Not a good morning.
I just read the story of Baby Samuel. It's so incredibly sad.
How can people be so brave?
I read that after hearing some very sad news here.
A Philadelphia Police Officer was shot to death last night, responding to a burglary at a bar. He never even had the chance to draw his gun.
Our family met this officer several years ago when he headed an outreach program in our former neighborhood and brought his program to the Boys and Girls Club where our daughters worked. Our family helped start a petition to nominate the officer for a prestigious award bestowed on city Police Officers every year. He did not win, but was so happy to be nominated. He earned it. He really cared about the community he worked in and put his whole heart and soul into his work.
Officer Gary Skerski was working an overtime shift on Operation Safe Streets when he was killed. He was 46 years old and married with a 13 year old son and a younger daughter.
I'm sorry to be such a downer this morning.
But I feel like I'm choking and I knew you guys would understand my need to write this down.