Yeti news


New Member
So we're just ignoring the fact that the current Yeti was installed into the mountain *after* the mountain structure was built? :shrug:

For all intents and purposes, the physical exterior of the mountain was done when the AA was brought in. Only exterior painting and finishing was being worked on. True, they may have to remove a wall for access, but that wall would've been built after-the-fact, and thus is not load-bearing, and can easily be removed.
It's far from the drastic picture you paint of the top of the mountain being cut open and the AA being craned in, or being brought in and out piece by piece. He didn't go in that way, so there's no reason to come out that way.

Plus, dare I point out that this came from a poster who just joined this month?
EDIT: Sorry, *last* month...with the only other post being a video request...


Yeti sits underneath a large overhead crane with a lift parked off to the left of the track. The plan to restore partial movement to Yeti is one of many under consideration and they are all at this point blue sky ideas being floated around. As is the option of taking him apart and dropping him down and out of the mountain. Yeti has a drop area behind it with a roll up door nearby. It would require a total tear down of the figure however you choose to get the pieces out. The problem is not so much the cost but operational considerations. Park management does not want to run a ride with no Yeti for a year plus while a new one is rebuilt and shipped back into the mountain. At this point they figure a static Yeti is less of an embarrassment then a missing Yeti. Another plan under consideration not mentioned thus far in the forum is to build a second stand in static Yeti which would consist of a steel frame to support his head and fur while the actually mechanical Yeti is taken apart and sent off to be rebuilt offsite. The logistics of this are very complex and there is strong opposition to all of the proposals that are on the table so for the time being disco Yeti continues to dance under the strobe lights. I can assure you that no final decision has been made as to how to proceed.


Well-Known Member
If this is true, the Yeti should be taken out of the ride. That would be like having the story as a hairy mannequin chasing you around Mount Everest.


Well-Known Member
. The logistics of this are very complex and there is strong opposition to all of the proposals that are on the table so for the time being disco Yeti continues to dance under the strobe lights. I can assure you that no final decision has been made as to how to proceed.

Thank you for sharing this, I have a couple of questions/comments.

I think the idea of placing a static Yeti there as an interim solution is a good one. People wouldn't notice this any more than they notice Disco Yeti. He could be posed more threateningly as well.

I imagine this is expensive--and it wouldn't fix the base of the yeti, but would allow work on the figure to be done.

I wonder, why is there "strong opposition" to ALL of the proposals, and from where does this opposition originate? I have long argued that the finances and logistics of fixing the Yeti just do not make financial sense as long as people continue to queue up for the ride, is that it? Just curious.

FWIW, I just had two separate groups of relatives come back from Disney World, and they both commented that Everest was AWESOME, one of their favorite rides there, but they wondered where the Yeti was.

So--in the "average joe" perception, they know something is amiss, or at least they wonder where he is, but it didn't affect their overall enjoyment or recommendation of the ride. I suspect herein lies the rub.


I can assure you that no final decision has been made as to how to proceed.

That's the disturbing part.
Three years later, nobody in management has taken a lead role and taken the necessary steps to get the Yeti back into working condition. A decision should have been reached in three months. Three years is shameful.
As I've said before, someone should be fired over this.


Well-Known Member
That's the disturbing part.
Three years later, nobody in management has taken a lead role and taken the necessary steps to get the Yeti back into working condition. A decision should have been reached in three months. Three years is shameful.
As I've said before, someone should be fired over this.

You beat me to it, Lee. Something, ANYTHING, should have been agreed upon by now.

A lot of why I'm so upset at this situation is the length in which they are choosing to ignore that something is wrong. They still run the same commercials in the rooms and show the "A" Mode Yeti briefly then people ride it and have trouble tracking it down on the actual ride? Ridiculous.

It's gone on long enough and after 3 years I would have hoped that they would have put one of the aforementioned plans in motion already. Even if they only spent small amounts on the project over those 3 years, it's possible it would already be done or be close to done by now.

And by far the last thing they need at DAK is for their rides to be in bad show.

