It was a response to a "what's the big deal" type of post about the room check policy. I was giving an example of something that can happen/did happen with these pointless policies in place.
I don't think it is likely to happen again to me (at least I hope not) or likely to happen at WDW. However, it CAN happen and, since the procedure is completely useless, the policies shouldn't be in place. They are due to our insane legal system that can hold a company financially liable for something that they shouldn't be liable for.
I will guarantee you that, nationwide, these policies have led to more experiences like I experienced than number of incidents they prevented. I'd be willing to bet that the checks have probably never prevented an incident or crime. Maybe, if somebody is staying alone and passes away in the room they will discover it a little earlier instead of when they were supposed to check out. However, I'd imagine that, even in that scenario, there will be a smell that will alert somebody to check.