At Massacusetts General Hospital, the sleep lab always let Bryanna fall asleep for the EEG.
The problem is that MJ takes two very strong sedatives on a regular basis, so a mild sedative is never going to work. There is no way to sleep deprive her since in order to get her to sleep at all she needs sleeping meds and has since she was a small if she isupset enough, she can fight the effects of the sedatives and cause them not to work...(Of course, that means getting all the electrodes and goop put into her hair first...)
Yeah, that was what they wreent' able to do, she is terrified of hospitals and doctors...The first time, they could not get her to calm down, so they ended up giving her a very mild sedative, and allowing her time in a quiet room with the lights low. Then the technician was able to attach the electrodes quickly while she was drowsy.
Yeah, that was what we spent 5 hours trying to do, it was a no go
What you really need is someone who works at your local EEG lab that, obviously, has a good bedside manner and is used to dealing with children. Does MJ see a pediatric neurologist or one who treats both children and adults?
Pedi, no adults, he is GREAT, but the techs at the lab suck... I could not find a peds. neuro, but the one who runs the sleep lab was extremely helpful with an adult friend of mine with seizures and her son who had night terrors and other issues. When I was dissatisfied with the first neurologist, she recommended him. I haven't posted here lately, so I don't know if this is something you have mentioned before... but, do you think that the neuro could recommend someone on staff that might get on well with MJ? Like, meet with her before the next time she needs an EEG so that it's not a scary thing. It occurs to me that she needs extra time to get acclimated to new surroundings and situations.
She really does How often does she have an EEG done?
This was to be her baseline one to determine that, but it's a no go...I am not sure what the Neuro will do now...he has been presumptivley treating her epilepsy, he ay choose to just do that... I guess he may also put her in the hospital for a 24 hour test where he keeps her sedated.
I'm sure I'll have more questions for you later...
Ask away, I never mind.
I just hope that you are able to find medical personnel for her that are willing to have a little extra patience and care.
Me too, there is nothing worse in this world than seeing your babies scared and hurt..If they are able to make her feel more comfortable, it stands to reason that she will not fight them as much when procedures must be done.
yes, she has had 2 MRI's with the same nurses now and that has been our experience.
~speaking from experience~