Well-Known Member
I think he was just saying that he would have preferred the yeti AA to be in that area, not take up all that room.
No need for a yeti to be Kong-sized....although, as we all know...he almost was...
Yes, that is what I was getting at. The pic you showed is pretty much Kong in white - and why I think they went the way they did.
I believe it was a mistake, because observant fanboys always say I'm wrong, but I stand by my belief that many riders, even in A-mode, would never see him. If you don't know where to look, and aren't looking, it *was* easy to miss - especially because of the point of the coaster he was in where you are going relatively fast and a lot of people squint or even have their eyes closed at that portion. Now, if you knew to expect it, knew where to look, and to keep your eyes open - yes, it was impressive.
But even so, building it up so for a 1/2 second encounter was just a mistake, IMO. To be honest I think that's the real reason they don't fix him. As Everest fans are quick to point out, people don't know what they are missing and seem just fine with it, they like the coaster - and Disney knows that, so why spend the money to enhance 1/2 a second of the ride when the general public (ignorant of what it is supposed to be) is already happy. They might go from 85% happy with the ride to 90%, but if they are already at 85...why spend the $.
That's what I think THEIR thinking is, not what I think it should be...(before someone asks me to defend that position, know I disagree with it, LOL).