment. Gentlemen comes over and tells us our server did not show up for work and he has never done this before. Great!

We order an appetizer and drinks. So far so good. Drinks come with chips. Then we order our meal. I make a special request about no chilis or peppers on my meal, just in case. Our appetizer never arrived. I am now so stressed about this that I am trying not to get angry and cause issues with our vacation. Other tables have come and gone. We again, wait but at least we had chips.

Finally, food! My plates was covered with chilis and peppers. My sons dish was not correct and neither was my husbands. The food tasted terrible. We told our server and he said they could remake the meal. At this point we just wanted to be done. We ate what we could and left the rest.

Our bill came with the appetizer on it. Again, we waited to get it removed so we could go. The manager came to apologize but at this point it didn't really matter. The entire experience was horrible for us. We may try it again but not anytime soon.


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
Reposting from the other thread which inspired this one lol.....We went several years ago to Tony's and had a horrible experience!! We had reservations of course but we waited almost 2 hours yes 2 hours for a table!! To make it worse we had to STAND the whole time!! It had been a very long day in the park and we were looking forward to sitting for a little while but did not get to. This was not even a busy time of year either! Their computer system was down but that is still no excuse for a 2 hour wait WITH reservations! They were letting walk ups without ressies go before us. With their computer issue they should have turned away walk ups. We heard several people say they had no ressie and were never turned away. We were just me and my DH so not like we had a big party to be seated. One of the walk ups were a large party and they got seated long before us. Well it did not stop there... We were being perfectly nice but our waiter was just plain rude! He came and asked if we wanted to order and I said I needed a little more time as we had just sat down and he was annoyed with that, and came back like 2 min later and I nicely said I still needed a few minutes and more annoyance from his side. Well finally we ordered and got the food. It was not warm or hot it was kinda cold and did not have much flavor at all. My hubby thought his was not good either but I do not remember what we both had as it has been a while. I believe it was 2 different pasta dishes. Then we got desert
Which was okay and prob the best thing out of the whole experience. Was decorated with Lady and Tramp on it due to us celebrating our anniversary. We have never wanted to go back since! we understand their computer was down but no guest should ever wait 2 hours WITH a ressie, never should have rude waiters, and never should have cold food no matter what the circumstances!! Worst experience out of any restaurant on property!!


Active Member
I think the worst was Garden Grill for dinner. The food tasted terrible except for the dessert. The server was lazy and didn't seemed interested in helping us at all. Explained things to the manager on duty and just recieved a lame apology. Did bring it up at the resort and they took the meal off our bill.


Well-Known Member
Crystal Palace, seated us an hour past our ressie and lunch was already being served, we'd STOOD outside in 90 degree temps with starving toddlers for that hour so we were pretty unhappy. The manager immediately came to see us, apologized and said breakfast is over so please enjoy lunch only to have a cast member greet us when we went to the buffet with her arms and legs akimbo demanding we get away from lunch. The breakfast offerings looked like leftovers I'd throw out, it was just disgusting. By the time the manager came back by she saw we'd not eaten a bite and asked what was going on, by then we'd been there almost an hour so the kids could see the characters (they each ate one cold plain Mickey waffle) and were ready to go. She didn't comp our check and we really didn't eat ANYTHING. We've never been back and would never suggest anyone ever go there, this was an expensive experience to be treated so shabbily and its not worth rolling the dice in my opinion.


Premium Member
Thanks @real mad hatter for making me relive our recent lunch at Sci-Fi!!!!! Getting seated wasn't too bad, but things went downhill from there! The server was upset she couldn.t just take our orders and go because my ds has a few allergies. So she went and got the chef who took forever! He couldn't find the book and had no idea what was in most of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My son's plate came out with his #1 allergen right on top! All the meals came out separately and were cold! Had to flag the waitress to send them back!!!!!!! Twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only that I requested my sweet potato fries not be covered in cinnamon sugar and they were TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!! The server didn't see a problem with that as that is "how they are served" She was annoyed every time we had to flag her down! Just to top off a really bad experience the beer was warm! :eek: That place was even worse than Hollywood and Vile! From now on I'm sticking to cs in HS or leaving the park to eat! I've never seemed to have any luck dining there!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks @real mad hatter for making me relive our recent lunch at Sci-Fi!!!!! Getting seated wasn't too bad, but things went downhill from there! The server was upset she couldn.t just take our orders and go because my ds has a few allergies. So she went and got the chef who took forever! He couldn't find the book and had no idea what was in most of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My son's plate came out with his #1 allergen right on top! All the meals came out separately and were cold! Had to flag the waitress to send them back!!!!!!! Twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only that I requested my sweet potato fries not be covered in cinnamon sugar and they were TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!! The server didn't see a problem with that as that is "how they are served" She was annoyed every time we had to flag her down! Just to top off a really bad experience the beer was warm! :eek: That place was even worse than Hollywood and Vile! From now on I'm sticking to cs in HS or leaving the park to eat! I've never seemed to have any luck dining there!
OMG.:eek: That indeed is a bad experience.Warm beer..Cold food..items that have allergies to yourselfs..Not acceptable anywhere,especially at Disney..And a chef looking for a book to advise him what to do.:eek: :eek: :eek: ..Reminds me of going to a doctor once for two inoculations for a trip into a jungle area of Turkey..She was looking up a medical reference book,to see if she could mix the two doses into one syringe..:eek:


Well-Known Member
Yes.. One too many Lapu-Lapu's before an exciting dinner at Ohana. It was my best friends birthday. Our server brought out the celebration cupcake at the end of the meal- even after the bread pudding. We sang and he blew out the candle. The server walked away and my friend dumped the cupcake in one of the empty pineapples.

Other than that, no. Have not had any problemos.


Well-Known Member
I can honestly say there have not been any "train wreck" experiences for us. We were disappointed at a return trip to R&C last fall after having really enjoyed it the year before and this visit both food and service was off and the only other time was at Whispering Canyon when our daughter was running a low grade fever and felt pretty awful, we tried to get just a meal but got the whole Ketchup and tossed straws routine but honestly that is the expected experience there and it was not their fault that it did not fit what we needed which was just some food in our belly...neither experience would keep me from trying either again though.


Well-Known Member
I'm shocked! My family was there in March & it was one of our favorite meals. The entire staff was courteous & the atmosphere was just lovely. Maybe they've gotten their act together? The service was a bit slow, but it was clearly due to a lack of bussing staff. A problem not exclusive to Chefs.

It was two years ago, and the menu has changed since we were there, good to hear it got better and hopefully cleaned up.


Well-Known Member
100% absolutely, definitely, most certainly my worse service experience all time (not just Disney) was at Bongo's last November! Cell phone at work = irresponsibility, laziness, and distraction!
I must have had the same server. We were there last November and the server we had came for our order and then we never seen him again. He screwed up half the order and we had to ask another server to fix it. Never got asked for our drink refills and finally had to ask another server for our tab. As you could imagine our party of 7 was in no mood to tip this person so we signed the check one walked out. We walked past him in the restaurant and he was texting on his phone. He must have went back to his table at that point and realized that we had not left him a tip. He chased us down on the west side strip with his manager and demanded a tip. I told him to stuff it and told his manager I was not not leaving a tip and putting my experience on yelp with their names attached. No more bongos for me...never never.

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