Yet another griping guest... this one is so dumb she's funny


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Original Poster
No, I didn't want to come off as forward, you know...

It would have been awfully weird for a woman 38 weeks pregnant to ask a stereotypically "beautiful" blonde babe for her phone number I think! But I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you if ya like!

She seemed awfully high maintenance, but if that's what floats your boat, she's probably still somewhere on property lost on the monorail wondering why it won't take her to Animal Kingdom. She'll be the pretty blonde on the cellphone cursing at Disney. You can't miss her! :lol:


New Member
How hard would I have laughed at that stuck up bimbo? :lol: Also would have thrown in a side order of some choice words questioning her mental capacity - the sort of things the CM would have wanted to say but dare not - making sure said CM got to enjoy it :D


New Member
kaylasmom said:
Thank God I got off at the next stop!!!! Talk about your complainers! I just thought this was TOO funny, and had to share with you guys.

You got off?


I would have stayed on...just to see what happened.


Well-Known Member
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 1301370" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>TAC</TD><TD class=alt2>Nice job on the stereotyping :rolleyes:

My wife happens to be blonde, and I'll bet she is smarter than you.

I know she is!:lol:

Jekyll Baker

New Member
TiggerRPh said:
I would have stayed on...just to see what happened.

Yeah, when she got to her destination, she probably would have complained about being at the wrong Contemporary, or complained that the exit was on the wrong side of the track (as she's run over by the express line train)

A "Ghost" Host

New Member
kaylasmom said:
I just spent an absolutely GORGEOUS day at MK. The weather was beautiful and the park was not all that crowded. I ran into my favorite monorail driver and had a few words with her, saw some extremely friendly CMs, and just had a great time in general. AND THEN... I got on the resort monorail to go back to the Grand Floridian.

This young woman, I would say early to mid 20's, (blonde, tan, petite, jewelry everywhere, perfectly coiffed, blah, blah, blah) gets on the monorail at the T&T center. After the Monorail leaves the station, she stands up, starts yelling and cursing (at noone inparticular) that the Monorail is going in the wrong direction. She calls a friend of hers on the telephone, telling the friend that the "d*mn monorail is going the wrong way" and when the Monorail stops at the Polynesian, she starts complaining to a CM while still on the phone with the friend. She INSISTS to the CM that she has been at WDW for 11 days now and that just a few days earlier, the Monorail's first stop on the resort line from the T&T center was the Contemporary, and demanded to know why the Monorail was going in the wrong direction. The CM very politely informs her that the monorail has always only run in one direction, and informs her that the Contemporary will be the third stop from the Polynesian. The young woman starts yelling that she has a lunch reservation and she is going to be late for it, and that if she misses her lunch "all hell is going to break loose". (I couldn't help but sit across the monorail car snickering). She tells the CM that the Contemporary is only one stop from the T&T center, and that it will take nearly a half an hour to get around going the "wrong way". The CM states that if she happens to park at the T&T center the next time and needs to get to the Contemporary that she could just take a short walk, and the young woman said, "I'm not walking, isn't that what the monorail is for?" STILL insisting to her friend on the phone that monorail is going the wrong way. :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :lol: :lol: :lol: All this time I'm thinking, why not just PARK at the Contemporary in the first place????? DUH :veryconfu

After the monorail leaves the Polynesian station, she continues to gripe to her friend on the phone about how much she "hates this place", and that "with all the money we spend here, they should have a monorail that goes in both directions".

Thank God I got off at the next stop!!!! Talk about your complainers! I just thought this was TOO funny, and had to share with you guys.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA, Wow, I wish I could say some things but if my managers ever saw what I said about the "confused" woman.....I'd be sooo fired


Account Suspended
STR8FAN2005 said:
Apparently, he hasn't learned the lesson that women are always right....

Not true. It's just too many guys kiss female's butts (especially good looking ones) so they start to expect to be treated better and always be right and it screws over the guys that aren't going to take crap and just let women walk all over them. Ladies, just be happy we let you vote these days! (Just joshin' about the voting part!) You are equal, not better. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. :D :kiss:

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