Overall Mood: :fork:

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
That's the disturbing part.
Three years later, nobody in management has taken a lead role and taken the necessary steps to get the Yeti back into working condition. A decision should have been reached in three months. Three years is shameful.
As I've said before, someone should be fired over this.

I must sorrowfully agree. The long-broken yeti is an embarrassment to the park. The question is - who should be fired for this? Whoever overlooked what appears to be a major design flaw, or whoever goofed up the installation, or whoever should be coming up with a solution on how to fix this but hasn't?


Active Member
In other news... The ride still works, and it's still incredibly fun. Upsetting that the Yeti doesn't work like it used to, but it doesn't spoil my fun on the ride. I know I seem to be the minority on how I feel about it, and that's ok.


Well-Known Member
In other news... The ride still works, and it's still incredibly fun. Upsetting that the Yeti doesn't work like it used to, but it doesn't spoil my fun on the ride. I know I seem to be the minority on how I feel about it, and that's ok.

Here's my "parallel picture" of the Yeti situation:

The ballroom in the Haunted Mansion is one of the major highlights of the attraction. Now imagine if all of the lights that illuminate the ghost AAs in the ballroom (and thereby allowing the ghost effect to work) not operating, so that the ballroom is just a large, empty-but-creepy room.

Sure, the rest of the attraction is still great, and Guests will still ride it in droves even though some/many will know/sense that something is missing, but that doesn't mean that the effect shouldn't be fixed...



The yeti should honestly be fixed but I'm sure Disney has it on the back burner. It only was in A-Mode for a very short time. If something happened to the Haunted Mansion they would fix it right away as people would know exactly what is missing. In my opinion the Yeti won't be fixed until we see some new work on Animal Kingdom or at least until they're done with the Fantasyland Expansion. You see the Yeti for like four seconds. Honestly the ride is amazing whether or not I see it.


Well-Known Member
I agree that three years is a very long time for the Yeti to be looking like the stuffed caribou and elk heads hanging on our family room wall. I rode the Expedition Everest ride when it had it's soft opening and I assume it was functioning in A mode then. But to be honest with you he was not the highlight of the ride like I thought he would be. The roller coaster ride was so outstanding I didn't give Yeti much thought at the time. But now that I have ridden the ride several times since then I am more into looking for the Yeti and really do want him to work, to "plus" my ride experience. So I'm hoping that Disney can get Yeti fixed soon, even though the ride is still amazing without him.:D


Active Member
Well, I get what you're saying. Trust me I do. But those are also just projections at HM. Very easy to fix and update. Probably very little to update or fix. But since EE is a Rollercoaster/thrill ride. An animatronic isn't as big of a deal. If the coaster didn't work because of it, they'd rush to get it fixed. I'm not listening to a WORD of these rumors of it "never being fixed". If you think they'll never fix it, you're out of your mind. They will get to it when they get to it. They have bigger things going on. When they feel the time is right, they will fix the Yeti. But as long as they see the wait times are as high as they typically are, and the coaster is running properly.. They will not put it on top of their priorities. Just be patient, enjoy the coaster and in due time, the Yeti will get it's attention it rightfully deserves.


Well-Known Member
Well, I get what you're saying. Trust me I do. But those are also just projections at HM. Very easy to fix and update. Probably very little to update or fix. But since EE is a Rollercoaster/thrill ride. An animatronic isn't as big of a deal. If the coaster didn't work because of it, they'd rush to get it fixed. I'm not listening to a WORD of these rumors of it "never being fixed". If you think they'll never fix it, you're out of your mind. They will get to it when they get to it. They have bigger things going on. When they feel the time is right, they will fix the Yeti. But as long as they see the wait times are as high as they typically are, and the coaster is running properly.. They will not put it on top of their priorities. Just be patient, enjoy the coaster and in due time, the Yeti will get it's attention it rightfully deserves.

They're not just projections, so it's a fair comparison. Let's say those animatronics at the HM stopped working in the ballroom like the Yeti has. Would it be acceptable to just have a bunch of static ghosts standing there or would you expect them to move?

