You can sleep late at home....when at Disney, GET UP!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I live by the motto why sleep at Disney when you can sleep at work when you get home!:D
My Motto too - plenty of time for sleeping when you get back home. I usually get home on Friday after 14 days in the world and get back to work on Monday. Travelling from UK does mean that I make the most of the time there, and can sleep when and if I need to when I get back down to earth.:cool:


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
that reminds me an awful lot of a song I heard once
"til I'm six feet under baby I don't need a bed,
I'll live while I'm alive I'll sleep when I'm dead"

I don't recall who sang it, But clearly they are legends. it's a pretty catchy tune, I dare say whoever sang this would be great to have play in rock n roller coaster eventually.....

Bon Jovi

Monkee Girl

Well-Known Member
Everyone's different. I am 90% an early riser. Most of the time I am up at 6am, showered, dressed and eating breakfast down at Cook's and ready to hit the park at 8am. Everyone else is still asleep. It's all good. I get some "Me" time in the parks and meed up with them by dinner time if not sooner.

However, my last trip I chose to be a little more lax. We were only there for 3 days and with the Halloween party, we chose not to rush around like chickens with our heads cut off. We were going to be back in the spring so why rush? We slept in and took our time. It was hard for me a little bit. We wouldn't be out of the room before 10am and that was rough. But again, we will be back for a longer trip in 6 months.

So it all depends on the type of trip you are planning. Some want to relax because they can't at home and some are ready for park trekking. Of course, I rather be at park opening but it's ok to wait till noon too.


Well-Known Member
My wife would have a coronary if I went to the parks without her and the kids. That would mean that she had to take Disney transportation and we refuse to do this nearly 90% of the time. Boats and the Monorail are one thing, but buses.... forget about it.


Active Member
We are usually at the parks 1 hour before they open. i always say we are going to go back to the room mid day and rest but when we get back to the room everybody usually rest for 10 to 15 minutes then we hit the parks again. We can sleep when we get home.

Larry Mondello

Well-Known Member
I posted on subject of not being able to do things because of resistance from other family members and someone posted about the family wanting to sleepin and start around 10. OMG I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND that!!!! My family does same thing...Im up and ready to go by 7 and they are snoring away. It drives me nuts. At first id just go to food court, get paper and coffee (yuk( then wait around for couple hours for them to be ready. It would literally stress me out. SLEEP AT HOME!!!!..Finally i decided Id just go parks myself and meet up with them. Its nice and rtelaxing but Id rather be with my wife and daughter. What drives people to want to sleep?

Let them sleep in. I like it when it is less crowded early morning.


Well-Known Member
Early morning in MK. This is what you get to experience when you get there at 9:30am. (And this photo was taken after riding Jungle Cruise and Pirates)



Well-Known Member
pixie dust = adrenaline
I wish I could sleep in, but the minute I wake up, and realize where I am, I am out of bed.

My poor family, of course sleeps in, most likely exhausted from me dragging them all
over the parks the day before. but gotta go!gotta go!

In the morning, before they wake up,I am pacing back and forth by the door like some wild animal waiting
to get of a cage.... but I try, really try my hardest to be quiet.... try to be selfless, I should go to the food court and let them sleep..
I know I shouldn't wake them up, they need their sleep,they are tired....look at my daughter and how sweet she is sleeping, look at my peaceful son. What kind of parent and spouse would I be if I didn't let them sleep a little more after all day at the parks...
BUT if I go to the food court, who knows how long it might take them to wake up...

........secretly, deviously, I am wishing that each little noise I make, might be the one to wake them
up...where's that bag of potato chips......crunch, crunch, crunch..maybe it's time to go to the bathroom,
even though I just went to the bathroom 5 minutes ago......flush......

by the time they are somewhat awake, I am about to burst....
my wonderful, loving family takes pity on me, and knows there is no other option, no way out..
mom needs to go out and see DisneyWorld. I see them all take that big breath of resignation that there
is no rest for the weary at Disneyworld.....well, maybe next trip....
A most magical welcome!! I like the way you think!


Well-Known Member
I can sleep for free at home. At WDW, I'm paying quite a bit, and I intend to get my money's worth. I went with my mom last week, and she likes to sleep in, and she doesn't care so much if I go on ahead without her, so I was hitting both the morning and evening extra magic hours (though often only about 30 minutes or so for the latter).


Liker of Things
Premium Member
It is very difficult to travel with people who like to do things differently than you do. Trust me, I know it. Especially if its my sister. 'Nuff said there!

