This is a complete and total embarassment. This news isn't really a shock, but seeing the facts laid out so plainly really makes my blood boil. It shows just how little they care (whoever "they" are, I'm not up to date with the politics). This whole thing is infuriating and beyond disappointing.
If this news is pretty much set in stone, I think it should be reported on. This is management at its worst, and the maybe the worst "show" we've ever seen at WDW. To any reporters/columnists who read this forum, I think this story needs to continue to be brought to light. Disney's not going to do anything to fix the problems at the parks until something tarnishes their name.
You know, it might just be a physics thing.
If it takes "x" amount of structure to safely have it move, and they have "y" amount of space to achieve it, and it would cost "z" amount of money to completely tear down the yeti's support and rebuild, it just might not be doable.
If that is the case, then yes, they could spend a billion dollars and use titanium supports to achieve the original movement. But is that a good use of funds?
You could make statements like that about every attraction:
-Why don't they add hundreds more animals to the safari and make it 2hrs long?
-Why don't they invent technology to turn off people's flash pictures?
-Why don't they actually launch me into space in Space Mountain?
Management is responsible for making responsible decisions. At some point you stop digging if the hole isn't getting you anywhere. They tried, it didn't work. We should be congratulating them for trying. They will learn from this and get it right on the next attraction that needs something like this.
Look at the flying saucers from DL. They were around for a couple of years in the 50s, didn't work that well and they took them out. Now, 50 years later we are getting an improved version in Carsland.
As they say, "No good idea ever dies."
Cut them some slack and enjoy your next trip,