I'm not really questioning you directly but more toward the paying guest. The reality is that something is broken and no one wants to fix it. That's bad show no matter how you look at it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I get what you're saying. Trust me I do. But those are also just projections at HM. Very easy to fix and update. Probably very little to update or fix. But since EE is a Rollercoaster/thrill ride. An animatronic isn't as big of a deal. If the coaster didn't work because of it, they'd rush to get it fixed. I'm not listening to a WORD of these rumors of it "never being fixed". If you think they'll never fix it, you're out of your mind. They will get to it when they get to it. They have bigger things going on. When they feel the time is right, they will fix the Yeti. But as long as they see the wait times are as high as they typically are, and the coaster is running properly.. They will not put it on top of their priorities. Just be patient, enjoy the coaster and in due time, the Yeti will get it's attention it rightfully deserves.

Right now, they are still too busy pointing fingers at each other. They all agree it needs to be fixed, but who will pay for it. Nobody wants to admit fault, so whose budget will it come out of. It is mainly upper management politics.
I'm glad the yeti discussion is coming back. Maybe we can get anther update from Staggs about Fantasyland. I know your thinking "how is that connected". But think back to the last time the yeti was the major point of discussion, with it even making the Sentinel. Then all of a sudden Staggs shows up at the Sentinel with the "update" on Fantasyland (that contained no real details). The yeti discussion faded form the boards with this new "news" to talk about.

I really think they were trying to change the subject. I am I being too cynical?


Well-Known Member

I know a statement that EVERYONE will agree with.


Actually I think there is another way to look at this. It could be that the fix will cost literally millions of dollars to do right with no guarantee it will last. That is a possibility. If so, I would much rather see that money spent elsewhere.

I've seen the Yeti in both modes a few times. It really is not that big a difference. And for the first time rider or the guest that does not have time for repeated visits to any individual attraction, the difference is even less important if you ask me. They gambled big and lost. Meh. :shrug:

Of course, I have said how I would deal with the issue. I would remove the Yeti and create a seperate E-Ticket Alien Encounter/King Kong type attraction at the base of the mountain (Yeti Encounter!!!:eek:). Then make the coaster more intense by what is not seen which can be far scarier if done right.

PS- Yes I realize the last thing Joe Rhode would want is an attraction where the Yeti is featured as being captured even if it involved an escape of the creature as part of the show. But sometimes it is just best to do what would please the people buying the tickets.

Just my take on it.


Totally agree. If you can't fix it then simply remove it. Make a compeletly new Yeti and make him do something else as A Mode isn't working. E:E is a great ride whether or not you know about the yeti (in my opinion) but i still think removing the yeti or just covering the yeti up and placing him in another location on the ride.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree. If you can't fix it then simply remove it. Make a compeletly new Yeti and make him do something else as A Mode isn't working. E:E is a great ride whether or not you know about the yeti (in my opinion) but i still think removing the yeti or just covering the yeti up and placing him in another location on the ride.

I'll also agree. Fix or remove Yeti. If forces created are too great, redesign or removal seems only way to resolve unpalatable B mode.

Reminds me of a recent trip where I rode Splash Mountain just before noon. As our boat began, I noticed none of the characters were moving. Most were bent over and motionless like they had been drugged. Bees were not swarming around hives, etc. I made a point of telling CM when we exited ride and he seemed as surprised as I was that no-one else had mentioned it that morning. I rode again later in the week and everything was back to normal. It was really creepy to have stationary characters, a la Yeti.


Well-Known Member
I'll also agree. Fix or remove Yeti. If forces created are too great, redesign or removal seems only way to resolve unpalatable B mode.

Reminds me of a recent trip where I rode Splash Mountain just before noon. As our boat began, I noticed none of the characters were moving. Most were bent over and motionless like they had been drugged. Bees were not swarming around hives, etc. I made a point of telling CM when we exited ride and he seemed as surprised as I was that no-one else had mentioned it that morning. I rode again later in the week and everything was back to normal. It was really creepy to have stationary characters, a la Yeti.

Were any of the lights on? I wonder if it was a power failure. It doesn't sound like disney not to know what is going on with every aspect of their rides and to run them in such a down state.

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