YOMD Planning DVD


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Not sure if people have discussed this already, but does anyone else really like the 2007 planning DVD? It beats the crap out of the HCOE DVD, which was pretty bad, IMO. The new one showed the resort in a great light - the Wishes clips made me pretty emotional. The music (while not actually from the show) was stunning. The whole Epcot section was great too.
Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I haven't been through the entire DVD yet... but I have found it enjoyable.

I'll give it a big thumbs up for tugging the heartstrings.


Active Member
We preferred the YOMD over the HCOE version as well. DD(13) especially liked the kids section.....I think it was because the boys were cute;) I thought the kids section on TOT was a much better representation of the ride than the clip they show on Disney's website.......I've shown the Disney clip to some of my students (who will be traveling with me to WDW over Easter break) and they were scared thinking that you stand on TOT!! This is their first trip obviously. The only down side to the new DVD is that it didn't show DINOSAUR! on the kid section. Primeval Whirl is fun, but I prefer DINOSAUR! I found it amusing that the kids spent part of their money on candy that they could have bought at Target! Maybe candy from WDW tastes better.....I know DH thinks the giant cookies with vanilla ice cream in the middle taste better at WDW:slurp:

39 days until we are Orlando bound with 21 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles:hammer:
i could not stand Luke-"Triple mountain trifecta!":hurl:

i would have rather listened to fran drescher than to the hcoe dvd.

ironically, i liked the format of the hcoe (although yomd is more touching), just couldn't stand erin and luke.


Well-Known Member
The only down side to the new DVD is that it didn't show DINOSAUR! on the kid section. Primeval Whirl is fun, but I prefer DINOSAUR!

39 days until we are Orlando bound with 21 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles:hammer:

Maybe Disney's prior rehabs to DINOSAUR put this attraction in more of a thrilling/adult category than in the kids section. especially when the Carnataur pops out from the right side.
Honestly it can get the heart pounding because you never really know where you are going and what is around the next corner.


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Original Poster
No way does DINOSAUR belong in the kids section - it scares me, and I've seen first hand one young kid who screamed bloody murder throughout the whole ride. It is one of the few rides that manages to completely disorientate riders - you can see very little and have no idea where you are headed.


Well-Known Member
i could not stand Luke-"Triple mountain trifecta!":hurl:

i would have rather listened to fran drescher than to the hcoe dvd.

ironically, i liked the format of the hcoe (although yomd is more touching), just couldn't stand erin and luke.

I agree, Luke got on my nerves I could not stand watching him. I much prefer the YOMD DVD. I have watched twice already. I find this dvd more heartwarming and touching.


New Member
IMHO. I am not crazy about YOMD video. I liked the format of HCOE video and I liked Erin, but that was the only one in that video I could stand. I am not really sure what I am looking for in a planning video but I just was not that crazy about YOMD.


Active Member
No way does DINOSAUR belong in the kids section - it scares me, and I've seen first hand one young kid who screamed bloody murder throughout the whole ride. It is one of the few rides that manages to completely disorientate riders - you can see very little and have no idea where you are headed.

They really weren't young kids....maybe 9th graders. In that section they went waterskiing, parasailing, rode TOT, RnR, EE, etc. So, DINOSAUR! would have been okay......DD(13) and I love the dino at the end, but have yet to see him, because we are always looking down and screaming when we go under him!!!!


Well-Known Member
i liked it but i have to add my mom and i giggled a little at the people saying what their dreams were. i'm not saying their dreams won't happen i just thought it was sorta random and i just wanted the dvd to show the parks. lol:ROFLOL: (we prolly lauphed cuz we were really tired and i think stupid things when i'm tired. i just wayched it again and i didn't giggle so thats prolly why, i was tired thats my theory LOL


Well-Known Member
I'm 18 and I will not ride Dinosaur. The end. I am terrified of that ride. I am not sure what it is about it. I can ride ToT and RnR without a problem, but this ride kills me. I guess I am not very good at mind over matter.


Reading this thread made me realize that I don't have a new planning DVD yet! What is wrong with me? What's the best way to get one?


Active Member
I ordered mine from the Disney World web site. I don't know if it's the fastest way to get one, but for me it was the only way.....I'm too far from WDW or a travel agent:lol:

39 days 39 days 39 days:sohappy:


New Member
I got mine a week ago and I like it a lot. I just wish that they would show more of the resorts like inside the rooms and have a larger section on them... they are on Disney property afterall. And it is a planning video


I liked both versions of the dvd, but feel that the ideal disc would be a combination of both.

The YOMD strikes me as more of an advert for WDW than a trip planning resource, where as the HCOE was great at pointing out individual attractions and tips.

So keep the production values and "dream" theme from YOMD and combine it with the in-depth info of HCOE (minus annoying hosts, of course.)


New Member
I got the DVD 2 weeks ago. Watched most of it and thought it was done very well. I brought it to my sister and her family. We are planning a trip for March of 2008 - they have NEVER been to the world. Thought it would help them to start planning some. Her husband was looking at the brochure that shows the resorts in relation to the parks and asks - 'is this all within walking distance?' :lol: So much to learn - I think he will be completely amazed!
I haven't watched the entire DVD yet. I've watched all of the Disneyland Resort version (very good!) And some of Disney World. I thought they did an awesome job for what I've seen so far, and it really shows off the great qualities Disney has. I want my boyfriend to watch it so he can realize that more is there than what he thinks. Great DVD!


I love the planning DVD. My family and i have watched the kids section soo many times. It shows what Disney is actually like the best. I agree that DINOSAUR should have been in there. I said the exact same thing. It's scary for some kids, yeah.. but the same could be said for tower of terror and Mission:space. My sister was 7 when she went on DINOSAUR and really liked it.
Anyways, i really enjoy the planning DVD! It took us ages to get and we weren't disappointed after the wait.


New Member
I love everything about this dvd! I especially love the music in it and how it shows everything around the world! AWESOME DVD!!!:sohappy:


I love the format of it... not sure if I watched it all yet. Anyone else find it funny they made a point to show the kids getting asked for the phones and camcorders back? The camcorders are one thing, but they couldn't give them the phones for being in the video? Or better yet, we wouldn't have noticed if they didn't show us... Sheesh! lol

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