Tell me about it. Every time I travel with the extended family it is all like, "Why are you playing the sousaphone at 4 in the morning? Do you have to get in fistfights with cast members at Animal Kingdom? Hand out "I support the Empire" placards before boarding Star Tours? Take 5 pounds of Velveeta cheese with you into EPCOT? Sell candy from last Halloween to discount starved tourists? Pontificate on the pros and cons of the different Popes named Benedict? Offer your electric nose hair clippers to anyone with stray follicles dangling from their nasal passages?" I mean, c'mon, I'm just asking you to accept some perfectly normal, unobtrusive habits.


Well-Known Member
I understand the sentiment of "it's my vacation" but if you're paying through the nose for said vacation you might as well get your money's worth.

I'm not paying that kind of money for people to sleep it away.
Sorry to say it, but this kind of falls into the category of "mind your own business". I assume you are a morning person and that is awesome for you. I am a night person, and "paying that kind of money" also includes the room. If I am paying premium for a room at a Disney resort, I should be able to enjoy it, right? Sometimes, the extra magic hours let you be in the park until 1AM or later. Why can't I then go back to my hotel and sleep in?

Although I have to say, with Disney's new sweat inducing energy efficient air conditioner controls, I often can't get our of bed fast enough. But that's a different thread.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Sorry to say it, but this kind of falls into the category of "mind your own business". I assume you are a morning person and that is awesome for you. I am a night person, and "paying that kind of money" also includes the room. If I am paying premium for a room at a Disney resort, I should be able to enjoy it, right? Sometimes, the extra magic hours let you be in the park until 1AM or later. Why can't I then go back to my hotel and sleep in?

Although I have to say, with Disney's new sweat inducing energy efficient air conditioner controls, I often can't get our of bed fast enough. But that's a different thread.
I am minding my own business and unless I'm paying your way then you need not go by my rules. You could certainly disagree with me without being rude


Well-Known Member
I am the drill sergeant, pulling my family from their comfy beds to make rope drop everyday. This year, Disney moved up the opening of the MK from 9AM to 8AM. I was bummed because I knew that I could never get my family up and moving in time for the earlier rope drop. Then last night as we were discussing our FP+ for that day, my DH said that we can definitely plan on making the 8AM opening. I have never loved him more than at that moment! Well, I will love him more if we actually do it!


Well-Known Member
I am minding my own business and unless I'm paying your way then you need not go by my rules. You could certainly disagree with me without being rude
Not sure how I'm being rude to you. Mine is just a simple opinion, just like yours. In any case, isn't it great that some like the late hours and some like the early hours? If not, can you imagine the crowds at your rope drop? Just feel happy that some of us zombies are still incubating in our resorts so you can have fewer crowds. Peace.



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Not sure how I'm being rude to you. Mine is just a simple opinion, just like yours. In any case, isn't it great that some like the late hours and some like the early hours? If not, can you imagine the crowds at your rope drop? Just feel happy that some of us zombies are still incubating in our resorts so you can have fewer crowds. Peace.

I guess I took the "mind your own business" comment as a reply to me.

Personally, I'm up early and stay late as well. I can sleep when I get back home. :D


Active Member
I'm much more of an EMH person, and there's no way you'll get me up before noon after staying up until 3 or 4 am the night before. Thankfully my mom is the same way, but a little bit more of an early riser. It works out well, since she usually goes and gets breakfast while I sleep and convinces me to get out of those warm, comfy Disney beds with a bunch of food :D
(Seriously though. Those beds are magical)
We don't get to the parks until 1 or so, but we're out as late as they're open. That way you miss the lunch rush and can get a bunch of rides in later on when people start tuckering out.
Not to mention the late night resort exploring hehe


Well-Known Member
I'm a deep sleeper and love sleeping in late... at home.

But on vacation? I'm excited and up early. Vacations are when I'm most motivated to be awake and out having fun. I'm definitely of the sort who "needs a vacation from their vacation" -- i.e. I'm exhausted when I get home (I usually take on a day of rest at home after any trip). But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Personally, I've never understood the "sleeping in" vacation. I can sleep in at home, in more comfort than in a hotel room. If I want to just relax, I don't need to pay for a hotel room to do so.

YMMV of course.


New Member
I can sleep all day and often do, "at home". I have always been a late sleeper. When I am in WDW I have only the length of my stay to have as many great experiences as I can fit into each seemingly very short day of it. It is difficult for me to understand why anyone would want to sleep in. How anyone would see it differently than I do. So when half my group of 7 starts whining about getting up early for a delicious hot breakfast that you don't have to clean up after therefore followed right after by a morning full of fun......I just don't get it :(.

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